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Everything posted by Littlegirl

  1. My secret is DON'T EAT IT!!! I've watched my mom prepare her 'dressing' for too many years. When she makes hers she prepares a big ole COW TONGUE! My niece used to LOVE mom's dressing until she found out the ingredients. Somehow this discussion happened while in the hospital waiting room while my dad was having a heart angiogram. You can picture a quiet somber waiting room where everyone can overhear our discussion. And then all of my family laughing hysterically! And the people trying not to listen to our conversation laughing as well! Not your typical wait in the hospital waiting room! Karen
  2. Littlegirl


    I am so sorry for your loss. Karen
  3. Littlegirl


    Yep, he's a cutie. And I think the bald look suites you! It is quite the popular style these days. Karen
  4. Littlegirl


    Me too!!! Hoping things are going well for you! Karen
  5. OH MY GOSH...I can SO relate. I myself had recently gotten VERY sick. Dizziness, loss of appetite, heartburn, severe anxiety, not sleeping at all. Went to the doctor and found out my blood pressure was very high, but he thought this was a result of me being sick. (suspected gallbladder) Ended up in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack or stroke. Then my bloodwork came back that I have Hypothyroidism. (Although some of my symptoms are Hyper.) I did not know that the thyroid could make you SOOOO sick. I have just started taking Synthroid and I am nowhere near normal but starting to feel a bit better. You always hear people say you need to take care of yourself or all the stress can make you sick. I just thought that meant maybe more prone to catch whatever is going around or maybe a rise in BP. I've learned now that I need to take care of me. Hope you all do the same too. Linda - I'm so glad you found out what was wrong and that you are feeling better.
  6. I agree. You gotta ask for help when you need it. I just learned that the hard way. Too much stress in my life lately and I ended up with my own medical crisis. Hypothyroidism most likely brought on by too much stress. I did not know your thyroid could make you so ill but it does and I have learned to slow down and ask for help when I need it now. Karen
  7. Andre - you need to take that trip. You need some alone time with your hubby before your family grows! Enjoy your time to take a breather. Where you going? Karen
  8. What a beautiful family! And so wonderful that you had two reasons to celebrate! Karen
  9. Great news! Now enjoy that trip! Karen
  10. Littlegirl

    "New Normal"

    Don - Yep! It sure does! I'm glad you came here to share that sentiment with us. And I'm not worried about your attitude, you always seem to find the bright side. Hoping your next scan results will have you posting here with words of celebration! Hang in there, Karen
  11. Gwen - I am so sorry it has come to this. I think it is EXPECTED for you to feel all undone. It is a culmination of a lot of emotions but it is the right and loving thing to do. Allow yourself some time to be undone. I agree with Deb. The book Final Gifts is a good one to read and helps you to find a bit of peace in this difficult time. Good Luck, Karen
  12. Flowergirlie ~ I am so sorry you and your family are going through such a rough time. Please know that your husband is angry at the disease and not at you. I agree that maybe you should look into getting an anti-depressant for yourself as well. You certainly have alot to deal with and you do need to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your husband and kids. I'm praying things for you and your family take a turn for the better. Karen
  13. Sis - just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that you and your sister are going through this. I have heard that effects from brain radiation can show up later. I would follow up with her doctor to be sure no new brain mets have popped up. Hang in there, Karen
  14. Littlegirl


    Mitzu - I am so sorry! I know this is a tough time for you. I can say I've been there myself. The first time I was pregnant I had a miscarriage myself. It was hard. 11 months later I gave birth to a baby girl. She came a month early so we were not really prepared. She was also born with a cleft lip. My stepgrandmother (only grandmother I had ever known) also passed away a few days after my daughters birth. I remember one of those early days where I was grieving for the loss of my grandmother, probably a bit postpartum depression as well, and I just wondered why God could not let me have the first baby I was pregnant with and instead I ended up with a baby with a birth defect. I had myself a good cry then realized maybe I was better off, and perhaps God was on my side. Maybe the first baby I was pregnant with would have been born with more problems than the precious baby God had just given me. We did have to go through a couple surgeries but my daughters cleft lip was minor compared to some we have seen. Sorry I began to ramble. You will be a mother someday. And though the pain in your heart is overwhelming right now, the day will come when it will be a distant memory. Karen
  15. Chris - I am so sorry for your loss. Karen
  16. Yes, I agree that it could be a constriction. I would make an appointment with a gastro doc if it is not resolved shortly. If it is a constriction they can go in and stretch it or place a stent in there. We thought this was the problem my mom was having but hers turned out to be an acid reflux/ulcer issue which was fixed with some meds. Karen
  17. Just a thought about your mom making peace with others before she goes. My husband's grandmother had congestive heart failure and chose to stop taking her meds knowing that it would result in her death in a few days. Although she was in contact with her children it was not a close family. But many visits and opportunities to make peace. Then she died, and with plenty of warning. Since then the bitterness and animosity has surfaced. So even if your mother were to see these people it does not guarantee that it would be a peaceful reunion, although it could be. But if she feels at peace in her heart then I would be happy with that. Hang in there! Karen
  18. I don't think they are nit-picking at wether it is slow growing or fast growing. I think the opposition is that there may be too many false positives and people freaking out for no reason or having serious surgical procedures that are not needed. I think the benefits would far outweigh the risks they are mentioning. I agree with Katie that the press is not stating the story with all the facts, but I am glad they are at least starting to tell the story! Karen
  19. Lynda - I am so sorry for your loss. Karen
  20. My camera! (they are bringing me back home after my visit, right?) Karen
  21. I know they make "low odor" markers for the dry erase boards now. I'm sure its not "no odor" but would think they are better than the old ones and definitely better than chalk dust. Karen
  22. Don - Thanks for sharing this with us. It makes my heart happy! Karen
  23. Hoping you recieve a double batch of good news REAL SOON! Hang in there! Karen
  24. I'm glad hospice has been allowed in and that your mom has told you that she is mad at the world and not at you. Remember those words as I am sure she will still be taking her anger out on you. Also glad the xanax has offered some peace of mind. Hang in there, you are doing a wonderful job. I'll keep you in my prayers. Karen
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