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Everything posted by kamataca

  1. Hey Bunny! Glad you have a plan, and I hope it is just the ticket. Despite all of her bizzar-o medical issues, Tarceva has been a good thing for my Mom. They plan for it to be a life-long med for her, too. Keep up those good vibrations! Kelly
  2. So...how long 'til a slice makes it to Oklahoma? Seriously, I think that is really cool. Good for you. I miss picking apples--not a lot of orchards around here, but we had fun back in MN picking them. Kelly
  3. What a cool little dude! Glad you are able to celebrate and enjoy such an important time. Kelly
  4. Janet, I'm so sorry that your Mom isn't doing so well. Do you know if she is physically unwell, or could this be a byproduct of depression? Either way, keeping the doctors informed is very important. I'll keep you all in my prayers. I hope she will grow stronger this week. Kelly
  5. In case I haven't mentioned this before, you so rock! Kelly
  6. What an amazing and beautiful story! The whole "circle of life" thing is so cool. Kelly
  7. I haven't heard of it either, but I'm still new to the chemo game. Hope things go well! Kelly
  8. You absolutely can do this! Your attitude is awesome. Keep us posted! Kelly
  9. kamataca


    Something about closing a door an opening a window...just don't jump out the window! You fight the fight like no one else. I'm interested to see what the next plan is. Kelly
  10. Holly, You've come so far to realize that every day is indeed precious and to be taken one at a time. Whenever I get caught up in looking too far ahead, I have to remind myself of that as well. Keep us posted! Kelly
  11. I'm so glad that your load is lightening up a bit! Good for you to make your needs / responsibilites very clearly known. I'll keep sending the prayers. It looks like you know what to do with them! Kelly
  12. Ralph, Hope your treatments continue to go well and you kick this bad dog right in the teeth. You're right--you aren't being punished for wrong-doings. Neither is my mom, nor is anyone else here. I mean, have you ever met a better group of people? I can't imagine that we are all the bad guys. Keep us posted! , Kelly
  13. Geesh...I can't even pronounce that little cocktail. Does it come with a paper umbrella? I can't wait to hear how well you do on this one. You keep fishing, we'll keep praying. Kelly
  14. kamataca

    About Drew

    Thanks so much for the update! I was wondering about the little tyke. He's still in my prayers. Kelly
  15. Wait for Mommy and Daddy to make everything all right. Kelly
  16. Jimmy Buffett, for sure. Maybe he can tell me how to make my life that much fun (on a teacher's salary, of course). Kelly
  17. I don't know anything about those, but I do know that there are a lot of good meds out there, and your mom should be as comfortable as possible. Make sure the Drs know if what they are prescribing isn't working. You're such a good help for your mom! Kelly
  18. Good question! My mom has been offered the same round of treatments, and so far I've heard very positive things from the people who have responded. I hope your mom does as well as the others have! Kelly
  19. Well, I would say to keep busy...but with a 6 and 4 year-old, I'm sure that you already do! My Mom rediscovered her knack for crocheting. I think that everyone we know has received a blanket from her. It keeps her busy and keeps her mind occupied when it starts to "wander" into the black. Glad you found us...keep us posted! , Kelly
  20. You have my love and prayers... Kelly
  21. "Please pray that I will do better"? Honey, you know you can't become a saint while you are still alive, right? You couldn't possible do better. I'll pray that you are taking care of yourself, too. I'll pray for some peace for all of you. I'll pray for at least one blessed moment without stress for you. I think if you do any better, you will start to glow! Whatta gal. Take care of you, OK? < Kelly
  22. You guys really are the best--and so wise. I called and talked to my younger brother today and told him what was going on. Then, after my kids were out of the room, I told Mom that I was glad she shared her info with me. I used Ann's beautiful line about knowing how strong she was, and having great faith in her. My brother also asked me to throw in the bit about not having to make her decisions just yet, and keeping her mind open to all options as she gathers information. I also was honest and told her that I sometimes don't know how to respond--that I don't want her to think I am pushing her into something she doesn't want to do, or that I am pushing her away from something else. Isn't it funny that honesty was the last thing I thought of using? But I reiterated that she could always 'sound off' to me. I sometimes forget that she lives alone, doesn't have my dad to talk with, and that this must feel very lonely for her no matter how hard we try. So thanks again! You guys are the greatest. Kelly
  23. I'm feeling a bit pitiul and overwhelmed today, so I thought I'd lay it all on you guys. Mom went to her nephrologist yesterday. She has a lot of kidney complications due to years of medical trials for her Crohn's (She was one of the first diagnosed in our area 30 years ago, so she did all the fun stuff), and on a good day her kidneys function at about 30%. Any-hoo, the neph. gave mom "Things to put in her thinking cap" about the chemo. I want Mom to have all available info, but I think she is pushing everything to a "Worst case-scenario" level. She now is thinking that if she does the chemo her kidneys will fail, and she will be on dialysis 3X per week, and her life will be over. The Dr. said it was a 'possibility', but everyone would monitor it closely. Mom then told me that if she went on dialysis, she could just choose to opt out of it, "slip into a coma, and die peacefully." I guess the neph. told her this, too. It's good to have plans. So now we are back to talking about end of life issues, when I truly don't beleive she's even close to that yet. My husband suspects that she wants me to talk her into the chemo so that she doesn't have to make the decision. Of course, it would all be my fault as well if things go wrong. She didn't share the rest of this conversation with my brothers. Gosh, I sound pitiful. I just don't know what I'm supposed to feel or do now. I know it is all Mom's decision, and I will truly support whatever she wants to do. I just am not sure what she wants for me to say or do. I would be frustrated if she didn't share information with me, but I'm not sure what to do with the information. Also, the defeated attitude makes me weary. She's probably just looking for someone to listen, just like I was with you guys today. Thanks for that! Kelly
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