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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Dang it! Ok well... We're just going to pray that this new combo kicks the living crap out of the cancer and totally obliterates it. You're still my hero, Jim!
  2. Wow... What a load to carry for you both. I'm so sorry. Do come back, and let us support you.
  3. Ann, I thought about you all day. These words are just beautiful. Your sharing gives us the courage to feel our feelings right where we are. You are beautiful and so was this tribute to Dennis. love, Val
  4. My husband's Grandfather just had a heart attack, and because of his age and the high risk of stroke they are opting not to do surgery of any kind to correct the artery-blockage that he has. I'm not sure where this puts us, but I don't think it's a good place. If you could just pray for the family, and for my husband as he feels helpless being so far away and unable to get back. I know things could be a lot worse, but a lot of me wonders when we're going to catch a break.
  5. Yes and Yes. I can sugar-coat and spin a lot of things, but this isn't one of them.
  6. Carolyn does this new thing now where she actually gets standing on her own... and then flaps her arms to keep her balance, and then sits down hard on her butt. And it is so CUTE that it is impossible not to giggle.
  7. I think your paper will be excellent as well, and if you're worried about the 'pity' aspect of it, why not write in a disclaimer? Acknowledge that it could be read that way, but that that is not your goal. Specifically say you're not looking for pity, but that this is a trial that has helped form you into who you are as a leader and person.
  8. ((((Sharyn)))) Thinking of you today.
  9. This year, Sarah Mclaughlin's version of Gordon Lightfoot's "Song for a Winter's Night" (although I do like old Gord too) and "Have Yourself a MErry Little Christmas" but only with the original words and the 'muddle through' line. I can be enthusiastic about 'muddling through.'
  10. Add me to the praying my butt off club (I'm rather tired of the big ole thing, anyway). Give Joanie our love and let her know we're behind her, pulling for her, and praying!
  11. I echo Katie's sentiments. I pray for time for both of you. I also hope and pray that hospice will help take some of the pressure off so that maybe this anger can be kept at bay. Thinking of you. I know how difficult it is to get to this point.
  12. Attention Universe: BACK OFF!!!!!! Fay needs some restful, non-eventful, recouperative, things are looking up, worry free days! Many of them! NOW! No more of this off-the-wall flukey stuff for her, do you hear me?!!! (I hope it heard me). Fay... praying for you. Keep hydrating, rest up, and know that we won't stop cheering you on.
  13. Cheryl... I wish I could just come SHAKE those social workers! I'm so sorry they didn't help you more... I will be praying for you... I wish there was something more I could do. love, Val
  14. Have you had a million people tell you that you can get the baby out the same way you got her there in the first place. Walk a lot... Do you have an exercise ball? They're like... $10 at walmart. Carolyn was also not particularly into the idea of coming out on time (She was 6 days late). The night we went to get the exercise ball for me to bounce on, was the night Carolyn decided to show up. It opens up the pelvis and helps thing line up for engagement. And the best advice that I got was to just love on my husband... to just cuddle and be together and comfort one another. Do that! She'll be here before you know it. I am SO HAPPY that your Mama will be meeting that little one soon! And that you will be too!!!! love, Val
  15. ((((Leslie))))) Ready to fight with you! Those little buggers don't stand a chance!
  16. Beth... I'm just so sorry.
  17. Oh Am... I got to this party way too late, and I'm so sorry. But I'm here breathing a prayer of thanks and relief that things turned out the way they did. ((((bunny)))) (((((suki)))))
  18. Oh Cheryl... How painful and scary for you. He just sounds so angry... and with good reason. I wonder if it isn't a little bit natural anger, and a little bit decadron? No advice except know that you ARE doing a good job. Just hanging in there and continuing to put one foot in front of the other is a huge accomplishment. I know how much this must hurt you, and I'm sorry.
  19. (((((Karen)))))) Thinking of you today. I wouldn't get through the day if I wasn't both strong and a little bit crazy these days.
  20. Despite the dream I had last week, I've felt that a lot too and am still feeling it. Sometimes my brain just screams, "Mom!!! Where are you????" For me, I felt such peace right after she died just knowing her pain was over... I said then I could feel her smiling and laughing and it made me want to do the same. Then some time went by and smiling and laughing was the last thing on my mind--and I went... Mom... Where did you go??? What I thought was... she couldn't just hover around me or Dad or anyone else... She had to go get onto her new business. I kind of smiled at the thought of a 'heavenly orientation.' I don't know where they are... but I have to believe that somehow they are still with us. In the same way that my husband and I always believe we're together, even when he's on the other side of the world... Someway our Mom's still have to be with us... even though we can't see them, or hear them, or even feel them most of the time. I just don't think that even death can sever the love that binds Mom's and daughters and families in general together. Just thoughts that rambled out. ((((Janet))))
  21. Beth and Bill.... Standing with you. My heart is so sad to hear this. I won't stop praying. love, Val
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