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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Andrea, so so sorry about your mom. Don
  2. Cathy, my heart goes out to you in the loss of your dad. Don
  3. Deanna, my heart goes out to you in your loss of your mom. Don
  4. Good to hear from you, Howard, and all the news of your family. Don't be a stranger. Don
  5. Erin, prayers for your mother. Don
  6. Shirley, prayers for Dave. Don
  7. Carleen, I am glad you quit and moved to another job. Good luck with that. Don
  8. Welcome, Shaydie! I am also a primary caregiver, and I agree it is the hardest job I have ever had, but also the most rewarding. Let us in on some of your wisdom. Don
  9. Elaine, my heart goes out to you. Your children need to know what's what so they can respond to you properly. Children get a double whammy -- they fear the loss of a parent and they also fear the gene pool. But we can't save them from the agony -- only be honest with them and love them. As you can see from the bio below, my wife was given 8 months and she is now 17 months out and doing fine. Don
  10. I don't know about Iressa and bone mets. My wife was taken off it because it induced pneumonia. Have you asked about Zometa for the bone mets? My wife has once-a-month injection of Zometa and it seems to work well for her. Don
  11. As has been said, Candee, kick some cancer butt! Don
  12. My wife's situation is similar to your fiance's mom. See bio below. She iwas given 9 months, is now 17 months from diagnosis and is doing well. Of course, we know it could reappear at any time but we've gotten on with our lives. Good luck Don
  13. Welcome, Hollyjean! You are a great asset to have here. Don
  14. MO, so glad to hear they finally got it right, and you are out of pain. Cause for celebration. Don
  15. Jack, so good to hear from you and that you are out and about. The best way to prove you are not as stubborn as Cheryl says is to take good care of yourself now, so you can take good care of her. Okay, buddy? Love ya! Don
  16. Jenny, so sorry at the downturn for your mom. You are in my prayers. Don
  17. Peg, thanks for the update on Bill. Lucie and I were wondering. I am glad to hear you all have moved on to another onc -- very wise. I will keep you in my prayers. Don
  18. I have been on this board long enough to know that there are many oncs like the one you have. Fortunately, we have one that is not arrogant, not condescending and does not think he is God. He is helpful and compassionate, yet aggressive. We would not stand for anything less as long as we have a choice in oncs. I would think the pain should lessen with treatment, but I don't know your husband's case -- each person is different. You have to be your husband's advocate as well as his caregiver in this world, and fight for information, choices, etc. Good luck, and keep in touch here for info and support. Don
  19. Karen, my prayers are with you. Don
  20. My prayers are with you, MO. Don
  21. My prayers are with you and dad. Don
  22. Don Wood

    Good news, I think

    Sounds good, Carla.
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