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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Many prayers and positive thoughts for Connie and Maurie and Katie. Will be thinking of all of you~ Christine
  2. Amy I am so very sorry about your Dad. Please accept my sympathies and prayers at this difficult time. Warmly Christine
  3. Hello Kathy and welcome Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help. Warmly, Christine
  4. Martha I am so very sorry about your loss. As the others here have said, this is indeed a huge loss. Our furry babies are as important to our lives as our humans are. Again, I am so sorry.. Sending lots of hugs Christine
  5. I am sorry about Dad's latest problems. Sending many prayers for you both that this will be resolved soon. Please let us know... Christine
  6. Max and Inez I have been watching for your update and I am so so sooooo happy for you both!!!!! Prayers continue for you that the pain will soon be gone and that life will be full of wonderful things! Warmly Christine
  7. MsC1210

    Special Request

    Sending many hugs and lots of prayers and happy thoughts to our JC... And, hugs and prayers to you, too Pat.. You are such a thoughtful and special person Love Christine
  8. MsC1210

    Three Years...

    Sharon Many special prayers and hugs for you and your Daddy today.. Love Christine
  9. Christopher I am so very sorry about your father. Please accept my sincere sypathies and condolences. Christine
  10. MsC1210


    I agree, call the doctor. You should not have to be going through all of this. I am also concerned about dehydration.. that is not fun. Please keep us posted..... Sending love and prayers Christine
  11. Karen Welcome to the boards. Please keep us updated on your Mom and let us know how we can help. Warmly Christine
  12. Welcome Jim Please check back and let us know how surgery goes Thinking of you Christine
  13. Kyle Thank you so much for letting us know about Cy. Just such a sad and tragic loss. It was very kind of you to let us all know. Please extend my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. Warmest regards Christine
  14. Charlene, I am so sorry to read this. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies and condolencs. Your post is truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing your Mom with us and remember that we will continue to be here for you in the coming days. Warmly Christine
  15. MsC1210

    3 years today!!!

    Congratulations Jamie!
  16. I am grateful for Jackie reminding me to BE grateful! Very grateful for this space and the people here who love and support me on these bad/sad days. I know I could never do this without them. Grateful for the happy memories of a truly once in a lifetime friend who was taken way too soon. Grateful to be giving back to this community as much as I can. Love Christine
  17. Thanks sooooo much you guys. Yesterday just plain sucked. No other way to put it. Now today, the actual anniversary I am still sad but am able to cope better. You 4 in particular ALWAYS come through when I need you the most. Thank you so very, very much from the bottom of my heart. It is so nice to know that there are people here who get it, get ME and care. And thanks so much for letting me know that I am valued here. That is ALWAYS nice to hear Today I will focus on celebrating the good memories and make the most of it. Again, thanks so much... I don't know how I would do these days without wonderful, caring and loving friends like you. Chris xox
  18. Beth, Thinking of you.. the 2 yr date for my loss is today. Far from the same as yours but I do understand just the same. Warmly Christine
  19. Well, I was not going to post about this but I am having a tougher time than I had thought I would. After having just marked the one year anniversary of our loss of Darrell, here I go again. It was 2 years ago today that I had my last email and my last phone conversation with Brad. It was 2 years ago today that he made me promise to never stop helping the cancer fight and helping those who are battling it. I have done my best to uphold those promises and I can only pray that he is happy with what I have done and continue to do. 2 years ago tomorrow, December 10, I lost him. I wish you all could have known him. My family and I adored him, just absolutely adored him. He was smart and funny and so smart. It is just unreal to me that he has been gone 2 whole years already. Some days it feels like yesterday. Some it seems an eternity ago, even another lifetime ago. And then there are days that I expect the phone to ring or to find an email waiting for me. I just needed to get this out of my head today. Thanks for being here and I hope and pray that I am doing my best to be here for all of you as well. I certainly do my best to reach out to all of you and hope that in some small way I am able to bring some comfort. This grief thing SUCKS. I just want to see the day that cancer is nothing more than a form of history. Hugs and thanks for letting me whine.. Christine
  20. Oh Geesh! this is just too much~ Sending tons of prayers and positive thoughts to you and Dad Warmly Christine
  21. MsC1210

    Another "wow"

    Teri Thank you for sharing this.. What a beautiful gift.... Warmly Christine
  22. Hello Angela and Welcome I cannot help with information about Tarceva but there are many members here who have had excellent results. Ernie being the first one to come to mind. I am sure he as well as others will be along and offer you great advice. Please keep posting and let us know how we can be of help to you and your dad. Warmly Christine
  23. Pat You can borrow my cynical side anytime. It WILL get better and brighter and remember... my offer is always open~ Hugs my dear Christine
  24. Hello Stacia Welcome to the "family". I'm sorry you had any reason to find a site like this, but very glad you have joined us. Let us know how we can help you and your Mom along this journey. Warmly, Christine
  25. I cannot add to the great info you have already gotten here but wanted to add my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us informed and let us know how else we can help. Sending hugs, Christine
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