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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Wendy

    Alan is with God

    Debbie, I am so very sorry. My prayers are with you and your loved ones. Wendy
  2. Three cheers for many more anniversaries ahead Carol!! A celebration was definetly in order and it sounds like you had a great one. Wendy
  3. Gail, My deepest sympathy. Wendy
  4. I hope you have a truly enjoyable visit. Time for both of you to relax and get to feeling better. Wendy
  5. Hi Susan, I can't say that I have heard of swelling you are describing. Maybe other members will have an idea. I hope you find out what is going on and that it is resolved quick and easily. Wendy
  6. Many more prayers, Wendy
  7. Wendy

    Basically NED

    Thanks so much for checking in - We can always use good news! Wendy
  8. Hi Marianne, This may sound a little "off" but have you ever had an optical mirgraine headache? I never had them until after I was given Cisplatin/VP16. Suddenly I would be hit with vision problems - spots bright/dark/strobe lights, focus off, Blind spots,nausea - that type of thing. I initially only got the weird vision disturbances but never got the actual migraine headache- now occasionally I get the full blown headache (but more times I can ward it off with drugs once I noticed the signs of one coming on). After several mri's of the brain, eyes checked, ears checked they finally figured out I had optical migraines. Keep us posted, Wendy
  9. Wendy


    I am so happy for you Dave!! Cheers, Wendy
  10. Cheers to continued better days and a healthy Hank being release from the hospital. Wendy
  11. Hi Maryea, I wanted to chime in that my mets in my spine & pelvis were caught with my pet scans. Once there was an abnormality noted, I had MRI's to look at the spine closer. Mention it to her doctors if the pain continues so they can investigate it further. My doc has a policy that I am to call her and report anything pain/aches etc. if they don't go away on their own after 2 weeks. Waiting the 2 weeks has helped me not to worry so much. I have my fingers crossed that mom will be feeling better soon. Keep us posted, Wendy
  12. Wendy

    I'm still alive!

    Great news! Wendy
  13. Paul, So sorry to hear about the new met causing pain - I hate this cancer! I did have radiation to my ischuim bone in my pelvis 2 1/2 yrs ago for a met. This is the butt cheek bone that you sit on. I was given 10 radiation treatments and the pain did go away, along with the cancer. I started feeling better about a week or 2 after the radiation. I since have no cancer in that area or pain (other than an occasional ache). Try not to get too discouraged by the time line. These docs really don't know how much time we have. I hope that Michael starts getting some pain relief soon. Keep us posted. Wendy
  14. Wendy

    five years

    Debi, Cheers to many more years! Thanks for sticking around and giving others hope and inspiration. Wendy
  15. Kelly, More prayers, Wendy
  16. Right handed by left lung..... Wendy
  17. Slight acid reflux symptoms. Doc thought that was all it was, but did an ekg and chest xray. Both came back great. Doc sent me home with reflux meds. One day later Doc calls back and the radiologist compared my scan to one done 2 years ago and found a spot on my lung...... Wendy
  18. Wendy

    PET results-GREAT!!!

    Great news! Wendy
  19. Wendy

    Scan News

    Great great news!! Time to enjoy summer, Wendy
  20. What a beautiful daughter you have. Glad to hear the procedure went well. Wendy
  21. Wendy

    Scan Results

    I just love to hear those magic words! Cheers to many more good reports. Wendy
  22. Congratulations - Definetly time for a deep breath and then a celebration! Wendy
  23. Wendy

    My Mom

    Great great news! Wendy
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