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Everything posted by kamataca

  1. Ah geeze...I haven't eaten yet and you folks are killing me! I think I'll head out to KFC or to Braum's for a burger. Ummmmmm...... Kelly
  2. Kim, Words can't even express how ticked I would be if someone treated my mom that way. I feel for you, having to deal with that on top of your mom's medical concerns. Luckily for her, you seem to be a powerful advocate for her. My mom has COPD as well, but she is not near end stage. I wish I could offer more help. I know that sometimes it is almost frustrating, trying to determine which symptoms are COPD / emphysema related, and which are the cancer. I hope this gets better for you. Your mom is lucky to have you there, helping her out. Kelly
  3. Umm...good question. I know Mom gets all the scans, but if I tried to make a resonable explanation, I'd probably just goof it all up. Hopefully someone will come along who can answer your question. Remember to keep a notebook or something similiar handy and jot these questions down when you think of them. Then you'll have them in one place when it is time to see the next dr. Kelly
  4. Better?!? Well YABBA-DABBA-DO! Thanks for the good news! That is really amazing! Kelly
  5. Geesh...what a mess. I can't even begin to decipher what all of the medical jargon means, and I feel for you. I'll be praying for you, and for the doctors to straighten all of this out. Kelly
  6. kamataca

    Difficult update

    Joyce, What an amazing person you are, that you can take this time to console us and offer us hope. You sound like a strong and wonderful couple. I hope for peace for you. Kelly
  7. I'm going surfing on some quaint, non-touristy island that has a beautiful beach and killer waves. I guess I'd better find a nice surf instructor, since I've never done this before. Since $$ is no object, I'm taking my family and my best friend. See you under the palm tree! Kelly
  8. Dang, you've got a lot going on! I don't know any answers to the medical questions, but I want to echo the advice to ignore the statistics. We aren't living in a world of rose-colored glasses, but we know that statistics are just numbers--and outdated ones at that. Take care of yourself! Kelly
  9. Kick down the door, knock out a wall...whatever it takes. My hopes are up for you, too. Isn't it funny what we start to wish for after awhile?!? Prayers for you. Kelly
  10. Ditto the welcome. I hope that in the days and weeks to come you get some helpful information. Loving someone through this is tough, but definately possible. It gets easier the longer you hang around here! Kelly
  11. If I had another girl I'd name her Victoria, but call her Tori. I'd avoid trendy names, too. When our daughter was born, I wanted to name her after my grandmother (Sarah) but we knew three people with babies named Sarah. So we named her Taylor (didn't think it was trendy at the time--didn't know anyone else in MN with that name) and now there are 3 Taylors in her class/ grade. No Sarahs though! Kelly
  12. Denise, I can't think of anything helpful, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate the work you are doing. This is such an important topic, and I wish I could articulate it for you. Thanks so much for your endeavors! Kelly
  13. This would be so much easier for you if you knew what your mother wanted. As hard as it is for us caregivers, it really is the patient who is in charge. When my grandmother had lymphoma, she did one round of chemo and told us she was through. She made her own decision, and we respected that. She went very quickly, but we knew it was what she wanted. I hope you family will have some peace with this issue. I fear that no number of opinions will make you feel settled until you truly know what your mom wants. I hope she is able to communicate that with you. You'll be in my prayers. Kelly
  14. Mom gets both. We were told to wait until October, and lo and behold here it is! Thanks for the reminder! Kelly
  15. I love the support I get here. I also like feeling that maybe some of what I've been through can be used to help others. I can also be pitiful here if I need to be, and I'm not judged. Sometimes, no matter how much she loves her mother and is devoted to her, a gal just needs to vent. Plus you folks tell some funny jokes! Kelly
  16. Mandi, What a crazy ride you've been on for the past few months! I know it must be hard for you to watch you mom go through all of this. I'm sure you are doing what you can to take care of her. This is a great place to ask questions, or sit back and learn from what you read about others. I'm sorry you had to seek out this board, but it is a great, supportive place. In another post today I called it an "oasis of hope", and that is truly what it has been for me. I hope you can find some help and comfort here, too. Keep us posted on how your mom is doing. Kelly
  17. I was looking for answers...and I found them! I turn to the Internet maybe more than I should, but I was so glad to find this oasis of hope after finding some disheartening sites in other places. And I'm so glad I'm here! Kelly
  18. Gee....wonder what you'll be doing with your time? Enjoy it! Kelly
  19. L'chaim! Hope I did that right. At any rate...celebrate! Kelly
  20. OOOH! The Happy Dance! I love doing that. CAn we sing and dance along? Thanks for sharing your good news! Kelly
  21. Who needs Disney World when you can get such a rollercoaster ride for "free"? Plus, when you get good news, it is just the happiest place on earth. Keep us posted! Kelly
  22. Nikki, What a shock. I'm sure it is hard to even know what you feel right now. This place has been so helpful for me on this journey. I hope you can find some help and comfort here as well. Take care of yourself while you are taking care of your father. Many of us have learned that we are no good to anyone else if we don't take care of ourselves along the way. You'll be in my prayers. Keep us updated. , Kelly
  23. It involved my best friend of 20 years, a bottle of wine, and a completely "inappropriate" movie. Let's just say, I never thought I'd see Neil Patrick Harris do such a thing. I came close last week. My 8-year old son was getting ready for his initiation into the world of standardized testing. His teacher told him they would be taking the Iowa tests the next week. He panicked and blurted out, "But Mrs. Holmes...I know NOTHING about Iowa!" I'm so lucky to be surrounded by fun folks. Kelly
  24. Very cool. Thanks for the positive post! Kelly
  25. Oh, what a long weekend for you! Not only am I praying for you, to show how much I care, I may just have a chocolate doughnut as well. To show support, of course. Solidarity in all of this. As a matter of fact, it may take more than one. Take care, and let us know what you hear. Kelly
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