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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. The Cheesecake Factory. And I'm only getting dessert. LOTS of dessert.
  2. I have no words, only gratefulness for knowing both of you, and now knowing you a bit better. Thank you.
  3. Cause Carolyn started crawling today!!!! Already she is even more into everything than she was with her rolling/creeping techniques. But it's all so much fun. She also got a brand new high chair today and had her first taste of apple sauce (she's been eating rice cereal, but we're branching out). So far, she is not sure if Tiggers like applesauce. We'll try again tomorrow. Thought you might like to know.
  4. Sept. 7 is a Day for me too... It's Mom's birthday. Was a hard day this year. ((((hugs)))) to you. Sending you love and support and wishing I could do more. Val
  5. ((((Pat))))) (((((Brian))))) Love you guys.
  6. I was just going to say the same thing as Pat... except say here rather than Rockford. Heck all of ya can come!
  7. (((Lori))) Thanks for the update. I will definitely pray.
  8. So *HOW* do we organize? How do we become a force to be reckoned with like those dealing with breast cancer? Letters to congressman, and media, yes... but what do we do to be able to throw some weight around?
  9. Lived In: Illinois Florida Washington (all within the last 18 months I might add) Visited: Alaska Oregon Idaho Iowa Missouri Wisconsin Louisiana Kentucky Alabama North Carolina Virginia Kansas Driven Through (I count it because especially after this last trip you see A LOT of a state driving through it especially if you stop and visit things along the way) Montana Wyoming South Dakota Arkansas Indiana Tennessee Nebraska Mississippi Georgia West Virginia. And in the last week I was in... Washington Idaho Montana Wyoming South Dakota Iowa Illinois I should get extra points for that.
  10. ((((hugs)))) to you. It's awful what this stuff does to people's normal lives.
  11. It's been a hard day. I don't know if it's being back at Dad's in the 'aftermath' of things. Or really, in the aftermath of the aftermath when there is no concrete goal of getting things done or even getting relatives booted out. I'm just sad. I miss Mom so very much. And I promise I'm trying to live life to the fullest and trying to be happy because she would want me to be, but tonight I'm just sad. I've been having nightmares too. Not a lot, but one especially was just terrible and keeps haunting me. I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing really good. And sometimes I feel like I'm doing *too* good. Sometimes I feel like I'm sweeping things under the rug. And then sometimes I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Today I think the truck won.
  12. I can't see for the tears... I'm so very, very sorry.
  13. ((((Shar)))) Cry all you need. How awful. I wish I could come scout for your dog, myself.
  14. There's nothing I can say to make it better. I haven't been in your shoes with a spouse. I can only imagine that the pain would be debilitating and the fear of that aloneness enough to make me want to stop breathing... If it helps with the aloneness any, know that we are here hurting with you and crying for you. Know that we care. I'm sorry you have to be here, and sorry that such a vibrant, resilient spirit is slipping away.
  15. ((((Sandy)))) Great news all around!!! I'm so glad for you, and so glad you guys are finding a middle ground.
  16. I'm afraid I missed something... but has anybody heard from MelanieLR? I've been feeling anxious about her...
  17. True... I play Clarinet... Hey! Benny Goodman made it cool. It's not just a polka instrument! I haven't played in ages though... TPBM likes to walk barefoot through the grass.
  18. um... spending too much time on the internet... and also procrastinating (not suprisngly, the two go hand in hand. )
  19. Sending ((((hugs))))) prayers, and love. And Carolyn is sending along some smiles, wet baby kisses, and tiny hugs as well.
  20. Yayyy! for girls!!! How exciting!
  21. Definitely call the doctor. They NEED to know this is going on. ((((hugs)))) to you. I know it's scary.
  22. Welcome! We're here to cheer you and your Mama on.
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