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facial swelling

Guest Phyllis

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Guest Phyllis

I am having a hard time figuring out this facial swelling I keep getting. I have been off of chemo for almost three weeks now. I have never had low blood counts but I guess mine really dropped right after I had a dose of gemzar. I also had an Urinary Tract Infection at the same time with 102 degree fever for four days.

The doctor at the time said that I needed more protein which now I know means that I am anemic? He said I was retaining too much fluid. The surgeon I saw last week said it was not the tumors causing the fluid retention (Drs. are so d----- helpful). I did start eating non-stop and I also took a strong diurectic. The swelling went away.

I was fine until Sunday when after running myself into the ground and losing my appetite my face started to swell again. I did not take the diurectic at the time. These diurectics come from a not very reputable doctor so I don't know what strength they were. I am now on 40 mgs. of Lasix a day and eating again but the swelling is still there. Do I need a stronger diurectic or is the swelling due to anemia and I need to keep eating and hope that it goes away. This balloon face is upseting me. Thanks.

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I am sorry that I can't be much more help, other than to ask if you are taking any sort of steroid? I know that they can cause you face/neck to swell.

I hope you resolve this situation quickly, I will be thinking of you!



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Call your oncologist and talk to the nurse about your concerns.

Protein is protein -- more likely a nutritional lack (eat!!)

Anemia is low red cell count.

If you aren't on steroids,

and dont have any good reason for facial swelling (is it just your face?) ANEMIA IS NOT A REASON.

I think it's very important you aggressively pursue this with your doctor.

(If the doctor isn't reputable, why do you use his services? Meds should come in tamper proof packaging from a sales rep OR from a licensed pharmacy).

Please don't let it slide as it might be something serious, like a blockage in return circulation or lymph. Maybe your electrolytes are way off. That could be really serious. Please talk to the oncologist's nurse...

Prayers it's all okay...



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Guest Phyllis

Thank you as always. The reason I thought it might be anemia is Donna G had said that when you have anemia sometimes the water leaks out of the blood vessels or something. I just tried some of my sister's diurectics last week because this was driving me crazy and the swelling went away that day and I felt better. I do have a call into the oncology nurse today. I am also going to buy some gatorade and see if that helps. I am eating but don't feel like it.

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My latest symptoms have nothing to do with LC, my thyroid is out of whack. My doctor has been tracking it for a while since it was dancing on a borderline of normal/not normal. As soon as it dipped below the line, the medication started... I'm STILL gaining weight, but one of my BIG worries was not just that I was gaining weight, but that I FELT puffy...like the StayPuft Marshmallow Man from "Ghostbusters"!

Eat more protein (red meat), DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. If you are still retaining water, and you had a UTI, you COULD have an issue with your kidneys...

Call your doctor, list ALL the "oddities" (sometimes it's the small ones that really point out something)...

Good luck!


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When you replied, you didn't say if you were taking Steriods. I am on Decadron and slowly being weaned off of it now. I have the face swelling and also in the neck. My niece calls me Auntie Chipmunk. This is one of the side effects ofthis steriod plua it increases your appitite. I have gained twenty pounds in five months. A lot of it is water retention. Watch your salt intake also, it makes you retain water. If this is not the case I would suggest seeing your doctor. Praying that you can get an answer soon...

Thinking of you!

Blessings and hugs,


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Phylis, not a good idea to take your sisters diutetic!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: Do you know what your Hemoglobin is? Do you know what your serum protein is? These are questions for your doctor. Please let him decide what you need. Donna G

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taking a diuretic without insuring that you keep your potassium levels up is a BIG mistake. Taking anyone elses meds is a BIG mistake. Please contact your docs right away.

If your diet is protein deficient it can cause all kinds of problems. Make yourself eat a soft boiled egg if you can't get anything else down.

Good grief...please let us know how you are doing. I am worried. :(

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My husband was on decadron and he had the swelling of his face and neck and also his feet and ankles the oncologist gave him lasix and it worked. Oh and he ate and ate and ate and ate all day long and he gained 25 pounds but has since lost it now since he was weaned off of decardon, and now I am having a heck of a time getting him to eat. any how check with your oncologist. Charolette

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Please don't take any more medications that are not precribed for YOU.

Its dangerous. If your oncologist doesn't have a good answer for you have you got another reliable doc that can see you and get to the bottom of all of this? Try to eat and drink plenty of fluids. Let us know as soon as you find a good answer for what is going on.


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With regard to adding protein into your diet -- it doesn't HAVE TO BE red meat (Snowflake!!!!! :wink: )

Here is a little protein chart I just came across:

In 100 grams of these foods = Content of protein grams

Beef: 13.7

Chicken: 18.6

Kidney beans: 23.6

Nori Sea Vegetable: 38.8

Cheese: 24.9

Brown Rice: 7.5

Barley: 12.5

Just some protein alternatives to red meat (Can you say "Mad Cow"???) :roll:

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

There are at least a dozen reasons that the face swells including allergies to foods, medicines, sinus problems, STRESS, liver problems, cancer, etc. I especially agree with Lisa O (see the doctor as soon as possible)

Did you get this Lasix online? Did a reputable doctor prescribe it? If not, IMHO (in my humble opinion) you should stop the drug. Too many of the drugs you can get "under the table", including online, are contaminated, not properly refined or manufactured. They can cause problems that make the aggravation caused by a moon face seem trivial.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.


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I also had quite a bit of facial swelling & weight gain, but , that's when I was on Decadron. Steroids will do that. I also agree with the others, do not take anyone elses meds. I also agree with Hebbie re alternatives to protein other than red meat. Here in SE Alaska we fish allot so Salmon, Halibut & shrimp are big on our menu. If you do buy salmon try to stay away from the farmed fish & go for the wild salmon. It should say on the package. Good luck & I hope you feel better.


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