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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I'm so sorry that your brother is having to fight this fight. What I would say given the information that you've given us is do as Sue said and make sure he knows that there are options available, and help him to sort through those options. Let him know that you stand by him no matter what. Be a person of hope when you are with him. Believe that he can beat this, and let him know that you believe that. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't also be a sounding board when he needs to talk about how defeated, or weary, or tired, or angry, or depressed he feels. All of those feelings are going to come up and they are normal, and you want to be careful that you let him know that you recognize the validity of all of those... but still have hope. Keep coming back here. There are lots of good people, with amazing insight and encouragement. Hang in there, and know that we're here.
  2. Treebywater

    One year ago

    My Mom was diagnosed a year ago yesterday. I really believed she'd still be here today, and it makes me very sad, and angry that she's not.
  3. It's so good to hear from you. I'm so sorry your daughter has been through so much. I know that must be terribly difficult and frightening for you both. I am glad that scans are looking good for you, though!
  4. I'm very sorry. I will be praying for you all! Especially Dillion
  5. Treebywater

    Thank you

    I'm so sorry that your Daddy is gone.
  6. Pat, YOU are loving Brian SO well. Your care for him is amazing. You are amazing. Know that first and foremost. I don't have any real insight to add, but I the one thing I read that sounded encouraging is that his appetite is improving. That says to me that his body is still fighting, still pushing. Love you, and I will not stop praying. Val
  7. I'm so sorry, Jen. My heart is heavy for you and your family, and my prayers are with you.
  8. Awesome, Awesome! I'm so glad she's starting to rally a bit!!!!
  9. Peggy, Wish I could come down to IN and bring some tea or cocoa, and also lots of hugs. For now, this will have to suffice. ((((((Peggy)))))) And IT'S ALLOWED to have days where it feels like things just stink. Sometimes things just really do. love, Val
  10. Woo-hoo!!! Another Road Trip!!! C and I are in! We'll bring the teething rings! Addie--Praying for you, pulling for you, thinking about you LOTS.
  11. I don't have to look too far back. Last year, Mom had just been diagnosed, but they got the all-clear from the doctor to drive out to WA and visit us for T-giving. I got to show them around town, show them our apartment, and take them to a really pretty scenic bridge. I also got my last really wonderful Christmas present from Mama then (we did it then so I could help shop)--she bought us a gliding rocker so I would have a place to rock with Carolyn (whom she was still calling 'Baby Ethel' since I wouldn't share the name with anyone). It was my last holiday with Mom since I stayed in WA for Christmas. And it was really VERY special.
  12. Kasey, I wish you flowers upon flowers upon flowers upon flowers. I am SO GLAD that I've been given the GIFT of getting to know you. Thank you for being you. love, Val
  13. Oh Ms. Addie! It was good to see you'd posted. Praying for you, woman. Praying LOTS! Sending so much love and hope your way. love, Val
  14. I am SO glad that you found some local support. I'm also glad that you are finding a doctor that you'll be more comfortable with. Praying that this procedure will do wonders for the pain! Val
  15. We love you, Addie!!! We're pulling for you. ((((((((((((Addie)))))))))))))))
  16. (((((Kim)))))) I know you must have so many mixed emotions. Happiness for your dad and relief that he is ok and will be ok, but also all those new fresh feelings of grief. I hope you are being gentle with yourself in all of it. You know I relate to where you are, and if you ever need an ear if it gets hard to wrap your head around, I'm here. Goodness knows you've been there for me! I hope the wedding is beautiful and that you're able to simply glow with joy for your Dad's happiness.
  17. I don't have a lot of answers for you, but I wanted to say that I'm sorry you find yourself here. I know it is hard. Also, if things with the hospice organization don't improve see if there isn't another that you could use. You need these people to be dependable so you can set your mind at ease and focus on just loving your Mom and being with her. We're here to support you. (((((hugs))))))
  18. Treebywater

    Melanie Russ

    I am so sad and so sorry that Melanie died... whenever I need to be grateful, I think of her and her continually grateful spirit. Thank you for letting us know.
  19. Yippee!!! They printed my letter to the Editor in our newspaper on Saturday! I didn't spot it. Daddy did. I'm so glad they didn't blow it off. http://www.registermail.com/stories/110505/LET_B814QA7Q.GID.shtml
  20. I want you all to know that I've been here, and I am reading... I just haven't been able to keep up with replying lately. Carolyn is keeping me busy, emotions are keeping me busy (and slightly crazy. ), and on top of that Dad likes it when I actually clean a little around here (don't you just hate that!). So... know that I'm here and will be here... And I still do alright with PMs most of the time if anyone needs an ear. I will try to reply more. But know above all that I am here "listening" and praying for everybody.
  21. I do so love Ms. Becky and her wisdom. This is what I will say: You cannot prepare yourself emotionally or mentally for that aspect. It just doesn't happen. Even if you think that if it happens you will be able to wrap your mind around it, you won't be able to. But you're not there yet. Your Mom needs you to be in the NOW with her. You need to be in the NOW. Am I saying that it's bad that you are thinking of it? No... I think anyone who embarks on this LC journey as a patient or a caregiver things about that dark possibility. And I think our thoughts flitting there every so often IS our mind's one little way of preparing us. But if we entertain those thoughts. If we go down that road before we're ready, then we lose the time that we have with our loved ones... LIVE with your Mom. And do what you can to help her do the same. Focus on that. Get through what now brings, and if the end of this battle doesn't go in your favor you will deal with that then. Keep posting! We're here for you! Val
  22. I just send you both my love...
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