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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Lucie and Don

    Well, we got back from our week in the Virgin Islands and the rounds started again. Lucie has been hving increased pain in her right leg, where one of the original bone mets were. An x-ray revealed the darn thing had come back, so she started radiation treatments Thursday. We were surprised they would radiate an area they had already done, but they are spreading the dosage out to 20 treatments. We anticipate she will start feeling the relief toward the end of this coming week. She had to use a walker at present. Well, as if that wasn't enough -- I started having intermittent pain in my left arm. This signaled to me a heart problem (from my experience 7 1/2 years ago with heart attack and bypass surgery). I did not tell Lucie until we got back from the trip, and then went immediately to the cardiologist. He put me in the hospital for a battery of tests, none of which showed anything, except my arm started hurting during the stress EKG. An angiogram was done to find one blockage in a cardiac artery that was the culprit. It was unblocked and a stent put in. The good news is that this was a new blockage and not in any of the 4 bypasses put in originally. So they are working just fine after 7 1/2 years. I can't drive for a week and Lucie can't drive with increased medication, so we are housebound for now. We have good neighbors and friends who are taking care of us with errands and meals. And so it goes. One more -- no, two more -- bumps in the road. Don
  2. Many oncs will not give you a prognosis unless you ask, mainly because it is a statistics game and everyone is different. Besides, it is old statistics. There are improvements all the time. We asked and were told 9 months. My wife is now 2 1/2 years out. So that proves my case. Don
  3. Don Wood


    Hang in there, TAnn.
  4. So sorry about your FIL. I imagine any treatment now would be to alleviate pain.
  5. Glad to hear the good news on your mom, Linus.
  6. Happy anniversary, CharlieD!
  7. Gail, ramble on to your heart's content. That is one of the purposes of this board. Yep, once you have cancer, you lose the innocense that you will never have it again. It is always with us. So you learn to adjust. Best to you. Don
  8. Marion, congratulations on the clear scans. Yep, you won't gain strength and stamina without eating properly. You need to eat regularly whether you want to or not. No eat -- no strength. Don
  9. NED is soooo good! Congrats, you two.
  10. Congratulations, Grandma!
  11. Don Wood

    I'm a Grandma

    Congratulations, Grandma!
  12. Wishing you the best news!
  13. David, so sorry! My prayers are with you all. Don
  14. Thanks for the welcome back. The cruise was a mixed bag, but we are still glad we took the time and went. We needed the break. The Virgin Islands were beautiful and the balmy weather very nice. But, we are glad to be back home in our own comfortable beds. Lucie knew that she would not be able to take tours off the ship -- just too hard on her. She said it would be fine. Well, when she was actually on the ship, she was sad that she couldn't do more, like she used to do. I did get to take two trips off the ship, and that was good for me. I wanted to parasail for the first time, but that didn't come together. Ah well, something for next time. Just before we left on the cruise, Lucie started having pain in her right leg. The last PET scan did not show anything there, but you never know with this disease. Well, the small ship had no elevator, and we were on Deck 1, with most activities on Decks 3 and 4. This aggrevated the leg pain something fierce. It was hard on both of us. Also, the bed in the cabin was hard (no surprise) and we had trouble with that. It is good to be back in the comfort of our own bed and recliner. So, as I said, we did have enjoyable moments, we met some very nice people, the food was great and we are glad we went evenso. We will go to the onco this week and probably have a scan of that leg. Glad to be back. Don
  15. We were on a week's cruise through the Virgin Islands and had a good time. Thanks for missing us, but we are okay. Don
  16. Take that, you brain mets! POW! POW! What great news!
  17. Happy birthday, Jen. And congrats on your almost one year os survivorship. Don
  18. Doug, glad you have found us. Let us know how we may support you. Don
  19. Deepest sympathies at the loss of your loved one. Don
  20. So sorry at the loss of your mom. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
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