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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Treebywater

    Year #1

    Ginny, I will be thinking of you and praying for you today. I'm sorry that this day is what it is to you, but I am so happy that you and Earl loved so deeply and that you so generously share your caring with us now.
  2. What a gift you are to them to be able to listen, take notes, digest, and help everyone to remember and understand what the doctor's say. The beginning of the journey is so hard. It doesn't get easy, but it gets a little bit 'normaler.' ((((hugs))))
  3. I'm so glad you're back, TAnn! Feel better and keep feeling better, ok?
  4. (((hugs))) and prayers for you.
  5. (((((hug))))) The bad days are so hard, aren't they? I hope this surgery is successful and things continue to be successful with as little wear and tear on your Daddy as possible.
  6. Treebywater

    Nina 2000

    Yeah, Nina!!! Thanks for all of your support.
  7. Praying for Andrea's Mom and Andra.
  8. Lori, This is SUCH GOOD NEWS!!! Love it, Love it!!!
  10. You know you're an LCSC member when you see an Altima drive by and can't read it as anything but Alimta. Why would they name a car after a medicine? You know you're an LCSC member when you look forward to coming home each night to settle down at the Pub and drink a tall one... in cyber-space. You know you're an LCSC member when your heart skips a beat whenever you see a beer truck drive by. You know you're an LCSC member when you tell your kid they're going to need an AddieTude adjustment. You know you're an LCSC member when you hear someone refer to a person as an SOB and you can't figure out why someone would stoop so low as to call them a Shortness of Breath! How insidious!!! Any others? P.S. I needed to grin a bit, and I thought others might too. If this should be moved to the 'Just For Laughs' section, that's ok.
  11. ((((((hug)))))) It is very, very hard and it's ok to feel the deep sad sometimes. It doesn't mean you're not being positive. You're just allowing yourself to feel and that is needed too. Let us know how your Daddy is doing when you know more.
  12. I just found this one too... I liked it except it talks about how we need to get over the blame game but leads the story on how it's all because of smoking. If they could have highlighted what was covered in the last few paragraphs and dehighlighted the first few, I think it would have been better... but those who get past the first couple of paragraphs might learn something.
  13. 1) Carolyn keeps trying SO HARD to crawl 2) We went exploring yesterday and had a really good time. 3) Daddy seems to be hanging in there. 4) We took a walk and saw seals, starfish, and jellyfish this morning 5) AddieTude's and Mojo's are back and we're a community of fighters who WILL TRIUMPH!
  14. I LOVE to see that AddieTude! It sounds like you feel like this is Doable, Addie, and I'm so glad. I wish it wasn't something that you had to Do... but if it is, with our prayers and good thoughts and support we'll DO it along with you. (oof that's a lot of do-doing... hmmm... I better clean that up). ((((hugs))))
  15. ((((Antoinette)))) That's what we're here for.
  16. And I'm over here uttering some innapropriate expletives myself... Prayers headed God's way, hugs headed yours (((Don and Lucie))). Praying for these treatments to kick butt! Darn it!
  17. I'd rather hold your hand. Praying for you, Addie!!
  18. I know yesterday was the day... But Happy Birthday David. The tree was such a beautiful idea. I know he's smiling about it. Praying for you Becky, and Faith, and Karen.
  19. (((Beth))) I won't stop praying for you! I hope this gets sorted out and things start moving in a positive direction.
  20. Treebywater


    I know things are heavy here, and I don't want to add to the heaviness but I've been thinkative about this and need to express.... At times I'm finally starting to FEEL losing Mom. And it hurts. Bad. And I'm in the midst of these gift-weeks with Andy... but when these weeks are up, he will be gone *out there.* And I won't have my husband *OR* my Mom. I'm not sure what I'll do. When Andy was in Basic Training and we went through our first separation, I went and watched West Wing with her every Wednesday and she had me sleep over at their house on special days and we didn't necessarily sit around talking about it, but she took care of me. Now that Mom is gone, Andy lets me cry, and lets me eat too much ice cream, and watches sunsets with me and takes care of me... And in a few weeks they'll both be unreachable. Mom will be all the way gone, and Andy won't be all the way gone but he'll be in a scary place where I can't get to him. And I've been so strong up til now with all of this, but there was something to DO then.... There was a cause. There was an adversary to fight. There will be things to do still, but far less. I can feel the void seeping in already. I don't know how I'm going to get through this without either of them. And I'm scared.
  21. I hated the feeling of just wanting a consistent string of good days. I hope and pray that you'll get a REALLY GOOD STRING SOON! Praying for Suki, and for you! Tell her I said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ENJOY THE LOBSTER!
  22. Good vibes and prayers coming! Let us know!
  23. Oh Ms. Addie... I am so bummed for you. And 'Darn it' doesn't come close to encapsulating what I want to express hearing the news... You are a strong, strong woman. Full of AddieTude. And we are so HERE for you. I'm sorry for this news. ((((((Addie))))))) It is what it is and we'll walk what it is with you. love, Val
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