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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Glad you are back and recovering. Wish you the best plan for you. Don
  2. You know you're an LCSC member when you ask for a hall pass to go on vacation. You know you're an LCSC member when you finally meet someone on the board in person for the first time and you feel they are a long time friend (they are!). Don
  3. Don Wood

    Prayers please

    Prayers for mom, dad and you.
  4. I have always liked the name Donald or Don. It was not a family name, so it was unique for me. Don't really know why Mom chose that name, but I have always liked it. Don
  5. Prayers for Andrea's mom and recovery.
  6. Don Wood

    Nina 2000

    Well, folks, our own Nina (aka Nushka) has made her 2000th post today. Nina has been with us for more than 1 1/2 years and has been a great support to us all. She is a 2 1/2 year survivor and going strong. Congratulations, Nina, and we look forward to many more posts from you. Don
  7. Don Wood

    The Battle Rages

    Hang in there, Joyce.
  8. Good luck, Ralph. Prayers for successful surgery and good recovery. Don
  9. Congratulations, Dad! Way to go!
  10. 1) God is good. 2) The outpouring of caring, support and encouragement from the boards and from our other friends and family. 3) Our daughter met us for dinner tonight. 4) A special friend had lunch with us. 5) We have several options of treatment still open to us.
  11. May the second half be better than the first. It has to be -- my birthday is in it! Don
  12. Hold onto the hope. My prayers are with you. Don
  13. Well, rats! And other appropriate expletives! We went to the med onc today and got the PET scan report. The LC has returned in multiple parts of Lucie's body. Liver (some new places -- and the onc has ordered a CAT scan to assess better, which she will undergo on Friday). Bones: right hip, sacrum, spine - several places, lower left rib posterior, right shoulder. her right lower leg has been hurting again, so that is most probably a spot as well. Onc has ordered Navelbine/Gemzar combination to start Thursday. First week, both; second week, Navelbine alone; third week, nothing. She will also get Neulasta and Aranesp shots for blood buildup. We are disappointed, yes, but there are treatments. We are hopeful that this treatment will be as successful as previous ones. Keep us in your prayers. Don
  14. Vent away! That's why we are here. As the rad treatments progress it will become less of an unknown for you and the stomach butterflies hopefully will fly away. Best to you. Don
  15. It is quite natural to want the time with your husband. It is also quite normal for him to want to work and put some normalcy back into his life. This is an area you both need to talk about together and find a middle ground that will help you both. It's tough but worth it. Good luck. Don
  16. Lucie's main tumor was on her upper spine at C-7/T-1. It was successfully treated with radiation, followed by chemo for all the bone mets. Don
  17. I think going to work is a way of coping for Gary, and gives him some control of his life, since cancer took a lot of that away. Be patient. Don
  18. Wonderful story. Wonderful people.
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