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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    keeping you posted

    Lucie had radiation on her upper spine, left hip and sacrum which took away the pain each time. Prayers coming. Don
  2. Cheryl, so sorry you have to go through these conflicting reports. I agree -- take a deep breath, and see what comes of all this. Each specialist looks at things with his/her own eyes, own experience, own limitations. So it is not always surprising to hear different things. But you can move forward to find out what the truth is and what needs to be done. My prayers are with you. Don
  3. Dean, I have no problem with your choices, and support you wholeheartedly. I have said here many times the survivor ultimately has to call his/her own shots and we have to be supportive of that. Don
  4. Glad you are here. Keep us posted. And keep supporting your dad the way you have. Usually, it is not a good idea of drive oneself for chemo treatments because of side effects. Also, if your dad takes meds for pain, that is another reason not to drive. Be patient with your dad -- he all of a sudden is not the problem solver, and some of his independence has disappeared. It will take him a while to be receptive to help. Good luck. Don
  5. Hi, Kim, and welcome to the board. Please keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you have any questions. Good support group here. Don
  6. Perhaps they did not have enough tissue to determine the exact lung cancer. The first biopsy sample on my wife was taken from her spine, since they considered that the primary tumor. Because it was touchy area, they could only get enough tissue to determine it was a carcinoma, but not where it came from. They had to do a second biopsy on a tumor in her leg bone to get enough tissue to determine it was non-small cell lung cancer. Hope this helps. Don
  7. Shelly, my heart goes out to you. I lost both my parents within 11 months of each other when I was just 24-25. My dad died of a heart attack and my mom died of peritonitis after gall bladder surgery. It is hard, but you can go on. I figure if we live the best lives we can, being ourselves, then they live on in us, and we are a tribute to them. Good wishes. Don
  8. Man's joke: What is worse than forgetting to zip up after peeing? Forgetting to zip down before peeing!
  9. Don Wood

    Scared here

    David, I have said prayers for you and I feel this is something that can be corrected. You have a right to be anxious -- just know that you have a lot of friends praying for you. Blessings. Don
  10. You guys and gals are wonderful to be so loving and supportive of us. You responses have meant a lot to Lucie and to me. We are truly blessed. Don
  11. Angie, my wife, Lucie, has NSCLC, with bone mets. She had chemo treatment (carboplatin and taxotere), which helped a lot. She also had radiation on 4 mets, the main one on the upper spine. Their criteria for radiation were: (1) Is it causing a lot of pain? and (2) Is the met threatening the bone integrity. I would think your dad's spine met could be treated with radiation, and I agree with others that a rad onc should be consulted. Lucie has been on Zometa since June and we believe it has helped a lot to keep new bone mets from forming. Good luck. Hang in there, and keep us posted with your thoughts, feelings and questions. Don
  12. Good news! Hope winter moves on soon for you. Don
  13. Congratulations, Heather! So good to hear the news. Sounds like your new hubby is a real gift to you, and I'm pleased to hear that. Don
  14. Shelly, from what you say, I think your dad is ready to be released from this life and move on to one without pain and suffering. You should continue to communicate with him and, if you can, tell him it is okay for him to move on. Lucie had to do that with her mother, who died of a brain tumor. My prayers are with you. Don
  15. Welcome Staci to the "little family" here. Please keep us posted on your dad and yourself and let us know what we can do to support you. Don
  16. Don Wood

    Lucie's Rib Spot

    Well, I believe this is mostly good news. The spot on Lucie's rib that was seen in the bone scan in November and in the PET scan in December has disappeared according to a recent x-ray of the area. This has happened before with mets on the ribs. Anyway, we had the x-rays done (lungs still clear) because she has been having pain in the area. With the onc's agreement, we have increased the morphine dose at night -- she has most problem in the morning when she first gets up. We will go to 30mg morning and night, instead of 30 morning and 15 night. Otherwise, she has gotten stronger and is able to do more things, even driving herself some. She has bought some new clothes via Internet and is looking mighty good. And with her own hair. Don
  17. Now that is really a hare-raising story! Ha!
  18. Shelly, it is true -- the patient has the last say, regardless of what we caregivers want. And that is the way it should be -- I know I want to call my own shots. I am glad you have come to accept that, even if you are not happy with it. Prayers coming. Don
  19. Well said, Now let's get out there and "Twinkle"!
  20. Don Wood


    Carleen and Keith, so sorry you had so much stress, but this journey seems to be fraught with that. I am glad the overall visit was positive for you two. I am glad you enjoyed my home town, the Big Easy. I love to go there as a tourist. My prayers continue with you. Bon chance! Don
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