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My 6/12 CT results


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Well, it was the same as last time - a nodule reported by the radiologist. Everyone panicked, the NP said maybe a PET (AGAIN), maybe watch it closely. Took it to a hospital committee. They said it hadn't changed since my first scan at MDAnderson in Jan. '08. This is good news, of course, but I'm getting really tired of this. Next scan in 4 months.


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Yes, Kasey, you'd think that soon I'd graduate to 6 mo. or longer. I'm a 6 year survivor, or a 4 and 3/4 yr survivor (from the second tumor). The scans show "something to be watched" just about every time. Nothing ever happens, tho. Just more scans, etc.

I am grateful that this is my biggest cancer problem and I know that I shouldn't complain. The stress gets sooooooooooooooooooooooo bad tho.


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Congrats to you, my dear friend!!! Sounds like a GREAT report. Sorry you need to go through all that stuff each time but I guess we want our docs to be better safe than sorry.

Stressful??? Scans stressful????? Oh my, I have one coming up soon and I am already climbing the walls with anxiety!!!! They need to come up with something different!!!!

Anyway, congrats again and I will meet you in the Pub for a round!!!

Hugs - Patti B.

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Muriel, congratulations on the results antd commiseration on the scary report. Maybe it's the same radiologist that read mine. He saw things my onc questioned. The result though is I'll be getting another CT/PET in three months when she usually waits a year for a PET. Better safe than sorry? Don't know.

Judy in Key West

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Congratulations! I talked to my doc about my "scanxiety", he gave me a klonopin (in the ativan family) rx!. So when I start feeling anxious? Just take one of my little pills! I can't be dealing with this constant stress! Some one was calling it "mother's little helper"! Ain't that the truth! :lol:

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Yes, Xanax helps, too. One of my better friends just before scans.

Judy, the radiologist's name was Widena (or something like that) and Dr. Tseng was on maternity leave (still is), so it was Leslye that tried to make sense out of the report.

Patti and everyone else, I'll meet you at the Pub later this afternoon. Hope Kasey, Fred, and Teddy are there to open it.


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