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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood


    thanks for the update on your dad, Berisa. My prayers are with you. Don
  2. First, you have to realize and accept that you can't ever go back to "the way we were". That period of your life is gone. Second, you have to want to set a new "norm" in order for it to happen, and take it one day at a time. My wife had to go through those stages before she was willing to move on. Last August, after her pneumonia, she decided she wanted to get better and do what she could do (not dwell on what she couldn't do). She has been sewing a lot (a love of hers) and the work and goals in that area have sparked a new positiveness. She is even going to take training to be a caregiver to others with lung cancer, even though she does not know how long she will be around to do this! I think that's the kind of attitude you have to foster. Focus on something positive and work toward it. Good luck. There are many cheerleaders on this board for you. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Lucie's Birthday

    Lucie's birthday is Monday. This weekend the whole family will help her celebrate, especially since she wasn't supposed to make it this far. What a trooper -- I love her so much! She has been doing well lately. She has gotten back enough energy to become a one-woman quilt and table runner assembly line! They are so beautiful, every one of them. She has an eye for color and patterns. The following weekend, she is going back to Mississippi to see her cousins. She is going to fly by herself! She is going to take her bright red LCSC tote bag on the plane with her. In two weeks, she is going to take local training to be caregiver for other lung cancer patients one-on-one. I am so proud of her wanting to do all this. And, yes, we are still planning to go to Scotland at the end of May. We are truly blessed. Don
  4. Don Wood

    Hello God !

    Beautiful, and so true, in my experience. Don
  5. Margaret, thanks for the update. Glad you have a new chemo to try. Glad your daughter will be with you. Good luck. Don
  6. Jerry, welcome to the board and the family here. My wife's experience is similar to yours (see bio below), so if you have any questions of her I would be happy to relay. She does have arthritis, but is not on any medications since cancer treatment. She takes 60 mg morphine a day for the bone pain. She has been on Zometa since last June, which is for bone strengthening and preventing bone mets -- you may want to ask about that. Good luck. I see we are fellow Texans. Don
  7. Cheryl, I realized you didn't log in, but of course we all know you two. Thanks for the pudate. One of the things I had to learn after my heart attack, besides eating and exercise, was to control my temper. It is hard to do, but when I start to fume, I remind myself I am a heart patient. Then I take the deep breath and try to be assertive instead of aggressive. A flared temper can lead to another attack. It is not worth it. Best to you both. Don
  8. Great news on your mom, Andrea. The other stuff -- sounds like a normal household to me. Don
  9. My wife and I are high on Hospice, having had experienced them treating her mother, my brother and a friend. I actually have met someone who "graduated" from hospice. She got better and became a long-term survivor. So it can happen now and then. Keep us posted. Don
  10. My wife had radiation during her chemo stint. It was very hard on her and tended to dehydrate her and lower her resistance. She was very tired all the time, along with the usual side effects of each. BUT, it was worth it -- she needed the immediate treatment. My wife is in her 60's though, so I would think it is reasonable not to put an 80-year old through such rigor as dual treatment. Don
  11. Hi, Sharlene! You are very welcome here. Greetings from a fellow Houstonian. As you can see, it is a perfectly gorgeous day here. I hope you got out on this lovely day. Keep us posted. Don
  12. Hi, Dee! My wife did not break a hip, but she had a bone met to the hip that caused a fracture. It was radiated and the bone healed. Hoping the best for you mom. Don
  13. You guys gave me a good chuckle today. Thanks!
  14. Carmen, thanks for your update. My wife has been on Zometa since last June and is doing fine with it. She was not taking radiation with it, though, as she was finished with that treatment. Best to you. Don
  15. Pier, great news on your mom! Don
  16. So glad Bill is back home and breathing better. Don & Lucie
  17. Stephanie, thanks for the update on your mom. I sent my prayers and good wishes. Don
  18. Rats, Bob! Sorry your Costa Rica vacation had to include this setback. I was hoping it would be a break for you to enjoy. Please take care of yourself, buddy. Prayers for you. Don
  19. I got them all right except Vermont and New Hampshire. I always get those two mixed up.
  20. Andrea, prayers for your mom and you. Don
  21. Denise, great news! May it continue on and on. Dom
  22. Congratulations on your one year, Bruce. I wish you many more. Don
  23. Don Wood


    Heather, I can't answer the duration question, but I know Lucie had trouble swallowing during and after radiation for quite a while. I don't remember how long. On the big pills, could you crush them up and put them in a liquid? I know Lucie still has some trouble with big pills. Don
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