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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Lucie has had both the sores and the fungus. She has a mouth wash for each, and they seem to work for her. It doesn't happen with each treatment, but it does occur now and then. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Mom's Home!!!!

    My prayers are with you. Don
  3. Sounds like everything is falling into place as it should. I'm very happy for you, Sharon. Enjoy! Don
  4. Don Wood

    Happy day to me!

    How about a massage as well? Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music! Don
  5. Sarah, thanks for those encouraging words! Blessings. Don
  6. Renee, my heart is heavy for you. You and your mom are definitely in my prayers. Don
  7. Sarah, my wife had chemo and radiation at the same time and it was very difficult for her to take in enough fluids to keep her hydrated. it might be well to ask the doctor if she might have an IV once a week to keep the liquid sufficient, as well as her drinking a lot of liquids. My wife also suffers from nausea after the chemo treatment. We have been able to combat this with medication and with feeding her something every two hours so her stomach is never completey emplty (it seems to work like seasickness -- keep the tummy with food minimizes the nausea). Don
  8. Congratulations to you and your daughter! have a great time with your family. Don
  9. Welcome, Sarah, to our "little" family here. Please do share your thought, fears, feelings, questions, whatever. We are hee to support each other through this bumpy journey. Don
  10. Wonderful day! May there be many, many more! Don
  11. Don Wood

    Partial Remission

    Terrific news! Wow! The beast can be defeated! Don
  12. Stages Schmages! Welcome to this forum, Dave. There are great people here, too. Don
  13. Bienvenidous, Dalia. This is a good site to share as family. Glad you found us. Don
  14. Bienvenidos, Tommy! The group here is a good "familia" to connect with. You can get good support and have questions answered here. We are glad you found us, mi amigo. Look forward to your posts. Don
  15. I think the advice here is excellent. Why give cancer any more of the life we have than absolutely necessary! Good luck. Keep plugged in to this family here. Don
  16. My heart is heavy at your great loss. Give yourself time to go through the grief -- at your pace and way. Keep in touch with this family here, as we will support you through this. Don't give up on yourself -- there is more for you ahead. My prayers are with you. Don
  17. Don Wood

    I Held My New Grandson

    Nothing like a newborn to lift the spirits. Glad you had that great moment and I know you will have many more. Don
  18. Yep, Greg, we're weird. Cancer does that to you. But it's a good weird. Don
  19. I understand that kids react differently than adults about serious illness and death. They usually don't express themselves openly and hide their emotions and concerns. Of course, that is a generality. But you might talk with them openly and see if you can do anything for them, like listening to whatever they want to share. Don
  20. I don't know anything about the dry toast, maybe a precaution that one should eat something, but not something that might make one nauseated. having said that speculation, there were no restrictions given to Lucie, my wife, as she has gone through chemo. We always bring something to snack on, and even bring a lunch if it is going past noon. Lucie's chemo normally takes about 4 hours, so we go prepared for that time. I have found the kitchen there so I usually make her some hot tea or iced tea, and get coffee for myself. Lucie has never been sick during the chemo treatment, but about 4 days later, it hits. Don
  21. I guess we're pretty lucky. Lucie's oncologist does not use "incurable" or "curable", or "you have x months to live". He just stays in the present, telling us whether he thinks progress is being made or not. And he tells her she is looking better than last time, almost every time. I'm glad that someone besides me is telling her that because she tends to think I would say that anyway. Friends have helped out with the image, too. Sorry so many are getting poor attitude from their oncs. Don
  22. Don Wood

    Hair loss

    Hair today, gone tomorrow! But you guys will all get your hair back when the chemo stops. You think if I had chemo my hair would grow back? Just a thought! Naaaaah, I think I'll keep what little I have. Don
  23. I'm adding my prayers, too. Don
  24. Don Wood

    Lucie Update

    Ginny, we will have to forego the kalua because Lucie is allergic to alcohol (I'm not!). But we will definitely celebrate! Maybe I will have a marguerita! Don
  25. Lucie is on Nexium for acid reflux while she is on chemo. I suggested it to the onc and he agreed. It works for her. Don
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