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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Wendy

    Scan time

    Yahoo Jamie, Enjoy the summer! Wendy
  2. I have been on Tarceva for 2 1/2 years and have had pain come and go over the years. My doctor attributed it to MAYBE chemo, maybe age, maybe a bad mattress, maybe maybe maybe Aging. Who knows what the culprit is for me, I just treat the symptoms and somehow they go away or move to another location of my body. If it is the Tarceva, I say bring it on - Tarceva has worked great for me for 2 1/2 years. Wendy
  3. Sandra, I don't have any experience with the surgery after radiation for spine mets but I have a friend locally that just had the procedure that put cement into the holes in the spine. She wasn't having any pain prior to the surgery, the doc just said that they should fill the hole BEFORE it becomes a big problem if it collapses later. The procedure was pretty tough on her. I will see if I can get her to send you more specifics personally. I hope you are soon feeling better. Wendy
  4. Wendy


    My sincere sympathy. Wendy
  5. More prayers being sent to you, Jerry and Mom. Wendy
  6. Wendy

    Two Years!!

    Congratulations and cheers to many more anniversaries ahead Lilly! Wendy
  7. Fabulous news Tracy! Time for a celebration, Wendy
  8. Dar, So sorry to hear this news. I hope that the results were misread and that better days are ahead. Wendy
  9. Wendy


    Dave, I have been taking Tarceva for 2 1/2 years now and for me the fatigue comes in spurts. One week I will be feeling great, the next I just can't get enough rest. I haven't resorted to adding any drugs to offset the fatigue. I too have heard that taking it at night helps some. Wendy
  10. Welcome Ellie, Sorry to hear that your treatment has been a bit rough. I hope your next treatment goes much smoother and that you have better days ahead. Wendy
  11. Hi Nancy, Sorry to hear that it is time to change your treatment course! I did have vp16 but it was in a combo with cisplatin. Overall I had very limited side effects and good results, so I have my fingers crossed that the vp16 is the magic bullet. Wendy
  12. What great news on your mom and to add to the celebration your first baby too! I agree with Randy, once you have the new little one, you will have to show us pictures. Good luck for an easy delivery, Wendy
  13. Diane, Welcome to LCSC! Wendy - 4+ yr non-small cell survivor
  14. Marianne, I had my first port done right after I had lung surgery so I was unable to wear a bra and it made the incision quite painful. I just had a new port put in (I had the original taken about about 2 years ago) and wearing a bra day and night for about a week made me so much more comfortable. Maybe that would help you with the pain. I hope you are feeling better soon. Wendy
  15. It is always great and inspiring to hear about other long term survivors!! Thanks for sharing, Wendy
  16. Yahoo - time for a celebration! Wendy
  17. I am a 4 yrs 2 month survivor. When I was initially diagnosed I was stage IIIa, and in January 2006 I was restaged to iv because of mets to my bone. The roller coasters that dealing with cancer can bring are pretty touch some days, but I try to focus on things that bring me joy and happiness. I try not to punish myself when I am feeling down - I embrace it and then let it go. I wish you all the best in your journey. Wendy
  18. Christine, My prayers are being said for your step father and your family. I hope that this is a false alarm and that lc isn't the culprit. Wendy
  19. My prayers are with you and your family. Wendy
  20. Hi There, I have been on Tarceva for the last 2 years, 4 months. The drug has me stable and still Going Strong! I hope your sister starts feeling better soon, Wendy
  21. Wendy

    Traped lung

    I will be thinking about you! Wendy
  22. Wendy

    Fluid drain

    Prayers are being sent. Wendy
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