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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Ok Judy I am close to tears now. I love the pictures, but you know what gives me more joy is that..... Your starting to feel a little like yourself again!! I know we all think about seeing the other side of this jouney. You l statement is a reminder that there are lights at the end of the tunnel and we can feel a little normal again. Thanks for the inspiration!!! Wendy
  2. Hi Coni, I was going to suggest blood clots or neuropathy (Ned and Patti beat me too it). I have had neuropathy in both my hands and feet. I didn't have Taxol but sister-in-law had it and had horrible pains in her legs during treatment. She was given an narcotic to help ease the pain. Once her treatment was over the pain went away. I dont know that she had problems in just one leg at a time though. Hopefully your husband will start feeling better and nothing is going on. If you both are concerned though, continue to look into it until your comfortable that it is just the chemo. Hoping for better days ahead, Wendy
  3. Wendy


    Cheers to you both!! Wendy
  4. Wendy

    Pink Month

    Yeah, yeah, yeah the pink gets makes me mad...... BUT I want to find out how the SGKF got off the ground and what type of marketing geniuses they have worked with for the past couple of years. I would give anything to try to find out more about the organization, to use it as a model for lc or all cancers in general. I am a pretty quiet and shy type (ok Connie B and others may not agree but I think I will do a little digging if I can handle dealing with all of the pink. I also hope that all the money that is being raised for breast cancer is truly being used for that and not all the $$ going to administration and waste. When I think about the $$ that they have from donations! I do think that we are getting closer to a cure for all cancers. Breast cancer may get their first, but it will benefit us all, don't you think. Hoping for a cure for all of us! Wendy
  5. Patti, And cheers to many more anniversaries ahead. AWESOME news!! Wendy
  6. Geesh Joe, I forgot your "story" and really appreciated your including it in your message. If your story doesn't inspire us all, I don't know what will. Cheers to many more celebrations and continued good health. Wendy
  7. I am another long term survivor with Tarceva for 2yrs 9 months. I was also on Iressa for 9 months before I took Tarceva. I am a woman, caucasian, limited smoker (8 years in my 20) diagnosed at 39. I was Stage IIIa after surgery where they removed my left lung and 21 Positive lymph modes - in other words a "sick puppy" cancer wise but heather if you forget about the cancer. Definetly seek another opinion on the Tarceva One thing I might also suggest is to ask the current oncologist if the reason is only because of the ethnic group. I wonder if any of the docs decision could be related to the abdomin/bowel issues that your mom has suffered recently. Unfortunately Tarceva can be tough on the bowels/abdomin. Just a thought. Keep pushing for answers, Tarceva has done wonders for many of us. Wendy
  8. Marianne, What a great idea for the mask. I got one this week too. Wasn't sure what I was going to do with it except try to get some sympathy at how yucky the mask was. Definetly post your pictures when you done. Wendy
  9. Wendy

    Happy birthday Mom

    Nick, Definetly a time for reflecting and rememberance of your dear mom. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Wendy
  10. Kim, Your post gave me chills. How sweet is that, taking her to the restaurant you had your first date at. How romantic!! Cheers to many great memories ahead. Wendy
  11. Hi Tammy, Welcome to LCSC. The metalic taste you husband talks about is the pits. I had it and hated it. I however didn't have it for more than a couple of months. Things I tried that may or maynot have helped eliminate the taste was to drink lots and lots of water, brushed teeth with a toothpaste for dry mouths and I sucked on lots of sugar free candy and chewed gum. Whether these things helped me or the taste just went away on its own, I am not sure. I hope that your hubby starts feeling better soon. Wendy found that if I sucked on candy or chewed gum that I didn't notice it as much. I also drank water by the gallon. I am not sure if it helped or if it just started to get better, but thats what I did.
  12. Ree, My sincere sympathy on the loss of your mother. Lung cancer has taken way too many beautiful people! Wendy
  13. Hi Cyndy, What a great way to remember Tim. I imagine he smiled watching you eat his candy treat in memory of him. Wendy
  14. Wendy

    Kelly's latest scan

    Hip Hip Horray for good news!! I do hate the minutes between when the doc walks in and when they give you results. It could be a time frame of 1 minute or 10 but I always want to jump out of my skin until the doc blurts the results out. Time for the both of you to celebrate the good news. Wendy
  15. Wendy

    Good bye to Dad

    I am so sorry. My prayers and thoughts are with you and yours. Wendy
  16. Wow Mitch - 175 lbs is fantastic, that is like losing another person. Great to hear that your mom is doing good also. Wendy
  17. Congratulations to Dad and cheers to many more anniversaries ahead. Wendy
  18. Hugs to you Shrimp during this difficult time. I am glad your father is comfortable. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours, Wendy
  19. Life is good indeed Ron!! Are you doing anything fun to celebrate your good News? Wendy
  20. Wendy

    Still NED!

    Janet, Hip Hip Horray! Cheers to continued good reports ahead, Wendy
  21. Hi Amy, Sorry I am a little slow welcoming you. I am glad to hear that your dads oncologist visit went good and that there is now a plan in place to start fightiing this beast! You had asked about doc at the U of MN, I know that a Dr. Dudek is a lung specialist that I have heard is fabulous. He is involved in both clinical trials and patient care. In any case, you are in good hands at the U, I heard they do a great job. You dont mention how close you are to the U but I wanted to mention that there is a in-person lung cancer group in St. Paul . If you have any interest in the group, just pm me. Prayers that better days are ahead, Wendy
  22. Hi Grimie, Welcome to the board. I am a 4 yr 6 mo adenocarcinoma survivor. I was diagnosed at stage IIIa but progressed and have been at stage 4 for 2 years 9 months. I have had 2 spine mets and one pelvis met that have occured over the last 2 1/2 yrs. My treatment after the bone mets has been Tarceva daily. In addition to the Tarceva I had some Avastin iv treatments that were given every 3 weeks for the 1st year and then stopped until January 2008 when a new spine met was found. I am now on the Avastin again and still taking the Tarceva daily. I had Zometa every 6 weeks for the 1st year also. I also had radiation to one spine met and pelvic that was causing me pain for 10 days in January 2006. I have my fingers crossed that the Tarceva will work its miracle on you. Let us know how you are doing and feel free to pm me if you want more info on the treatment I have had. Wendy
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