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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Thanks for the update on you two, Ginny. Hang in there. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Doing well

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, Katie. Don
  3. Pam, I am so sorry. My prayers are with you all. Don
  4. `I agree with Peggy -- call the onc right away and get to see him soonest. Three weeks from now is too long to wait. Pain could very well indicate growing tumors. Don
  5. Thanks for the news of your mom, Geoff. Sounds mighty good. Don
  6. Don Wood

    I am still around

    Hi, Phyllis. Thanks for the update on yourself. Appreciate that. Take care. Don
  7. David, thanks for the update. Bob, prayers are with you, dude. Don
  8. Don Wood

    TBone has died.

    My heart aches for you all. TBone will be sorely missed. May you find peace. Don
  9. Nancy, I think Addie hit it -- we feel like something is being done when treatment is going on. When it is over, the inactivity is disquieting, and we wonder if the beast is ready to rally again. Very normal. Believe in the slogan you use at the end of your posts! Don
  10. Always have a will. We just updated ours for the fourth time, having put them in place about 35 years ago. Our last attorney told us that you do not have to clutter your will with all the possession specifics -- that the person can hand-write these things, sign and date, and it is just like a supplement to the will. Of course, that's true in Texas. You might want to check with a local attorney on that. I know that Lucie has told me how she wants certain items to go and I have encouraged her to give them now if she can. She has done some of that. Property we have specified in the wills. Lucie is an only child so that makes things simpler in these terms. We are fortunate in that our kids have been great about all this and very supportive of Lucie on what she wants to do. Having said that, some people can be clods! Don
  11. Peggy, (1) Take a break from the board here. You obviously are being weighed down by being here, and a break will do you good. (2) Each person at any given time has to decide whether it is good for them or not to be here. No one else can judge that for them. It is hard to see the suffering but it is also rewarding for me to receive such support for Lucie and myself, and to be able to give to so many. Don
  12. Your questions are good ones, but they need to be asked of the onc or nurse where the treatment is taking place. These things will vary from location to location on what days and times are available. You will have some leeway I am sure. As for how long it takes, it depends upon the chemo given. As Ry says, some are an hour or less; others take 3-4 hours. Don
  13. I agree with Ry --- someone should be there for consultations, test reports, chemo and radiation treatments. BUT, it does not have to be you all the time. Get family and friends to take turns. When Lucie was doing radiation five days a week, we took a signup sheet to the church and people signed up to take her. I only went with her on days she was seeing the doctor for a consultation. It gave me a break and it allowed people to be with her one-on-one, which was good for her and good for them. We have been very fortunate with the amount of support we get, and the people are aware the caregiver needs care as well. Good luck. Don
  14. Don, it is good to see you back, and I appreciate your post. My heart goes out to you. You and your mom are in my prayers. Don
  15. Katie and Shelly in my prayers.
  16. Vaya con Dios, Peg! Well understood. Don
  17. Kitkathi, everybody wins! You have a hairdo you like and someone benefits from the hair you cut. How much better can that be! Blessings! Don
  18. No warts or gills, but do you glow in the dark? (LOL) Glad things are under way and wish you the best, guys. Don
  19. Veterans definitely have a medications program, so that should be looked into. Your husband has the curse of knowing too much and expecting the worst. My daughter, even though she is a vet and not a people doctor, is the same way. Statistics are just number averages, and for cancer are based on older data. Believe and hope that your FIL will be in the percentage who survive. My wife was given 9 months at Stage IV and she is now almost 22 months from diagnosis and doing fine. She is limited in what she can do because of the cancer and the medications,but she goes on. I believe attitude is very key. If your FIL believes he can survive and all of you act in that mode, I think his chances are better. Good luck. Don
  20. David, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Don
  21. Hippo birdie two ewes. Hippo birdie two ewes. Have a great birthday, dude! Don
  22. Don Wood

    Texas Floods

    No problem. Thanks for asking.
  23. Ray, sorry about the experience lately. Glad you are going back to something that will help you feel better. Good luck. Don
  24. Since you are already thinking about cutting it, I say, "Go for it!" We need a change now and then. Don
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