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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Ice Skating with Daddy capped off with goodies and hot cocoa inside with Mom... And as I got older, Trivial Pursuit. My Mom KICKED BUTT at trivial pursuit.
  2. I'm so sorry. I will be thinking of you both.
  3. Red and Green... Weird... that's my high school's school colors....
  4. ((((northstar)))) I know it is hard... but try not to jump too far ahead of yourself with this. You are HERE NOW and so is your Mom! Hopefully the doctors are going to find just the ticket to keep her around for a long, long time. It's hard not to "what if" about our own situation--even with the 'garden variety' LCs... but deal with now, now.
  5. Where's the teary-eyed smile smilie when you need him? You take care of YOU Fay, and just know that we understand and care.
  6. ((((Beanie)))) I'm so glad you posted. I've been thinking a lot about you and your family. I'm glad that for now everyone is holding up ok. We're here to offer any support that you can.
  7. Your Mama IS SO Amazing, Lori. I'm sorry to hear that the tumors have grown, but this plan seems like a good one and I'm glad your Mom was able to make the decision and wants to fight. Thinking of you!!!
  8. Oh Fay.... I am SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!
  9. I am SO GLAD to see that you've posted... And I am still praying.
  10. Two years ago, Andy graduated Basic Training on the 13th.... and I went to the graduation and saw him for the first time after basic training. The first thing I thought when I saw him was, "He needs sunshine. And food." He'd been really sick while he was there and lost a lot of weight, so he was pale as well as skinny. And of course after the graduation there was a lot of hugging and kissing and mushy stuff. He only had a few hours before we had to say goodbye again. That was hard. But it was a very good pre-valentine present to get to see my love. And he gave me a card.
  11. I hope they do listen. Regardless I thought it was a bold letter and I'm glad it was written.
  12. Oh Connie, Thank God!!!! Praying for smooth, painless transition for her tomorrow.
  13. Thank you, Katie. It's such a relief that you located her. Praying here too.
  14. I hate that this is happening to Fay. No one should be somewhere they don't want to be at such a time, but... especially not someone as beautiful and amazing and wonderful as Fay. My heart is just so heavy.....
  15. Go Cindi!!! Now my cousin's enjoy street-luging from time to time... but I don't recommend that. I mean on ice it's one thing... but 2 inches from asphalt.... quite another. Can't wait to see you in 2010! (Wow! Is that when the next winter olympics will be???)
  16. ((((((((((((Fay)))))))))) There just aren't any words because you are so special.
  17. ((((((Becky)))))) I am SO GLAD for you. And I am so glad for YOU. You are a gift.
  18. Treebywater

    Pity Party

    Hel Kel--I just thought... Maybe our Mama's found each other yesterday and swapped stories. Made me smile.
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