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Everything posted by EastCoastLadi

  1. Great Pics!!! Nice to place faces w/ names .....you all looked like you had a ball!!! Grace
  2. Frank, Truly awesome! Truly amazing Grace
  3. EastCoastLadi


    I am very sorry, please tell Trey and his family I am sending my prayers Grace
  4. Gwen, To know that your dad isn't in pain any more is such good news. I knew in my dads' final months, that was my biggest worry, I had promised him that I would make sure he wouldn't be in any pain. Luckily, his doctors took care of that, for me, at least it gave me some comfort in knowing that he wouldn't be in pain. Take care... Grace
  5. This is so very sad. I know Carleen will make it through this incredibly difficult time. Grace
  6. Hi Chris, thanks for all the prayers... hope you have a good 4th....we're going to see some "real" fireworks this year...( finally the city realizes they need them)....take care Grace
  7. Peggy, You are absolutely right about talking things out, over, whatever. And yes! there are people who will listen to you, believe it or not....one can only keep things to themselves for so long, especially those emotions that eat at them and wear one down. I admire your courage and determination to live, love and be happy... Grace
  8. Bravo!!! That is a wonderful article!!!! You hit all the right points, I know that alot more people will be informed and now know about your moms' courageous fight with lung cancer. Grace
  9. Carleen, I am so sorry, please, know that I am praying for you, I don't know what else to say. Grace
  10. Gin, I agree w/ Jim, this disease is a roller coaster, so unpredictable, but hey the look at the positive, just a small growth, and the spots on the lung are "less" than 1 cm. You're doing every thing you need to do taking it at a swift pace...thats the right thing, sending my prayers to you Grace
  11. Hi Lisa, I totally understand the fear you and your dad are going through. I hope you and he can take some comfort in knowing that there are alot of treatments out there for your dad. Also, there is alot of support, especially here, this is a great place. Don't hesitate to ask any questions, you're sure to get some answers from people here! Grace
  12. Welcome aboard Lisa, First take a deep breath....it definitely is overwhelming, but you have come to an incredible place, you will get alot of insight. Just remember there are no stupid questions, so whatever you want to ask the onc. ask.. My mom would always say when anyone was explaining something complex, she would say explain it to me like you were talking to a 5 year old....because your head can go everywhere....but once again welcome. Grace
  13. Today my husbands' new oncologist met w/ us and wants to start him next week on Taxol and then the week after add Topotecan w/ Taxol for chemo. I just wanted to know if anyone has or knows of anyone who has gone thru this particular chemo treatment. If you know, what does he need to look out for, we of course went over all the side effects and additional tests he will need to go. I definitely would appreciate any info. Thanks Grace
  14. Shirley, I haven't had any experience with Commonwealth Personally, but like I said my brother, the doc, refers many of his patients who have or may have cancer there. He tells me they are one of the biggest oncology/hematology groups in MA. He likes them on a professional level. So I wish you much luck and hope you get better answers and treatment than before. Grace
  15. Awesome Shirley, I'm glad you were able to get an appointment quickly, I've got my fingers crossed, do you know who your are seeing? .... Grace
  16. Shirley, Again, good luck w/ your dad today!...I hope you got that info. I sent to you last night.... Grace
  17. Karen, As a mother of young children, not as young as Faith ( they are 8 and 11) and for her teachers to be treating her and you the way that they have is appalling! No body who deals w/ children no matter how easy or difficult should not be disrespectful, especially with what you and her have experienced. If anything they should be educating themselves further as to how they should be around Faith. And yes as you have said she has had too much for a little girl that is just not fair! and btw, if you're paying for their "services" they are working for YOU! and not the other way around! Even if you have definitely decided to change day care centers you definitely have to let these people know of their unprofessional and uncompassionate "caring" they provided Faith. Please be strong, unfortunately there are people around you that don't understand how you feel, they only view it from their perspective and they haven't been thru what you have, so they are the people you don't want to pay attention to! Hang in there, I know in time things have a way of working out for the best! Grace
  18. Carleen, Please know that I am praying for you and Keith everyday....I know that this is beyond anything that has ever happened in your lives...Many of us unfortunately know, but please know that I am here for you and Keith in whatever way I can. Grace
  19. I feel so bad about your dad, please don't give up, definitely talk w/ your dads' onc. about this and get his/her take on all of this and what are any and all options. I'm praying for your dad. Grace
  20. Tina, I am so sorry for all that your MIL and you and your family are going through right now. Like others my hope is that her dr. can make her comfortable and pain free. I'm praying for peace for your MIL. Grace
  21. Donna, First, welcome, this is a fabulous place with great people. I am sorry about your dad, and fully understand the emotional toll that it is taken on you, your dad and family. You will find that many people have alot of info, experience and insight in dealing with this aweful disease. We all know about the ups and downs, I personally live moment to moment and take "the now" for all it is worth. Grace
  22. Cindy, I'm so sorry for you and your family, your dad had a wonderful life with much love. Prayers out to you and your family. Grace
  23. Janet, I understand your profound sadness, I think it is a wonderful idea to have a "Memorial Garden" for Ron. My prayers are with you. Grace
  24. Jan That is great news, I am happy for you and your family Grace
  25. Linda, Letting you know I'm still thinking about you and your mom....sending my prayers Grace
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