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I went to the doctors on Monday prepared to tell him that I needed some time off. For months I've been singing the *nausea* blues to one and all but no one and nothing has been able able to remedy this. You say to someone you feel nauseous and it conveys NOTHING of what I feel. I can't continue with the chemo at this time (have completed 3, was about to start my fourth. He agreed that we could take a 2-week break and then I'll return to see him.

In the meantime, he told me the results of the scans, Two of 3 of the tumours to the brain have disappeared (although they are not altogether sure if that small one remaining is a tumour). The mediastinal area is totally free of tumours and i have one small one on the right adrenal gland which has shrunk a lot. The doctor is pleased. I on the other hand am in such a horrible place that it has barely registered.

They *say* oh you are brave. Well i'm not feeling brave. And what does that mean anyway? Because I chose chemo. Well now I don't choose chemo!! Some say that's brave *takes courage*. Perhaps. Well then where does that put me as I can seem to choose between the two. And in the end, it doesn't matter. Life goes on whether you like it or not....Or Not?? There is that third option, that tabu option.

I am deeply ashamed on the one hand to be unloading all of the above on you all especially in view of the fact that you would be so very happy with the news that I got and consider that I should be grateful. I guess my answer to that is that I imagine I would be taking pleasure in the news IF I WASN'T SO INCREDIBLY OVERWHELMED DAY AND NIGHT WITH THIS NAUSEA. It robs you of your appetite, your sleep, your concentration etc. And as its 24 yrs, it makes you so tired that you just stay bedridden. It shows no sign of lessening and this is scaring me.

Sorry about the disjointed and increadibly whiny post. It really doesn't merit a response (what can one say?). I promised and update. Unfortunately it came with a lot of garbage.

God Bless UsAll


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I am so sorry to hear how badly you are still feeling. I took zofran and it seemed to help. I know how hard it is to find joy in a silver lining when you are so sick to your stomach. May I ask what kind of chemo you are on? I took carbo/VP16. It made me sick but not the way you are describing.

I will be keeping you in my prayers that you feel better soon and that they will be able to continue the chemo later. It seems to be working for you and that is sooo important in the long run.


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I believe you are on the Cisplatin/ VP16 regime... correct? I was on that for 2 cycles, and I can empathize with what you are feeling. I switched to Taxotere for the last 3, and I really felt like I couldnt do any more Cisplatin. It is a harsh chemo protocol....On the UP side you are getting GREAT results, and maybe a 2 week break will be just the thing to improve your spirits... Hang tough, you are doing great... and while the treatments are pretty brutal, if it proves to save your life it will be well worth it.

Take care... you will be in my prayers.


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I am sorry that you are so nauseated and not doing well with that. I am happy for you that the tumors are gone and or shrinking. I went to Nuero Surgeon today. Will have surgery in about 2-1/2 weeks. I was dizzy and had nausea, doc told me to get Meclizine HCI 25mg made by Geneva for the nausea. It is over the counter here in the states. Not sure about there in Canada. It worked for me, maybe it will for you too... You are in my prayers and hope this all passes real soon. Please keep up the good spirit and attitude. We are here for you and thinking of you. Please keep us posted...

Blessings and Gentle Hugs from So. California


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I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. While I do not have problems with nausea, I do have IBS-D (Irritable Bowel Syndrom with Diareah) and know that when the stomach is involved it rules your whole life. When my IBS kicks in you could tell me I just won the state lottery and it just wouldn't register. So don't be ashamed that your not doing an Irish jig over the news. My hope for you is that by taking a break from the chemo you can start to feel better and come to appreciate what sounds like good news concerning your cancer and will be able to sit down with yourself and make what ever decisions you need to make.

For now ... take a MUCH needed and well deserved break!


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Nausea, in my book, is the worst feeling in the world (except for induced labor :shock: ). The idea of being nauseous 24/7...well, we have laws against cruel and unusual punishment.

I'm sorry you feel so bad. I sincerely hope the break from chemo will revive your spirits. And since anti-nausea meds work better at preventing nausea rather than curing it, maybe you'll be able to get on top of the problem.

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You have NO reason to feel bad about unloading here. That is what we are here for--to listen, to offer advice, to offer empathy, to offer support and to love each other.

The quality of your life is what is important and if nausea has you basically bedridden, then it HAS to be dealt with.

I hope the weeks off give you relief and renewed energy to make the next decisions.

Love yourself.


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Thank you all for your suggestions. I have tried most of them but to no no avail. Acupuncture is next on my list. Who knows??

Joe, my three rounds of chemo consisted of cisplatin/taxotere. Tough combination. But as many of you have indicated, its working even if it is killing me in the process.

As mentioned by most of you, I will try to make this short break work for me. But this will only work of I can get some respite.

Thank you are for your concern. God Bless us All..


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What a bittersweet note from you - your words do convey your frustration. I can hear you just want to feel better for a little while, at least!

I can also hear your spirit and the knowledge that it will happen.

My heart and thoughts are with you!

Blessed Be,

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Francine -

Sorry to hear you're feeling so crappy - but you're right to listen to your body (unless your doctor were strongly disagree-ing!)

Take a short break - try to get some rest - eat some food (and keep it down!) - to gain some strength to fight this beast.

Great results so far!

Hugs and prayers,


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