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Prayers Please...

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My Mom is in crisis tonight. I fixed her a cup of tea this morning and went back in to the kitchen, when I came back she had fallen off of the sofa and was just limp and crying. I got her back on the sofa and called the nurse. Got her O2 turned up and some meds on board to help the breathing, by the time the nurse got there her O2 sats were down to 72%. We've managed to get her back up to 85% on high flow, but she's declining rapidly.

Prayers please for God's hand to guide us in the direction we need to go....prayers for an angel to sit with us through the night.


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thank you for the prayers....they have worked.

We made it through the night and she really rested comfortably through the night, must have been those special angels.

I know the time is drawing closer and we're doing the best we can. They sent hospice nurses to spend the night with us, just to make sure we didn't have another crisis. Today, her sats are a little better and at least stable.

she's very tired, sleeping most of the time....but very coherent and aware when she is awake. her sister came in today from arizona and my nephew is coming in from Calif tonight.....

The timeframe is in her hands, held tightly by God's.

Thanks again,


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Thank goodness those angels helped your Mom through the night. And I'd like to offer some advice that the wonderful hospice doctor gave us the day before we lost TBone: "When he's awake and conversive, enjoy him." So please - enjoy your Mom - and she will enjoy you as well.



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I know this time is difficult for you, but it's also a very special time with your Mom. It was so hard losing my dad, but I was so glad I was with him during his final moments. We were able to keep communicating until about a day or so before he died, but we kept him peaceful. Even though he couldln't speak to us, we knew he was with us and being taken care of by many angels.

May you hold the special memories of your mom in your heart and may God give you and your family strength and peacefulness to make it through the tough days ahead. It means so much to your Mom for you to be there. You can help her to her next journey . . .

God Bless!

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