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Everything posted by Treebywater

  2. OH HOW WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! You give me hope, and I am SO THANKFUL to God for YOU!
  3. Just going through here and seeing all the family members/caregivers who have lost their loved ones this week is so heartwrenching. Please know that my heart goes out to each one of you. I'm so very sorry. For those other caregivers who are reading--keep the faith and hold onto hope. Losses are discouraging, but keep believing that miracles can be yours. My love and support to everyone, Val
  4. I'm so sorry, Debbie. Please know that we're here to support you.
  5. Oh Sue... (((((Sue))))). Don't beat yourself up.... Just... keep going on. I'm sorry that you find yourself struggling against smoking again. No matter what, we support you.
  6. I am so very sorry for the loss of your Dad. Just so very sorry.
  7. I am SO glad you finally get to start on your game plan. I am praying for only the best results.
  8. Still thinking about you and praying Lori. Praying for what's best for your Mama, and for wisdom for you.
  9. Just read this, and my goodness how frightening and heartbreaking. Good for you for rattling some chains with the docs. KEEP DOING IT until you are satisfied that he is being well taken care of and you have the answers you need. ((((hugs)))) to you.
  10. Welcome--we'll be pulling for you and your Dad all the way.
  11. ((((TAnn)))) So glad to see you post. Wish things weren't so hard for you.
  12. UGH.... I'm sorry the news was so rotten. Praying that the next plan is just the ticket.
  13. Oh Lori... I just wish I could come hug you. I'm so sorry it was such a rotten day. I just HATE this stuff.
  14. I'm so glad you are both feeling better about things!
  15. Thinking of you tonight, and praying. I'm so sorry you find yourself at this point with your Mom.
  16. Barbara, Your post made me cry. In a good way. I'm so glad that the wedding went well, and that you have a beautiful daughter in your life now. I'm also glad you've been able to start chemo. I pray it goes well for you and blasts that cancer to bits. (((hugs))) to you.
  17. (((Lori))) So glad your Mom is doing better. It is OK to not feel "up" right now. You've been through so much, it's no wonder your emotions are still reeling.
  18. Treebywater

    Sad Today

    One day I remember particularly out of these last few months of my grieving was a morning when I woke up too a terrible nightmare where my Mom was sick and I couldn't help her.... I woke up and went through the, "It wasn't real" exercises only to find out--no Mom wasn't sick, she was dead. And it crushed me. I couldn't stand the thought that my NIGHTMARE was worse than my reality. I'm sorry things hurt so badly right now. It is just so hard. You aren't alone in it.
  19. Treebywater


    Tina, I am so very, very sorry. I read this when I first got back and haven't even been able to post til now. I'm so sorry your Charlie is gone.
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