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Just a quick introduction ...

K and Kids

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My name is Karen and I am the daughter of "Paddy" and David. Wife to a wonderful man and mom to a 9 year old daughter and 3 (almost 4) year old son. Oh, and two furry creatures who say "meow".

I have been 'lurking' :oops: here since my Mom sent me the link for this site when my Dad was first diagnosed with NSCLC. You are an amazing group of people and I so appreciate your words, wisdom and support.

I am glad that my Mom has you to come to. Unfortunately, I am across the country from my parents and the distance is especially hard during times like this. There is a great deal on my mind in and in my heart but I can not seem to find the words right now ... forgive me. The questions will come to me I am sure and hopefully they won't as disjointed as this message.

Thank you.

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Welcome Karen and sorry you have to be here. I have posted often with your mother. It must be very difficult to be so far away at this time, but I am sure your parents know that you are there for them.

Ask us any questions you have. This is a wonderful, caring, supportive and knowledgable group.


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Welcome, Karen!

I am glad that your mom sent you this link and I hope your "lurking" has been helpful to you. We, however, are glad that you are out of "lurk" mode. I only found this site a week ago and it has already helped me (and my fiancee) tremendously.

I know how hard it is to be so far away from your parents when they are sick (my mom had just decided to return to North Carolina--where she grew up--when she was diagnosed with breast cancer for the 2nd time, this past fall).

All the best,


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Welcome, Karen. May the posts here give you peace of mind and help you to sustain Hope through this very trying journey. Make sure you put on comfortable shoes, the walking can get real difficult at times, but there is safety in numbers and if you stumble, we'll help you back up.

I'm sorry you have reason to be here, but am looking forward to hearing more from you - even if you ARE "staff" to two felines... :wink:

Take care,


aka Snowflake

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Thanks to everyone. You are a terrific group of people. :)

cathy - yes, we are the family in MI. We are looking forward to the visit very much. Also we are hoping the weather will be nice ... it is a little confusing today with it being sunny and COLD. But little green things are popping up all over the garden so spring is on the way.

SharKats - I never thought I would be a "cat mom" but I sure do love our furry kids.

Snowflake - my Dad is with you on this one ... he insists that I need a small black canine running around our house. I have two kids to chase and pick up after so that takes care of that. You are right though, we are lucky to be allowed to live here as the unpaid help to our kittys.

Paddy - Hi MOM! Maia and Scott send a hug to you and GRANDPA.

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Hi Karen and family,

Welcome! I am in the same state as your mom and dad. I am probably about one hour from them. The weather out here has been great, so come on out and enjoy, no snow. I love kitty's too. They are so much fun and very interesting to say the least. Mine thought he was a dog and acted like one. He was raised with a small little Silky Terrier and she ruled the roost with him, even though he was bigger than her. They sure loved each other, slept in the same bed...

Hopeyou have a safe trip and look forward to many more of your visits and posts.

Your mom's name, Paddy. Sounds a little Irish to me. lol :)

Blessings and prayers,


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