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MRI results are stable


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I had my 3-month MRI this past Monday and saw the onc. radiologist today. There's nothing new to report-- YAY! The ring around the lesion they zapped is fading & breaking up. The little spots they are watching are so small they have a hard time finding them, but the head of the gamma knife program and my radiologist think they're probably just blood vessels. 

My pulse ox was 99! 

The conversation with her is always interesting. She says I've had a superb response to chemo rads and immunotherapy. But, I said, I had barely 25% of the protocol treatment for immunotherapy (Pacific Study.) She said they aren't terribly clear about how much immunotherapy it really takes to jumpstart the immune system. And, she also said she suspected the brain had already been seeded prior to any treatment. But, I said, it's my understanding that EGFR mutated lung cancer doesn't respond to immunotherapy. No, she said, according to Pacific Study treatment protocols, EGFR-positive patients had no difference in response than patients with non-EGFR mutated lung cancers. Which doesn't give you a complete picture because she didn't put her statement in context of total results, but it sounds nice. 

She also took a look at my most recent CT scans of the lungs The only thing to see is ongoing scarring from treatment and pneumonitis, and that may disappear or maybe it won't. 

Pretty amazing, right? I am feeling very, very grateful. 



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Wow! This is superb news. Of course, you might know I am a big fan of precision radiation and am so happy your treatment blasted those troubling mets.

I don't think any of us has a complete picture on immunotherapy treatment, especially duration of treatment. I've heard there is an emerging standard that suggests 2 years of therapy, then screening. Missing when discussing duration is the fact that immunotherapy works and many late stage lung cancer survivors are leading productive lives because of this treatment. My radiation scarring cleared up and yours will likely clear also.

Stay the course.


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This is such good news.  I'm thrilled to see these results.  Also, thanks for the information regarding immunotherapy.  I have a lot to learn in that area and every bit helps.  Enjoy the good news and celebrate as you see fit.


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