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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Thanksgiving for us was exhausting, busy, and hard but all in all it went ok I guess. I cooked dinner for Dad and his girlfriend Thursday night--just lasagna.... I figured there would be plenty of turkey later... That went well, though it was hard to see someone else in Mom's seat, and difficult to realize that we were telling her stories that were new to her, when only last year Mom and Dad were telling THEIR stories together. The next day C and I went to my sister-in-laws, and we really enjoyed that, Carolyn had a lot of fun with her cousins, but she doesn't sleep well at their house for some reason so it was very tiring. And Saturday Dad's extended family came over to our house for pizza. I was a little irked at them becasue none of them could possibly conceive of having our get-together anywhere but at OUR house for just this year... but we simplified and just ordered pizza, so it went ok. I missed Mom... especially when making her recipes. But it was doable. It was a little extra hard because the last holiday I had with Mom was Thanksgiving last year when they came to see us in Washington right after she had been diagnosed. Lots of 'last year we....' thoughts. It just seems everything happened so fast. She's gone and now there is someone new sitting where she used to sit. Hard to swallow, but the way life goes I guess. So that's my report.
  2. so very, very, very precious.
  3. Hoping to get a check in the mail or you tomorrow!
  4. I just want to send you my thoughts, promise you my prayers, and give you a ((((hug)))). Such a tough road you guys are on...
  5. Just wondering how Thanksgiving went for those of us who had vacant seats? As I was feeling the ache of my loss and missing, I was thinking of all of you too...
  6. I am SO THANKFUL for this news, but even more Thankful just for you two, Brian and Pat. Tell Bri that Carolyn is clapping her hands for him .
  7. Treebywater


    YAYYY!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about this wee one! I'm guessing a boy at 3:06 pm. 7 lbs. 12 oz.
  8. It's absolutely beautiful!!!! Thank you for sharing with us! I'm also really glad to see you post. How are things going for you and your Mama? love, Val
  9. I am grateful for: 1. Knowing I'm loved even when I'm feeling so bratty that it's hard to come up with 'grateful fors' 2. 4 a.m. phone calls from long way away. 3. Carolyn learning how to clap. How can I be grumpy when I see her clapping and singing, "Yaaaaaaaaa" 4. A place to go for the holidays 5. The examples of hope that I see in each and every person here.
  10. Still praying! I'm glad the scans are encouraging. Thinking of you, and her, and that coming little one. love, Val
  11. I read this tonight and found it appropriate: "When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it- ALWAYS." Gandhi Even this beast WILL be overcome.
  12. I AM praying... So very hard. Please Tell Addie that we love her and we're behind her all the way.
  13. Patty.... I feel so many similar things right now... I hurt with you and for you. You're not alone. The ache is just too tremendous to describe. love, Val
  14. Cheryl, Reading your posts today has just broken my heart. I look at that picture and think this just isn't fair. I'm so sorry things are looking so scary right now. Hold onto hope, and hold onto each other, and know that you are loved and prayed for.
  15. love you guys... Wish I had some insight, but I don't. I will continue to wrap you both in prayers. love, Val
  16. I'm just so sorry, Karen. We're here to support you in any way we can. I hate that you are having to go through so very much.
  17. I've learned that family comes first (after God), and I can and will rearrange everything to make sure I am taking care of them. I've learned that I do have joy even when things don't look, 'happy.' I learned way more about certain aspects of medicine than I ever wanted to (guess I shoulda been a doctor). I learned that sometimes you HAVE to ask for help.
  18. Sue, I was just going to ask you how Mike was doing. I'm so glad you posted an update. I'm sorry things aren't going better for him, but so glad he's still got those gloves on, ready to fight hard. Praying for you both, and hoping that these next treatments will kick cancer butt.
  19. (((((terrie))))) I HATE cancer. I'm so sorry your family is being hit so hard.
  20. Like Ry said, I focused a lot of my anger on individuals that disappointed me (that's why I hand out so many, "Quit being dumb" cards now. ). One thing I did, and still do on my really angry days (and I'm not saying it's healthy) was stand in the shower and imagine conversations with people I was mad at... And boy did I let them have it! Then I would stop myself and say, "Self. They didn't even say that. Boy are you wasting a lot of emotional energy on conversations that you aren't even going to have." And I'd roll my eyes and quit. Incidentally--I don't think having anger or going through moments of "Why me" are bad things. I think they are things that happen because we're human and being gentle with ourselves and letting ourselves feel those things when we're there is important. Just so long as we don't get stuck there.
  21. It's amazing how quickly and radically things change, isn't it? ((((hugs))))
  22. School sounds so good! Good for you! I'm glad your Mom is still plugging along, too!
  23. Pat, In our area there was something called, "The Bridge." It was a hospice-like organization for folks who still wanted to do some sort of treatment, but needed extra help. Our doctor had the information for us. I wonder if someone at the hospital there could tell you if there is anything in that vein that you both could look into? I will pray that you will find the perfect organization to help you through right where you are. I won't stop praying. love, Val
  24. I'm sorry Katie! You were too quick for me. I edited before you posted. I was afraid what I wrote would be too much of a downer... So I blogged it instead. It ended up not being such a downer, so I'll share the link so you all can see if you wish that Katie's reference to my Steeler reference really did make sense. http://newwaylc.blogspot.com/2005/11/d-day.html
  25. I've been thinking of her too. I really hope that all is well with Sandy!
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