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Everything posted by adela

  1. adela


    My heart breaks for you Tina and your girls. Adela
  2. You need to check this out. Your husband is strong enough in spirit to support you and help you to go see a doctor. YOU MUST MAKE A APPOINTMENT WITH THE DOC. Adela
  3. adela

    Husband's Marker

    Found out today the marker will be replaced with no charge to me. Yeah Randy if I could package some rain I would. The folks in Seattle wouldn't miss a little. Thanks all for your input......which help me tremendously. Adela
  4. adela

    good news

    Really good news. Adela
  5. The liquid morphine will help. Is there something that could soothe him. Perhaps music. Take care of yourself. Adela
  6. My condolences to you and the girls. Adela
  7. Could be towards the end. Just try to make her comfortable and know you have been there for your mother. You will have strength for what ever comes your way. Take care of yourself. Adela
  8. Don't heap guilt on yourself or don't let anyone else do that. Other family members can step up if they won't or can't, you and your husband have done a lot and will continue to care for her in a different environment. Take care of yourself. Adela
  9. Shanna I am sorry for your loss. Adela
  10. It is not unusual for him to say he will get better. The stress is hard on the family. Seek some guidance from Hospice on what is say to your father. It could help you. Sit with him.......and hold his hand and tell him you love him. My thoughts are with you and your family. Adela
  11. adela

    Husband's Marker

    I am in the rainy Pacific Northwest. Went to the cemetary to visit Ed. I took my umbrella,tissues and a stool. Ed's military marker was in place at first I was so happy to see it. Then the end date is wrong, the date should be March 11 instead it reads March 3. So I just sat down and cried and cried. I took him 7 pink roses 1 for each year of our marriage. I told him how much I miss and love him. His song for us is Beyond The Sea.......to him it says one day him and I will meet Beyond the Sea. We danced to that, cried to that and finally I placed it in his memorial folder. So I sat in the car listening to Beyond The Sea as I was listening a eagle kind of circled around Ed's grave and flew off. So I cried more and then I was comforted. I will see if I made the mistake on the military marker paperwork or they did. Hopefully it won't be too difficult to change. I could just hear my husband saying to me if it costs too much to fix forget it. I know when I died and so do you. Or maybe a stone mason can do a fix, I hope so.
  12. Randy I am sure your wife is so happy you placed flowers for her to enjoy. Seeing the marker is hard to do.
  13. adela


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  14. adela

    Need prayers for my Mom

    Perhaps she would accept a caregiver to come in 4 hours a day and help her with her basic needs. She would be in familiar surroundings. Hope she is feeling better and the doctors can figure out what is going on. Adela
  15. adela

    Lucky Again!

    That is fantastic, NED is the best news. Adela
  16. Thank you for the message. May you have a good Easter.
  17. Glad to hear surgery went well. Take care of yourself. Adela
  18. adela

    Odds and Ends

    My husband applied for SSD and got the benefit within 4 weeks. There is a lot of paperwork to comply with, however it isn't overwhelming.
  19. Linda's Mom. You are a courageous woman fighting this cancer. What the cancer can not do is take away your person. Who you are and how you became. Your daughter mentioned you are elegant,I have never been able to be elegant. How do you do that? Enjoy your Easter together, Is there a special ritual your family does for Easter. What did your family do at Easter when you were a child? Have a blessed Easter and enjoy, enjoy. Adela
  20. As a caregiver for my husband I also worried about the right decision and when to make that decision. It was a very difficult period. I hope you are not being criticized for your decision. At this point in time your decision is the one that needs to be made. You are there for him and that is so important. Talk to him, comfort him, tell him how much you love him, remember the special trips you took with him. I being the main caregiver and working it I was so stressful at times it was hard to just sit and be with my husband. Having hospice will help let them help you. I will be thinking of you and your Dad. It is such a difficult time for both of you.
  21. I am sorry he is having pain. Hospice will help on the pain part. My thoughts are with you and your husband.
  22. Hoping the radiation helps. Savor each moment with her.
  23. April 10 is our wedding anniversary. We met at the beach had a long distance realtionship. We got marrried he left his beloved Seattle and moved to California to be with me. We laughed, we disagreed, we agreed, we become a partnership and soulship that accomplished alot. He gave me a rose for every year of marriage so this year I get 7 roses. Today will be 30 days since he died. I miss him terribly. There are some that say to me you are young and can have another relationship. I don't want another relationship. I wanted to continue the one I have. Grieving is hard and wrenching at times. Today I will go outside and let the wind blow the sink off of me. That is what Ed would say to me when we stayed indoors too long. We have to get out and have the stink blown off of us.
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