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Latest scan.

Robert  A.

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My wife had her appointment yesterday afternoon (by phone) with the oncologist to go over her latest scan. The Dr. said the scans are the same as last time with her tumor staying small. The Dr. said it could also be scar tissue and my wife will have a scan again in 10 weeks. The Dr. is  happy with the Tabrecta treatment so we will continue these pills 2 pills twice daily. My wife mentioned the swelling on her feet and hands and she said her albumin levels were down and to add more protein to her diet as this would help. The Dr. was happy, my wife and I are happy that things are going well. Hoping the best for all taking this journey. Robert

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It is always a happier day when scan reports are good news!  Keep up the good work with some more protein and hopefully your wife will feel even better.


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