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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Judy, glad things are progressing. Hang in there. Don
  2. Welcome, Debbie! Please keep us posted on you and your husband. Don
  3. Don Wood

    checkin in

    Good to hear from you, Cindy. Enjoy the weekend. We are having a wet one here. Don
  4. Don Wood

    A Childs Wisdom

    Let's do it! Let's all run through the rain! Wooooooowee!
  5. Don Wood

    Site outage.

    Peggy, I am one of the most impatient people in the world. Just ask Lucie. However, that does not give me license to exhibit bad behavior. I think we are in this life to learn and we should be aware of the consequences of our actions and modify behavior accordingly. So that is my two cents. Don
  6. It's all in how one looks at it -- perspective. I had a friend long-term colon survivor who said, "If you didn't drop dead the moment you heard you had cancer, you are a survivor." I subscribe to that theory. However, Lucie did not feel like a survivor until she got to an extended period of feeling good. That happened last August, when she was in rehab from pneumonia. She was about 10 months from diagnosis at that point. So, it differs with different people. I don't think you can get a unanimous agreement on a definition. So, pick one as yours. Don
  7. Don Wood

    Site outage.

    Re hateful E-Mail: Jerksville revisited. Sorry about the jerks, Rick. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Paddy, glad you enjoyed a vacation with your family. Good for you. Welcome back. Don
  9. Good advice given here. Get your mom in to see the onc immediately. If you can't, you need to change doctors. Your mom is of a generation that let the doctor do all the leading. That does not apply today -- one has to take charge of one's own health. Good luck. Don
  10. Great, David. Enjoy the weekend. Don
  11. Gruce, glad you are doing so well. Don
  12. Don Wood

    Happy Day

    Gail, I'm glad you dared to do those things, and I know you are richer for it. Good for you. Don
  13. I think this one is a croc! He He!
  14. Don Wood

    In a peace now

    Berisa, I am so sorry you have lost your dad after a valiant fight. You have made him so real to us, we have all lost a good friend. May his spirit be ever with you as you go on in life. I know he was proud of you. Don
  15. Don Wood


  16. I knew there was a mathematical reason!
  17. Prayers are with you.
  18. We are called to be "patient" while they "practice". Figures.
  19. Pam, so sorry things continue to be negative for you. I pray for a positive interlude for you. You definitely need to take care of yourself and get the ticker fixed. Don't neglect your own health. Don
  20. Thanks for the update, Curtis. You are doing just fine. Give it all time. I am glad you have such a good support system, and we are included. Blessings. Don
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