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Everything posted by adela

  1. Carleen and Cindy, My husband ED fought hospice and so did the onocology nurse. Ed wanted to go back home to Seattle so that's what I did. Just bundled him up and took him. My son helped take care of him for a week it was a very difficult week. And at the same time bittersweet, he had a lot of visitors. He got weaker and weaker. What you do as a caregiver is do it. Whatever needs to be done. You do the best you can with what you have. Which is your love and caring. Keep strong and weak you will do just fine. Adela
  2. I have and still am in your mother's posititon it is so hard. You beat yourself up that you can't keep everything organized as a caregiver it is so hard to do. I am sure she can check on the medicare check. I hope she can get some peace soon on this. There is a solution to every situation. Adela.
  3. adela

    Dads Gone

    I am so sorry. Adela
  4. This is a hard day for you. Take care of yourself. Adela
  5. May TAnn and her family have peace on this journey they are traveling on. My thoughts are with her and her family Adela
  6. Carleen, I am so sorry.....your faith is strong he will get you and Keith through this. Adela
  7. This is a very difficult time. My husband was very confused on stopping his chemo....he knew and didn't want to accept what would happen next. I supported his decision and was his sounding board. When he stoppped the chemo it was the most courageous act he did. He was in control not the beast. All you can do at this point is support your Dad in whatever he decides to do. Adela
  8. Janice, My condolences to you and your family. Adela
  9. adela

    Thomas Parkinson

    I am so sorry for your loss. Adela
  10. Randy my thoughts are with you. Adela
  11. Hope the MRI is clean. Jeffery's story is so amazing to me.....I am so happy for you and Jeffery. Adela
  12. The hand written notes are so important, I have some from Ed and they are so precious to me. He made a Christmas card notebook and that is so important to me. His cell phone has his greeting and I would like to have that recorded. Thanks for sharing. Adela
  13. Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying 'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide. But come ye back when summer's in the meadow Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow 'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so. Irish Eyes the irish pipes were calling and you will always hear your father at all times. My condolences to you and your family When Irish eyes are smiling, Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring. In the lilt of Irish laughter You can hear the angels sing. When Irish hearts are happy, All the world seems bright and gay. And when Irish eyes are smiling, Sure, they steal your heart away. Jack O'Kelly is surely smiling his Irish eyes on you and your family. And I will drink a pint in honor of Jack O'Kelley. Take care of yourself. Adela
  14. adela

    I'm overwhelmed

    Hope your pain has subsided and able to rest. Adela
  15. adela

    2 years ago today

    It has been 5 years since I lost my Dad, I keep wanting the phone to ring and it is him asking how am I doing. I was his shadow he taught me saw, hammer, change oil and he took me on his errands. Good memories of Dad. Adela
  16. I am feeling what you have written. The emptiness and loneliness is very difficult. Adela
  17. Sherrie My condolences for you and your family. Not making it in time is so difficult for you........you did the best you could. Adela
  18. That's a good idea on the pictures. Do it. Adela
  19. Yes it is very hard. Ed was my cheerleader and he was so happy I had my children celebrating with me. Adela
  20. I felt our doctor did the same thing to my husband. When my husband told the nurse no more chemo, my husband tried to get in contact with the Doctor. No return call.....nothing. It was like the doctor was angry at my husband for stopping the chemo. Maybe it has to do with money: hospice less expensive than everything connected to treatment. My husband told the doctor's assistant that he was going home to die. I tried to get the nurse to obtain a order for hospice......she balked at that. It was very difficult 2 1/2 weeks. Adela
  21. So sorry may you find peace in your journey. Adela
  22. This is so difficult for you. My husband had brain mets and steroids would help him, hope your Mother can get some relief. Adela
  23. That is great!!!!!!!!! Adela
  24. There is courage in grieving you let your feelings all out. It's ok to cry from your toes to your head. Take care of yourself. Adela
  25. Glad surgery went well. Hope the pain is controlled. Adela
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