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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Roanna, Lucie's onc always asks her if she has a lot of pain anywhere, and uses that info as one way to look for tumors. Tumors in the bone can cause pain, and can also threaten the integrity of the bone, particularly hip, so it is good you are going to see the rad onc on Tuesday and discuss with him. Radiation is usually done on areas of pain such as you describe. Lucie is just finishing up a series of radiation on a rib spot that was giving her a lot of discomfort -- it has helped singnificantly. Good luck Don
  2. Greg, thanks for being here. You are an inspiration to us all, being a 3-year survivor, Stage IV. Lucie is coming up on 2 years, and we are pleased with that. Don
  3. Hi, Valerie, and welcome! Glad you decided to post and let us know about you. Hang in there -- you have a lot of support here. Keep us posted on your progress. I have been to Vancouver and it is beautiful Don
  4. Thanks, Connie. Glad things are getting better. Don
  5. Good one! Anna Nichol rides again!
  6. Wonderful news, both healthwise and travelwise.
  7. Hi, Rich! I am assuming you are Stage I or II, which means the cancer is confined to the lung and has not moved elsewhere. If that is so, you have a good prognosis. Just as comparison on the 10/12 month deal, my wife is Stage IV, was given 9 months with treatment, and she is now 21 months out, still battling the beast, but still here and productive. Good luck, and keep us posted. Don
  8. Jeri, you are a real trooper and an inspiration! Congratulations! Don
  9. Don Wood

    Michigan Joe

    Anybody hear from Joe from Michigan? I haven't seen any posts lately. Don
  10. Your mom is one steel magnolia! Thanks for sharing about her. The pain of loss gets better with time but it never goes away completely. We can honor them with memroies and how we live our own lives. I lost both parents when I was in my early twenties. When I married, my mother-in-law and I became good friends. When she died, it was like losing another parent. Give it time. Give yourself time. Best to you. Don
  11. Look both ways when you cross the street!
  12. Enjoy! Best to you and hubby. Don
  13. Nancy, it is so good to see your smiling face again. Missed you! Best wishes on your new job -- take it a day at a time. Don
  14. I assume you mean Neulasta that is used to improve the white blood cell count. Lucie had 2-3 shots of that when she was taking chemo, and did fine. Don
  15. Don Wood

    Update on us

    Carleen, it is so good to see your smiling faces again! I was worried about you two when i noticed you weren't posting, and even asked where you were. You two are so busy, I can understand now why it is hard to post. But I'm glad you did to let us know how things are going for the two of you. Prayers said. Don
  16. The human spirit is amazing! So sorry you had to go through so much, but I admire that you all got through everything. Glad you told your update. Keep us posted. Don
  17. Peggy, my heart goes out to you and your family. The decision had to be with your family, and it sounds like you knew enough about your dad's wishes that you were able to reach a decision. I think you are doing the right thing. Don
  18. When cancer hits, it is a whole new ball game. No more business as usual. Your daughter needs someone to insist she eat and drink plenty of liquids. She will not do this on her own, and her husband has his hands full. It is time for someone to take charge of her eating and drinking. I became the food Nazi and did not give my wife the option of not eating or drinking, regardless of metallic mouth, thrush, nausea, etc. I would give her choices, but she had to pick one. And I stayed with her until she consumed something. Instead of three meals a day, we went to some small snack every two hours -- this also keeps the nausea down. It is a hard job to be the bad guy but so necessary for her fight and her improvement. It is too easy to get dehydrated and weak and lose important weight. Do whatever is necessary to get your daughter on the right track, or you will lose her very fast. Don
  19. Beth, prayers for you both. Don
  20. Jamie, thanks for the update on your dad. I'm glad things are finally going well. Don
  21. Hi, Sue, and welcome! Your husband is an inspiration to us all as a 3-year LC survivor. Sorry that it has returned. My wife took taxotere with success, so I wish the same for yours. Yes, cancer is a family disease -- when one gets it all are involved. Keep posting. Don
  22. Shelly, so sorry about the news of your sister, but her prognosis should be good. And you do have others to live for. Hang in there. Don
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