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Everything posted by flwrjunke

  1. Oh Becky, You most certainly have my prayers for your entire family. It's such a crazy time, with everything going on and so many emotions to deal with. Congrats on quiting smoking, that is huge and the weight gain will come off in time. Patty
  2. Tann, I'm so sorry to hear the news. I pray that Hospice will control your pain, and pray for peace for you and your family. Patty
  3. Holly, I know how hard it is, the holidays, birthdays, and still I'm dreading Mothers Day. My Moms birthday was January 1st. So after getting through the 1st Thanksgiving, 1st Christmas, New Years, her birthday, I then had my birthday a couple of weeks later. It was beyond difficult. Talk about a walking zombie. That was me.... Some days I still feel that way but what I've learned from these boards is that it's ok. It's gonna take some time.... more time..... and for now, that's ok. Please don't feel guilty for waiting so long to start a family. I know your Mom wouldn't want that. Just concentrate on loving and nurturing that little bug of yours. I'm sure your Mom is looking down, with big eyes, proud of everything that your doing. As far as bring up Carolyn without your Moms involvement, not true. As time goes on, you will see, by your actions and your words, that your Mom is very much involved. How she raised you, will play a huge roll in how you raise Carolyn. Maybe when she's a little older, you'll be faced with a situtation, and 1st you'll think, "How would Mom handle this" or words will fly out of your mouth and you'll think, "wow, that was my Mom talking". I love it when that happens. I always like to share those thoughts with my boys, so one day when they are faced with a similar situation, maybe Grandma will play a role in them bring up their children too. If you can hold off on going back to work for now, do so. Work will always be there. Carolyn will only be little for now, enjoy her and take care of yourself. Patty
  4. Val, Key words, "tentative plan". Don't go, stay home, get some sleep and take care of yourself! Patty
  5. Jodi, I'm so sorry for the loss of your Mom. I'm glad you were there with her during her passing. My sincere condolences to you and your family. Patty
  6. flwrjunke

    It is done.

    Suzie, I'm so sorry to hear that your Mom lost her fight. My deepest sympathies are with you and your family during this time. Patty
  7. Oh Susie, I'm so sorry that your Mom is declining. It's so hard to go through this. I wish there was some way for all of this to be avoided. Prayers for her comfort, and prayers for you during this time. Patty
  8. My Mom was very active before her dx. Even after dx she stayed active. She had 6 rounds of chemo and she didn't let it slow her down or get her down. After her 1st round, she was out playing golf within a week. I really think that kept her going. It wasn't until after her 4th round of chemo, that it took her a little longer to bounce back, but she always continued on. She was amazing, and normal life, at least for my Mom was possible during chemo. I understand your fear and your Dads fear. Every thing about lung cancer is scary. So many unknowns. Try and talk to him, just be with him and know I', praying for peace for both of you. Patty
  9. Prayers coming your way. Patty
  10. I would gather my family and friends and just be with them.
  11. Linda, I'm so sorry for the news you received from the doctor. Prayer going out for both of you. Patty
  12. Joanie, I'm so happy for you. Congrats on the 4 years and a prayer for many more to come. Patty
  13. Dear Shanna, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. I know how scared you must be. My MIL choose not to have treatment and within a week she went for radaition treatments, so she could swallow. Remember that some treatments will help to make her comfortable. Spend as much time with her as possible, be there with her and love her. This board is a God send to me, so check back often, and know that prayers are going your way. Patty
  14. Lori, I think that you are very wise and you should go with your gut feeling. "Am I overstepping my grounds here? Shouldn't it be her decision, not just his?" No, your not overstepping! It should be her decision! Heck, I'd pick your house anyday over a nursing home. You have always had her best interest in mind, thank God she has you! Praying for you, Patty
  15. Janice, I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Have you thought of calling in Hospice? I really think it would be a good idea not only for your Dad, but for you and your brother. They did so much for my Mom, including anti depressants, which really helped with her anxiety. Hospice also gave us a book on signs that the end is approching. Not wanting to eat, and becoming detached (1 word answers) is all normal. I wish that things were different, and none of us were here, so know that I'm praying for you and your Dad and you are not alone. Patty
  16. flwrjunke

    One more test

    First, I'd like to thank everyone for their prayers. My Doctor had told me to call her 2-3 days after my CT for results. So I called and left a message last Tuesday, then Thursday and then again today. After waiting and stressing she called today with the results. It showed diverticulitis/diverticulotis and I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy next Monday. Thanks again for the prayers and support. Patty
  17. Robert, I'm so sorry that you are going through this and need this information. My Mom had made arrangements with the Neptune Society. There is one in Costa Mesa and the cost is about $1500.00. Hope this info helps and I really wish you didn't need it. Prayers for you and your family. Patty
  18. Laura, Karen and Ken I am so sorry to hear this. I know how hard it is. Continued prayers for your family! Patty
  19. flwrjunke


    Kel, I know exactly how you are feeling. I was told that I have a mass and was sent for a CT. When the doctor said "mass" all that came to mind was when my Mom was 1st dx. Scared the crap out of me. After going through everything with my Mom, I don't know if going to the doctors will ever be the same. I pray that all is ok with you, and you get your results soon. Patty
  20. Jodi, Prayers going your way for a clean scan!~ Patty
  21. I love Stuart Woods Last one I read was Iron Orchid
  22. flwrjunke

    January 1, 2006

    Pat, I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling. I can only imagine. I'm praying for you and that with time these feelings will get easier. Patty
  23. flwrjunke

    It is B9.

    Ginny, I'm so happy for the good report. Patty
  24. Wow Lori, Your Mom is amazing and so are you! As I've come to learn "if it's not 1 thing it's another" so just keep being there for her and take care of yourself! Hugs, Patty
  25. Cathy, I am so sorry for your loss. Our Daddys always have a special place in our hearts. I pray for peace and comfort for your family. Patty
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