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Everything posted by angelofcharlie20

  1. Hi There, What about writing on an overheard projector?
  2. Hello, My Father took steroids to reduce any possible brain swelling that may occur along with the brain mets. His biggest gripe was that it made his legs very heavy - stairs were a huge problem. We found out that steroids could raise blood sugar when my Father was hospitalized in Sept. We also learned during that stay that steroids could aid as a fever reducer. For the record, it was Decadron that he took. Best, Shirley
  3. Hi There, We ended up taking my Father to the ER last Monday. It was explained to us that the little purple spots were due to blood vessels that have broken underneath his skin. He also had a nose bleed that did not clot - and after 12 hours of that we took him to the ER. The hospital ran some tests and it showed that his platelets were down to 5 - he then received several transfusions but unfortunately despite the transfusions his platelets dropped to 2. As for hospice - We had called them first on Monday in regards to the nose bleed. The nurse said that it is up to us whether or not we wanted to go to the ER and that if it was "gushing" and it "scared" us enough than we should go. It sure did seem like she was discouraging it. She used phrases like, "It could be low potassium levels - but I don't know if you want all those blood tests done and then subsequent transfusions." I now have a better understanding of hospice - but I don't understand how they expect my Father to literally bleed to death through his nose at home. I don't know - maybe it's just me. Shirley
  4. Hi All, Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. It definitely helps to know that I am not alone in this struggle and it's still hard for me to acknowledge that he is really gone. I am back in my apartment for the night and will head back out to my parents' house tomorrow night for the services. Please know that my thoughts have been with you all as well. Best, Shirley
  5. Congrats Cindy I strongly suggest that you light all those fifty glorious candles ( one more for good luck naturally). Shirley
  6. Hi Beat It, I love your screenname. My Father did a lot of carrot and fresh veggie/fruit juicing - we do some Chinese herbs too. Don't know if any of it was effective, but it sure does feel good to do a little "extra" if you know what I mean. Hoping for the best for you and your family, Shirley
  7. Thanks so much for all your input. It made me feel so much better knowing that no one has experienced this with bloody stools and vomiting blood. My Mother was all a mess today because my Father had a nosebleed and she is convinced that the blood vessels are beginning to break in his body and he is bleeding out. Good grief. There is always something new with this horrid diseas isn't there? Toodles, Shirley
  8. Hi All, I just talked to my Mother and she told me that my Father had some unexplained bruising or what looked like purple spots on his arm and thigh. They called the hospice nurse to come take a look at it and she didn't say much about it. My Mother also spoke to a Chinese herbalist that they had been using and he had said that things look pretty grim right now and to expect him to start to have bloody stools and to vomit blood. And if that were to happen to go to the ER right away. The herbalist also suggested that two ppl stay with my Father at all times just in case anything should happen. Does this sound accurate for those who have been through this? Or do you think that the herbalist is a quack? The hospice nurse didn't seem too concerned. Oh, and the herbalist suggested that my Mother not tell my Father so that he does not worry. I just don't know anymore, Shirley
  9. Hi There, Today my Father has been really tired - well he's been tired since he came home from the hospital. He's also on hospice care now. I'm so worried that this is it. I heard that being constantly tired is an indication of the body shutting down. Anyone know of anyone that has bounced back from being extremely fatigued? Anyone know of anyone being referred to hospice then having to cancel services because of a major improvement/miracle? Thanks, Shirley
  10. hahahaha I did the hand motion and all.
  11. Hi All, I'm definitely a hugh fan of Grey's Anatomy too and it was very nice to see that they had finally featured lung cancer as one of their cases. Let's hope for more coverage. Shirley
  12. Hello, I am sorry, but I too do not have any answers for you. Hoping and praying that all will be well, Shirley
  13. So funny Geri. I needed the chuckle Shirley
  14. Hi Tina, Praying for both your parents and yourself. Let's make these results a great one Best, Shirley
  15. The smell of burning wood from someone's wood burning stove on those first chilly nights. Shirley
  16. Hey There, So sorry that you had to find us here - but welcome. This is an awesome site where you can find a plethora of information as well as vent or have a shoulder to cry on if need be. My Father had 3 lesions in his brain and that was taken care of by gammaknife. I'm not sure if there is a limit to the number of lesions there are to gammanife not being an option. I know that when my Father's lesions were first discovered, he was put on the steroid Decadron. It is used to reduce the swelling in the brain. Is your Father taking this? If so, I know for my Father and for numerous other members on this board, the side effect is weakness in the legs (which makes climbing stairs extremely difficult). Cyberknife is also pretty good for liver mets. Unfortunately it hasn't worked for my Father considering his were quite large at the time of treatment. Tarceva is also an excellent drug. It has shown to be the most effective on people who have not smoked. Good luck, Shirley
  17. Hi All, I just debated on whether or not I should post a secondary response to this thread so here goes nothing..... I know that we are all tired, both the caregivers and the caregetters and I have heard a few people mention depression. This may not apply to all, but from what I've seen and learned as a therapist a touch of depression is considered "ok" when it is situational. At work, when I see a client that is upset after receiving some bad news I reassure them that it is ok not to feel that great and that I'd be more concerned if they simply did not feel. I've also had a client that told me that he wanted his medications increased so that he could not feel and that he does not like feelings and the affects of it. Feelings are hard - they were when your feelings were hurt when you were the last to be picked for kickball - and they will remain a challenge for most of us even in adulthood. The aftermath of receiving such horrific news warrants a strong reaction. Bereavement within itself is a very personal process and people work through it at different rates. Doctors should be informed when there is a change in affect, but be wary of those that are quick to push an antidepressant before discussing going to talk to someone. Please remember that we are all human and that feelings are very normal and expected. Sorry for the psychobabble, Shirley
  18. Oh Gwen, You're such a wonderful and diligent daughter. Best, Shirley
  19. Eric, So sorry for the sad news. Best, Shirley
  20. Andrea, I can totally feel the fatigue. I've been so physically and mentally exahusted lately. Last Friday I got a scary phone call from a social worker and then the doctor that my Father had while he was in the hospital. I left work and rushed to the hospital. That weekend was one of the most tiring. I slept for approximately 7 hours that Friday night and still was exhausted for Saturday. Ditto for Sunday. Best, Shirley
  21. Hey There, This may sound like an odd remedy for hiccups, but a small spoonful of peanut butter always helped. My Father had hiccups when he was on chemo and that's how he got rid of them. I'm not sure if hiccups are a sign of the cancer spreading. Best, Shirley
  22. Hey All, I guess it was an error in communication. My Father told me this afternoon it was actually some blood in his stool, not urine. The doctor had called me back to ask if the hospice nurse been by to see him and she hasn't. Anyway, we will be going to see her for a follow up on Monday. Sorry for the confusion, Shirley
  23. Hi Terrye, It's so refreshing to hear such optimistic news from a doctor. Terrye's Mom - Keep up the great attitude and great work Best, Shirley
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