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Everything posted by espy

  1. Jane, Please know I will be thinking of and praying for you and your family.
  2. espy

    Some News on Mo

    Ry, Thanks for bringing us up to date on Mo. I was wondering about her. Mo, Best wishes for a speedy recovery and as short a hospital stay as necessary!
  3. Margaret, My father completed chemo and radiation several months ago, started taking Iressa a couple of weeks ago, and for the last month or so has had increasing swelling in his feet, ankles and now halfway up his legs. His primary tumor was in his left lung, and he has mets now in right lung. The swelling is worse in his left leg, but significant in his right leg as well. Also, he is continually losing his voice -- it has become very weak and raspy, he is becoming more and more confused, and is experiencing increasing fatigue and shortness of breath. Not sure what all this means, but he had new scans today and will see his medical oncologist this Wednesday. Hopefully we will get some questions answered then. I've been wondering about dehydration and/or anemia being part of the cause of the swelling -- hope to get some questions answered this week. Sorry I can't be of more help to you.
  4. espy


    Sandy, I'll be thinking of you and hoping for good news. I know how hard it is to wait for the report. Hope you have lots of activities planned for the weekend to keep your mind occupied. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  5. Jim, I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday-- Wishing you the best of luck on your scan results!!
  6. espy

    My Beloved

    Peg, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. Please accept my deepest and most sincere sympathy. I will be thinking of and praying for you and your family. Sincerely,
  7. espy


    Wow Rick, what a great job you did with the tribute!
  8. espy

    Good Scan - Again

    Wow Dave, that's just awesome news! Very encouraging indeed!
  9. Such sad news about such a wonderful family. Thanks for the info.
  10. Fay, thanks for the information on teh GVAX trial.
  11. I found some very helpful information on the following website. Thought some of you might benefit from it. http://www.commtechlab.msu.edu/SITES/COMPLETINGALIFE/audioon/topiclist.html
  12. What encouraging news! Congratulations to you and your husband!
  13. Shirley, I am so sorry to hear that your father has lost his battle with lung cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Please accept my deepest sympathy.
  14. I remember how shocked and scared I was when my father's doctor first mentioned lung cancer. At the time, my parents were in Florida and I was in Maine. It was so frustrating being so far away from them and them not really being able to convey clear messages from his doctors. It's been over a year now and my parents are living within walking distance from me. Although we all still have our down days, we have many more ups than downs. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  15. espy

    CT Results are In

    Oops, I mean "happy for you"!
  16. espy

    CT Results are In

    Awesome news Connie. I'm very hapy for you!
  17. Dear Andrea, I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through right now. I know it must be tough to admit that it is time for hospice, but hopefully you will feel some relief once they begin their support. I have heard nothing but great things about them. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  18. Early on, my father's doctors told him his cancer was too widespread for surgery or radiation. A doctor in FL told him that without surgery he would probably only survive 6 months. After his chemo, things looked a little better so he was able to receive radiation. It is now a year and four months later and he is still around. As you have read from other posts, there are plenty of success stories on this board which may help you realize that his chances may be quite good. Best of luck to you and your husband.
  19. espy

    I'm Already There

    Those are great lyrics Don. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Just wanted to say I hope things go well on your trip. You both definitely deserve a break! Enjoy!
  21. espy


    Congratulations on your good news Rich! Hope things just keep getting better for you!
  22. espy

    Judy B has passed

    Stephanie, I too am shocked and saddened at the news of your mother's passing. During the time of my father's initial diagnosis of lung cancer, when I was feeling very scared, Judy was one of the first people on this board to give me hope. She will surely be missed by many. Please accept my sincere sympathy. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  23. I also want to express my sadness and shock in hearing about Becky losing her battle. My thoughts and prayers are w/ everyone who has ever had to experience any amount of physical or emotional pain relating to lung cancer. It really is a horrible disease. I am especially thinking of you you Curtis and your daughter during this difficult time. Please accept my sincere sympathy.
  24. Norme, I also want you to know that I am thinking of you and Buddy. I feel so badly for what you are going through. It must be so hard. You are such a great caretaker, I'm sure that Buddy appreciates everything you do for him very much. I will be praying for you both.
  25. espy

    some questions

    Not sure if this will help at all, but my father, who was diagnosed w/ NSCLC last spring, gags quite a bit. Usually he will cough a couple of times first, then end up gagging to the point I think he will vomit, but doesn't. He did have some fluid removed last April and had some relief for a while, but lately it seems to be happening more often again. His last CT scan report showed enlargement of his pleural effusion which may or may not have something to do with it. Sorry, I have no information on your other questions. Best wishes to you and your father.
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