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Everything posted by EastCoastLadi

  1. Cindy, I'm so sorry about your dad, I know this is a difficult time for you and your family, you're a wonderful daughter you helped your dad tremendously. I pray for you and your family. Grace
  2. Carleen, I'm so heartbroken about Keith and you, I don't know what to say just please, please if you need anyone to talk with, I'm here... Please know that hospice will do everything possible to make Keith as comfortable and pain-free as possible. I know that right now this may be difficult to do, but please try to take care of yourself the best you can...it's ok to ask for all the help and care you and Keith need. All my prayers... Grace
  3. Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your setback, but you keep up the positive thoughts and I got my prayers going for you that your new treatment will work! Grace
  4. Hello, My husband finished WBR a month ago, the side effects that he experienced the most and still to some extent experiencing are very fatigued, he did have a bad burn on the back of his head, but treated it with silverdeme ( something like that - given by the radiologist ), some short term memory problems. He didn't have any ringing in his ears from radiation, but did have some during the end of his first few rounds of chemo, he was given other medications to help him with the side effects as well, what helped him was getting off some of those medications...You or your mom should ask if this is common and if it isn't would she need to see an ears, nose and throat specialist -- my husband did see one in the beginning...but his ringing eventually went away. I hope for the best for your mom. Grace
  5. Ginnie, I know that the waiting can be the hardest part, but you hang in there..I'm sending positive thoughts your way.. Grace
  6. Laurel, Besides ginger, peppermint is also good...I also am giving you the following site cancer-pain.org - this has some different ways...traditional and alternatives to treating cancer... Grace
  7. Hey Lisa, You hang in there!!! I know there is alot on your plate right now, but we are here if you need us. Be strong...like mother, like daughter! Grace
  8. 1. Taxi Driver 2. Raging Bull 3. Awakenings 4. Heat 5. Meet the Fockers 6. A Bronx Tale 7. Godfather II 8. Goodfellas 9. Cape Fear 10. Frankenstein (!!) 11. Scarface 12. The Deer Hunter 13.
  9. Dani, Glad you have found us, this is a wonderful place w/ much support and knowledge. Grace
  10. I know it is the best thing to approach anything new w/ some skepticism, but my husbands' radiologist has had some patients who have felt better after taking ATP, so like w/ many other otc, med, treatments it is an individual thing. With my husbands' current condition he said it wouldn't hurt him, but of course he couldn't say if it would help him at all. The only thing he could do is to try... so we're still looking into this.. Grace
  11. Shirley, I don't know if you have heard about "ATP" - Adenosine 5-triphosphate... my husbands' radiologist recommended it to him today, it is a supplement, ( some athletes use ), it is suppose to increase energy levels, and help with weight gain... I'm still trying to find out about it myself for my husband, you can buy it over the counter, but it is not that easy to find, he told my husband only 1 drug store in our city has it... If I find out more I will let you know Grace
  12. I'm sorry to hear about your MIL, but perhaps any questions w/your mom maybe someone here can point to you in the right direction. I read what your mom is going thru and her and my husband were dx not too far apart w/ some similarities, so if there is any question you want to ask me, perhaps I may be able to help you.... Grace
  13. Cindy, My prayers to your father for peace and no pain, and prayers to you and your family for strength, love and togetherness. Grace
  14. Tina, I'm praying that everything will go good for Kay.. Grace
  15. Bill and Rob, I am so sorry. Will be praying for your family tonite Grace
  16. Debi, You go girl!!!! Keep up that great attitude, it makes me smile to read about your challenges and changes in your life.. Grace
  17. I'm so sorry about the pain your dad is going thru right now. He will be in my prayers tonight... Grace
  18. Carol, I love hearing the great news!!! Grace
  19. Linda, you definitely have to take some time for yourself, look at all you have been going through. I know it tears you apart to see your mom this way, you don't want her to be this way, and you feel totally helpless, I really do understand. but understand that hospice will take good care of her and hopefully they will find a way to lessen her agitation, probably through medication(s). I know it is difficult to keep the faith, but please try. and it is also ok to cry, vent, feel confused, there is not a damn thing wrong with that. Linda, even if you so the simplest, smallest thing for yourself you must do...you have to, you need to... I'm keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers... Grace
  20. Hi Chris, I hope you are doing well..yes it was a rough weekend but back to the old bump and grind!..It's interesting your mentioning to Shirley about the tingling, because my husband has that too, the neuropathy it's more then likely caused by all these chemicals/chemo/drugs they're taking. I did read a tip, i don't know if it would help Shirley's dad, but if his tingling is in his feet, take a cotton ball and rub it on the bottom of his feet to get the sensation back....like i said don't know if it would work, but worth a shot... I'm hoping to chat tomorrow nite, hope you get a chance too....thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.....Please KEEP COOL!!!!...ahhh I hate the hot weather.... Grace
  21. Welthy, So sorry about your friend, but having gone thru alot with my husbands' sclc, I hope I can answer a few ?'s The CT is good in detecting any areas, and are very good at determining size and location. The PET generally as you know looks for all other regions, and if there are any sc then they would "light up". I know that you are all too familar w/ this as well. What I can also tell you about PET and insurance, that typically insurance will pay for the first PET for an orginal diagnosis. It is getting subsequent PETs that her onc. will have to word it in such as way to get any further. I know that in my husbands' case he has had 2 Pets so far, plenty of CAT and MRI's. Small Cell is a very fast moving, agressive type of cancer, so depending on if it is limited or extensive will determine how many or few tests need to be run. I wish your friend all the best of luck and health with this. Grace
  22. Liz, First I am sorry to hear about your mom. Secondly like others have said, your mom isn't a statistic, every one is unique, so don't give up, your mom, you and your family definitely have alot ahead of you. The LCSC here is awesome, and don't hesitate to vent, ask ?'s, chat..you will always be welcome here. Grace
  23. EastCoastLadi

    Update on me

    Jorja, I totally understand what you're going thru, this is the first father's dad without my dad, he died of bladder cancer almost a year ago. He suffered alot and he didn't tell us about alot of things. All that I wanted was for him not to be in pain anymore...I know he isn't.....But we are fortunate to have lots and lots of good memories...Take care.. Grace
  24. Shirley, Sorry to hear about your dad. Considentially my husband is going to have an MRI of the Brain and CT of his Chest both on Thurs. So you can go thru both on the same day. My husband is a pro at this now. In terms of the tests themselves. The CT is more of an "open machine", vs. MRI which you are in a tube...if your dad is clustrophobic if he can should ask the dr. for a sedative like valuim, I've had a few MRI's myself and drugs do help! In terms of the difference, MRI's are the more preferred test for the Brain, they can see more effected areas, size of any lesions. I believe that with the brain it is the preferred test, but if your dad only has one tumor thats good..because if he needs to go for radiation, it won't be so bad, at least it wasn't for my husband, he had 17 mets in his brain. That's why he's going thurs. for the mri because it has been a month since radiation ended, and we need to see if it worked, of course there are other options, but we take it one step at a time. I'll say my prayers for your dad... Grace
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