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Radiation question, is this normal?


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Hi Friends,

As many of you know, I finished 11 rounds of radiation late last month. I felt really good throughout the whole process. However since I finished the radiation I have run a constant low grade temperature and have basicly been feeling mostly miserable. Headache and fever, diarrea, and fatigue for over 2 weeks seems excessive to me. I told PCP about it and he says it is just my body working through the toxins. Is he right and I just need to ride it out? I feel like I will never be well again. I do see the onc on Friday. Any thoughts about it would be appreciated.



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Hi Betty,

I had been feeling pretty good right after my brain Rad. Then the fatigue, nausea and the blah feeling hit. I have to admit it lasted at least a month for me. So hang in there and get some good books. I'm still working on getting all of it back. Today is a 3 month check. very anxious. May take one of my ativans! Hope you are feeling better soom.

Hugs, Prayers & Positive energy for you...Rachel

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I agree with some of the others. Radiation works for weeks after you finish. It also can run down your immune system making it more likely that you will catch something else. I would tell the oncologist about it. If your fever is over 100 call sooner than Friday. I hope it turns out to be something easily fixed...if not..hang in there...radiation was the pits for me.


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Thanks every one, so this was to be expected. The temp has never gone above 100 so I will wait until Friday. I probably won't be posting for a while until I feel better. Do you think Ry will give me a Hall Pass over the weekend? I find I have the energy to read, but not type. Any how thanks for all the reassurance.



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I will give you a hall pass if you call your onc about your symptoms. I don't think a fever and diarhea are part of the radiation treatments...you might have picked up a bug while your system was weak. How's that for blackmail?

Hope you are dancing soon...

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Well I went to see Onc, and he had nothing to say about the temps. Of course when I got to his office I was 98.6, which is high for me, but normal in the med. world. My red blood count had plummeted down to 8.9, so they shot me with Procritt and I am back to weekly blood tests and Procritt shots. It's no wonder I am so exhausted all the time. He is concerned with the amount of weight I have lost, but I contend it is mostly water, I was so swollen and bloated. He is sending me for a chest xray, and will see me in a couple weeks. So I am still running a low grade temp and feeling lousy. Please forgive me if I don't post as much as usual, I am always praying for all of us and I read all posts daily, it just depends on energy levels to type an answer. When you have good news I will Happy Dance for you even if I don't type it! When the news is sad I will send hugs and prayers even if I don't type it. I just need more stamina right now, and it will take some time to build it up.

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My husband had this as well, at least the fever. He had a constant fever of approx. 100.5 to 101.5 for 3-4 weeks after radiation and chemo. Antibiotics didn't help, tylenol would bring it down, but it would pop right back up, and he just felt lethargic with the fever. They finally put him in the hospital and did all kinds of blood tests and blood cultures and never did come up with a reason. He was in the hospital for 3 1/2 days, and about 1 week later, the fever just went away. The onc just assumed it was associated with the radiation. He said it wasn't uncommon to develop a fever after radiation, but he got concerned when it lasted so long, especially since it was getting above 101. He had us write down the temps at least 4 times a day and take them to him on each visit.

I certainly don't know if this is the same situation as you are having, but that's what happened to him.



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Betty, hope you are feeling better soon. There is a really neat book out there called The Bible Cure for Cancer. It has some good ideas to help with tiredness and good foods to eat that have anti-cancer properties. It also has some really good biblical quotes that helped my mom through all her radiation and chemo she has had so far. It's not real big and is easy reading. Good luck to you!

God bless and keep you all, and above all, keep up the fight!!

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Betty, hope you are feeling better soon. There is a really neat book out there called The Bible Cure for Cancer. It has some good ideas to help with tiredness and good foods to eat that have anti-cancer properties. It also has some really good biblical quotes that helped my mom through all her radiation and chemo she has had so far. It's not real big and is easy reading. Good luck to you!

God bless and keep you all, and above all, keep up the fight!!

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I didn't have fever and diarrhea after radiation, just the throat problem and fatigue that are so common. I think that a specific question like side effects of a procedure should be asked of the doctor performing it, not your PCP. It's a specialty, not general care.

Hope you're up step-dancing soon!


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Hi Betty,

I started feeling bad about 2 weeks after completing radiation; having trouble breathing, etc. Went to onc, she said radiation induced pneumonitis, gave me antibiotics and steriods.

One week later felt worse. Went back and another onc sent me straight to the hospital. Had another bronoscopsy(?), various tests, etc. They found some form of TB and put me in isolation and started me on "TB meds" which sent my BP plummeting to the point I had to have sodium chloride IV to bring it up. (I'm a high BP person and have been for 24 years - I use to take 4 different meds to keep it in normal range). I was all set to go home when I got a 103 temp and they said I wasn't going anywhere. I ended up being there 2 weeks and left with a diagnosis of asthma, COPD and mild emphysema along with a lung infection, Micro-bacterial Avian something or other. It's a common contaminent that only affects people with bad lungs which I have. It also requires a year's worth of antibiotics to which I am allergic so we're just gonna watch and see if I have any problems - maybe I won't have to deal with it at all.

Anyway, you definitely need to see your onc so he can closely monitor you until you're feeling better. I only had 25 radiation treatments - you had 6 more!

Sure hope you are feeling much better very soon!!

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