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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Those darn counts!!!! Hang in there guys.... Keep looking up-. Carolyn and I are praying for you, and Carolyn sends a great big toothless grin especially for Brian (I should warn you, Pat... she's a bit of a flirt...). When these counts are under control the cancer won't know what hit it.
  2. Wonderful news, Heidi! I'm SOO happy for you.
  3. Treebywater

    Year One

    I have thought and thought about how to reply, and I still don't know how.... I just want to say that I am thinking of you this day, and like Katie, praying that it will be full of gentleness and of sweet memories.
  4. Praying! You let us know how it goes when you're able!
  5. Praying so much for you. The pain in your words is so evident. We're with you now and will be throughout. I agree--if he is worried about after-life issues, see if there isn't someone who can ease his mind so that isn't unfinished business. Hold him, be with him, and soak in every single moment with him. And know that we're holding you in love and care.
  6. Sue and Missy I'm so glad that the hospital stuff is over! Now stay outta there!!!
  7. I can't see it here, Jim. So I think your head is on straight, your avatar just isn't.
  8. Sometimes I post replies to wacky messageboard posts that hit me wrong. I write. I'm also a cryer... The worst thing is when you're REALLY angry and need to *look* angry... and I burst into tears and just look like a slobbering fool and can't put a cohesive sentence together to save me... I hate that. Then I get angrier and cry more.
  9. Ugh... A month? That just... stinks!!!!! Thinking nothing but good thoughts for you, Fay and praying, and hoping, and believing good things too. The rest of us will just have to extra feisty until you're feeling up to spreading feistiness around again (and are on a friendlier computer to do so). I'll be feisty for Fay! That will be my motto until you're back!
  10. Ok, so Carolyn's not smiling... but the picture never fails to make me grin. I hope it's the same for you guys.
  11. pizza and ice cream are my favorite fun foods... but I've decided I could just about live on cereal. I love cereal.
  12. Treebywater

    Bye then

    Bye Dee! Come see us when you are able. You will be missed!
  13. ((((((((((((Jane)))))))))))) We are so here for you and fighting with you. It's wonderful that they took that extra time and helped you to find some comfort.
  14. Praying, praying, praying. Kick cancer butt Alimta!!! Kick cancer butt Bill and Beth!!!
  15. LOVING IT!!!! I am SO GLAD for you!!! Give that NED a big old Smoocharoo!!!
  16. I'm so glad you're back!!!!!
  17. Treebywater

    Alf's cat

    Good luck in the toaster! I'll chant a long with you! No! Be Gone! Go!
  18. ((((Kathi))))) It's the little things that catch you up, isn't it?
  19. Sunday (yesterday Sunday--does that count?) DH and I went on a date. Our FIRST since Carolyn was born. And Carolyn did SO GOOD for the sitter. That made me almost as elated as the date (but only almost. )
  20. I'm so glad you're back and feeling so good.
  21. Dear God, You know what Fay and Andrea's Mom need. Please provide. Comfort them and let them know that you're there and that we are there holding their hands too. Ease their pain. Do your healing thing. And bring them back safely to us. love, Me.
  22. Fay! We miss you!!! Feel better really, really quick. Kick butt and take some names in the recovery department, ok? Thanks Andrea for keeping us posted.
  23. Carolyn needs someone very energetic to come babysit... Wanna come over? (((((Addie))))) I'm sorry about the roller coaster.
  24. I am sorry that you don't feel that we heard you, and I'm sorry if you don't think we're being forthright. You might note that I quite plainly told you that my Mom continued to smoke after diagnosis, but was eventually able to quit. I'm equally sorry that you didn't seem to hear us. As Don said, our bottom line was that we hope your anger about smoking won't get in the way of your unconditional love and support for your family member. Regardless, we're here to support you. We don't do the 'evils of smoking' stuff here much because at this point in the game it's a moot point. There are many here who NEVER smoked. Many who gave up smoking LONG before diagnosis. Lung cancer is not just about smoking. We're here to fight the cancer, fight for our lives and the lives of our loved ones, and love on one another and offer support in the process. It's obvious that the subject of smoking cessation is a passion for you. There are many, many outlets out there for that. Plug in and voice your passion, by all means! I just don't think this board is the place for it. I'm sorry that you are feeling so angry. This stuff is hard.
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