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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. ((((Larry)))) ((((Alyce)))) I am SO GLAD That your son is able to come home... I know that can be a bugger to get done (been there, done that... once without success. ). Praying for you. Let Alyce know how much we care!
  2. Ugh... I'm sorry they're putting you through this. But I'm very impressed at your assertiveness. You are an excellent advocate!
  3. ((((Lori))))) I'm glad you found a place that looks acceptable. Praying for you!!!
  4. Mine are in my signature line as well. They help me keep going even when I'm scared, and even when things are hard.
  5. Treebywater

    5 Years

    This is such wonderful news.
  6. (((((Pat))))) You are SUCH a blessing to all of us. Thank you for shining some light for all of us here, even while walking through your own darkness.
  7. (((((Sue))))) (((((Mike))))) I think of you both so often. I'm sorry things are such a struggle. i hate this stuff too, and I especially hate that you are both going through what you are.
  8. (((((Lori))))) You are so amazing, lady. I'm sorry you are having to deal with all of this. Hang in there, and know that we're pulling for you.
  9. Linda--It sounds like you are doing a fantastic job of loving your mother in this. You're a fantastic advocate. ((((hugs)))) to you and to your Mom.
  10. Just my opinion... but at 14 and 12, I think just presenting the truth as gently as possible would be the most appropriate. The are old enough to be able to grasp the 'abstracts' afoot. And they, I'm sure, want to know. I would get so upset with my folks when they wouldn't just tell me what was happening with special family members. The wonderings that I had because of information they withheld was often much worse than the reality. Good luck. I'm sure you will handle the situation beautifully, and I pray that your trip to see your Dad is peace-giving for you all.
  11. Fay--I've been struggling with that concept for a while now... I hated saying that Mom had 'lost her battle' but I didn't know what else to say--but what you said is spot on. Our loved ones didn't lose... they just gave up their lives in the battle. Thank you.
  12. Lil--I've been feeling this way too. Except I've been feeling that LIFE is just getting out of control. My family has dealt with cancer many times over so it's always been something I was sensitive to, but lately it seems like every day I hear of another friend or family member being diagnosed, or referred to hospice, or taking a turn for the worse, or passing away. It's very disheartening. Add in a few other extra family emergencies lately and close friends struggling with terrible things other than cancer, and it just seems like life is a little too much right now. I am praying it's just a season. ((((Lillian)))) This stuff sucks, and it hurts to see so many people we love getting hurt so badly by it.
  13. Treebywater


    Our Addie is gone... One of the A-team has posted in the Obit forum.
  14. Treebywater


    :( I HATE THIS DISEASE!!!!! I am so sorry.... I will miss Addie very, very much.
  15. I'm so sorry, Cheryl. I echo Holly's prayer--that God would just wrap you up tight in His arms. love, Val
  16. Oh Addie--Just don't forget how beautiful you are in every way and just how very much we love you here. (((((Addie)))))
  17. Treebywater

    SharKats is Gone

    I'm so sorry to hear this...
  18. (((((Katie))))) Feel better soon!!!
  19. Val Gal was one I got a lot in high school. Sometimes Vallie. And of course there is my internet alter-ego of Treeby.
  20. Treebywater

    Our Addie

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