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My friend Sabina


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I lost a friend , Sabina, to LC 2 days ago. The worse part was she found out she had LC three weeks ago and now she is gone.

I blame the doctors who for 2 years treated her for Bronchitis and pneumonia... for 2 years! If they would have given her a CT I would say she would be alive today.

Really pissed. And she just become a grandmom for the first time. The funeral is Monday.

Maryanne :cry:

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Maryanne, I am so very sorry. I have a friend who is fighting this damn disease right now. And even though the radiologist who read her CT said malignancy with lymph node involvement, her pulmonologist said 'Oh, no you have pneumonia". She had to go to the ER unable to breathe before he finally referred her to an onc. I don't know how we can change this.

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I am so sorry about your friend Maryanne, and I am angry about it right along with you. I met a woman who has since died from lung cancer. She told me that she had complained to the doctor for months about her cough and congestion. By the time she was finally diagnosed=stage 4.


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Maryanne, I am so sorry for your loss. My response to the similar stories is did the individual's cancer manifest a tumor? Mine didn't and altho I'm Stage IIIB, I might have been any of these people if I hadn't gone to a top notch facility after cancer cells turned up in the fluid when I had pneumonia. Xrays and CT scans showed nothing and even the PET indicated the probability of inflammation or low level malignancy. We desparately need a blood test that indicates lung cancer like we have for other cancers like ovarian.

I can imagine how this breakdown in the medical response intensifies your grief. Condolences to you and her family.


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Maryanne, I am so very sorry about the loss of your friend and my condolences to her family.

As for this story, I can relate. Mike's story was similar. The first time he was diagnosed, it was early stage and his right lung was removed, but 3 years later when symptoms presented themselves.. the doctor kept treating him for sinus congestion etc.. and when he made repeated visits, she decided he was depressed and gave him an antidepressant. It was bizarre... I told him at the time, that I lacked confidence in her and if he was depressed it was because he was ill. Anyhow, the upshot was after months of the wrong diagnosis, he found out he had a recurrence and was stage IV... and after a two year battle , I lost him . I guess I will always wonder why she didn't send him for a scan , especially knowing he had already lost a lung to cancer. Just an added note, his didn't show up on his xrays. It was in the bronchial stump and showed on scan. :( Wish I had found this site back at the time he was going through that. Perhaps a lesson can be learned and someone who is reading and going through similar circumstances will be very assertive and demand a scan before it's too late.

Again, Maryanne, I feel much empathy and sympathy for you and your friend's family and friends.



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Maryanne, I am so very sorry. I can sympathize with you and the anger you are feeling over this loss. My hairdresser passed away three years ago from lung cancer. The doctor had been treating her for over a year for respiratory infections, bugs, colds, bronchitis...everything you can think of except lung cancer. Can you believe he never ordered a chest xray until she finally requested he do so. His reason for not doing one was because her insurance wouldn't cover the cost and he kept telling her antibiotics would take care of the issue...it was just a matter of finding the right one.

I can tell you that a settlement was just reached and her daughter received and undisclosed amount of money from the suit that she filed against that doctor. To make things worse, her doctor knew she was a smoker and still didn't order something as simple as a chest xray.

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I am so sorry for your loss of your friend due to lung cancer.

The delayed diagnosis scenario is no stranger to us. Bill was diagnosed late due to two digital Xrays through which he was deemed, "OK."

As we all know, Bill was not OK. He went almost a year without proper treatment.

I share in your anger at the lack of a CT scan in time.


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