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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I'm so sorry, Denise... I echo everything that Katie said. Just love him... Just am so sad for you.
  2. I just hate this.... Just hate it. I'm so sorry this is happening. Prayers coming and hoping so very much that you are able to find some answers and a good plan of attack.
  3. YAYYYYYYYY!!!! Oh this makes me SO happy!
  4. Congratulations!!! Ahhh, I'm just getting all gooey-eyed over here! Again, I want details!!!!!
  5. Oh Ann!!! I got all teary-eyed! That is just so wonderful!!! I want details too. I want to see the ring! I want to see the guy! I want to hear how he proposed... and how you met... I need a little mushiness over here! Please share!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are SO SPECIAL and I'm so glad that you will be able to share that specialness with this wonderful man. And he does sound WONDERFUL, if he understands the place the Dennis will always have in your heart. love, Val
  6. Crying with you here... and just so can relate to where you are. Carolyn would wake up every time Mom woke up for her last few weeks. Like she knew her Gramma was struggling... wanting to care for them both was such a pull even as caring for them was a joy and a blessing. And I so know what you mean about just wanting her to be at peace--even as the realities of what that mean come crushing in. Hold onto those times--brief though they are--when your Mom is very much able to act herself. The rest of the time she still IS herself and feels your love... but bask in the times when she can show it. You will treasure those moments up and they will sustain you. Here for you. Please call if you need to chat. love, Val
  7. Oh Pat, I'm so very, very sorry.
  8. ((((Tina))))) Wishing the best for your 2006. I know what it's like to dread a new year.
  9. ((((Beth)))) I'm so glad it was peaceful, but so sad that you and your family have more grief to deal with. Sending you so much love, support, and prayers. love, Val
  10. Oh Pat.... Just so much love to you both. Just don't forget that your Brian is still there... and he still hears you and feels the love you are pouring over him. love, Val
  11. Treebywater


    DH's Gramma is ok! She's out of the hospital, and all she had was a hiatal hernia. I know that's not a GREAT Thing, but it is certainly better than what we were thinking. I'm just so grateful.
  12. Bunny, Love the quote, love Anne Lammott, and love you. I needed that tonight. Guess I'll just keep on showing up then.
  13. You are both a prayer in my pocket and never out of my thoughts. you are so very much loved. Val
  14. We just got back Sunday from saying goodbye to DH's Grandpa and going to his funeral, etc. I found out today that DH's grandma (his Mom's Mom) is now in the hospital with some sort of episode. They think it may be a pulmonary embolism or a heart attack. There's a small possibility that it's indigestion, but my sister-in-law who is a nurse practitioner and knows her stuff, says that's not what it sounds like. I also just called my Gramma and she's not doing very well. Nothing specific, but my aunt is there and thought she was going to need to get her to a doctor ASAP today. I just can't believe all that's come this year. I'm ready for 2005 to be OVER. I'm even more ready for all of my family to be healthy... This is just getting ridiculous. Anyway... Just needed to vent and also wanted to ask for prayers. That saying about when it rains? Well... it's coming down cats and dogs here, and I'm tired! love, Val
  15. Know that even though it feels as if you can't do this any longer, that it's obvious that you ARE doing it, and that is so admirable. Your post just broke my heart. I just ache for you. We will hold you in your brokeness and my hope and prayer is that you will really literally feel HELD right where you are. I would be so angry too. I am angry for you. I wish there was more I could say or do. Just wish I could somehow get to where you are and just sit with you or let you soak my shoulder. Sending you as much strength as I can. love, Val
  16. When you speak with hospice, make it clear that you and he both want for him to be as alert as possible. And then it may be a matter of playing with dosages. Is he having bone pain? I think I read that sometimes an approach other than morphine needs to be taken with that. Otherwise see if you hospice can help you find that magic level with the morphine where his pain is controlled, and he is alert. thinking of you all the time. Val
  17. You ARE going to make it through this, Beth. Right now your only job is to keep putting one foot in front of the other and getting through each second, and each minute the best way you know how. And you're doing that. I still don't believe that time makes it easier or better, at least that hasn't been my experience with anything so far. I do think you just get used to it a little more. Praying for you. And holding on to light and hope for you. You are an amazing, strong, beautiful woman and we're here to help support you anyway we can. love, Val
  18. Treebywater

    Ron Joseph

    I'm so sorry, Janet.
  19. love you both. I'm here standing with you. love, Val
  20. Love you, Cin. I'm sorry things have been so crappy. I *knew* I needed to give you a hug. Here is another. (((((Cindy)))))
  21. Bill, I agree with you about the late-stage stigma. But I am so glad your wife has you to speak for her, and to get the doctor's to listen. Praying for you both.
  22. I had to make the Red Cross call for my husband, because things are not looking good. Please pray.
  23. Sue and Mike, We won't stop praying for you. And we won't stop being here for you. You keep plugging, and we'll keep praying and there's bound to be progress made. I hope Mike gets some relief soon. love, Val
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