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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    My Dad's Good News

    Terrific news, Leandra!
  2. Ginny, hang in there! My hopes and prayers are with you two. Don
  3. Kat is empty-headed! Kat is empty-headed! Yah! Yah! Yah! Don
  4. Great news, Dani! Celebrate! Don
  5. My prayers are with you all.
  6. Don Wood

    ok guys...

    The common ground we share is a strong bonding factor. We don't have to "explain", just be there for one another. This board is exceptional. I have been on other boards that didn't care whether I came or went. We have a great thing going here. Don't underestimate it. Don
  7. Jerrye, don't just get a second opinion -- change doctors! You are not getting the care you deserve. Don
  8. Don Wood

    radiation treatment

    Lucie usually got relief within a week, but this will vary by patient and location. Are you taking any pain medication? It is not necessary to suffer through it. Don
  9. About the 90 year old -- there are now Viagra, Levitra and Cialis! Don
  10. My wife, Lucie, developed acid reflux during her treatment of chemo and radiation. The onc prescribed Nexium the little purple pill, and that worked for her. She stayed on it until after her treatment. Then she didn't need it anymore. I take Nexium daily because I have a permanent case of acid reflux, and it works for me. Good luck. Don
  11. Welcome, Steph. It sounds like things are going well. May that continue for you. Don
  12. That was actually on an episode of "Judging Amy", where Amy's mother, played by Tyne Daly, did that same thing. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Dreaded scan time

    Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, Hebbie! Celebrate!
  14. A spiritual friend of mine that I meet with every two months suggested I write down a thank you to God prayer each week until we met again. He also suggested I share my prayers with Lucie. It was a great exercise and made me feel closer to my Lord. It is also revealing to read back and see what seemed important during each week. Don
  15. Don Wood

    No Pantyhose

    Nothing is sure -- that is what faith is all about. To get closer to God, ask Him to help you do that. That's what I do and it works for me. Don
  16. Are we ready for this? David totally dressed up! Omagod! Don
  17. Don Wood

    No Pantyhose

    Yes! Since Lucie's diagnosis and treatment, her wardrobe has become much more colorful. I am very pleased. She used to wear mostly navy blue, tan, black, etc. Now she wears an array of colors. And she has fun catalog shopping to get them. Everyone thinks she has bought a coordinated outfit when she has purchased from three different catalogs. It is fun to watch her excited about her outfits. Don
  18. Happy first anniversary, Cheryl, and I wish you many, many more. Happy birthday, Jack, and I wish you many, many more. Don
  19. Lucie, my wife, has had full body scans at intervals because she had bone mets all over her body, and the onc wants to be sure he sees any spots early. Lucie has had sharp pain in her rib area several times and a scan showed tumor spot. Luckily, these have all gone away. Lucie's onc usually does an area scan of some type whenever she has acute pain consistently in an area, to be sure whether it is a tumor or not. Don
  20. As Fay says, if you have bone mets causing pain, it would be acute and very strong and not letting up. Sounds like you don't have that. My wife would tell you that you would definitely know if you had bone pain. And, there are no dumb questions here -- only those that aren't asked. Best to you. Don
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