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Pet scan scheduled


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I’ve finally got the schedule for my next PET scan and looking forward to good results. The scan is Friday the 14th and I’m scheduled to see the surgeon on Monday the 17th. I’m praying the lympe nodes are NED so the nodule in my upper left lobe can be removed. 

I also have an appointment the 17 with an ENT doctor to look at two modules on my thyroid. The oncologist thinks it’s a whole different problem and I’m praying for just benign nodules. I had a CT and ultrasound that both thought it needed further looking in to. 

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Pet scan done now the waiting for results. I have appointments Monday with the doctor about my thyroid nodules and surgeon about the nodule on the left lung. It’s going to be a long weekend. 

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Great news at both my appointments today.

I saw the ENT doctor today and  he did a biopsy on my thyroid. I should get results  in 3 or 4 days. 

The good news is I saw the surgeon and he is doing the surgery next week. The only thing that’ll stop that is if the oncologist says there’s a problem. The doctor said the pet scan looked great and he felt he could get the rest with surgery. 

The downfall is that he can’t do VATs because of radiation and scar tissue. He said the surgery will be a little difficult but he’s done a lot worse.

hopefully I’ll get the surgery date tomorrow.  

Take Care


Im typing on my phone so sorry for typos

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I saw the oncologist yesterday and he wants me to have another bone scan before the surgery. They rescheduled the surgery for October 5th and I’ll have the bone scan this Friday the 28th. He said he sees a spot on my spine and just wants to make sure it’s not cancer. 

I did get the results on the thyroid biopsy and they show no cancer. 

My pet scan results were reviewed with me yesterday. The main tumor has shrunk enough for surgery and the lymph nodes show NED. 

The pet scan results are fantastic and I know the bone scan will be ok too!!

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