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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Katie Nad Shellie, Sisters share a special bond. I do not how I could have made it through any of this with out them and my husband. You and your sister will do just that..."Grow old together!" Shellie, you have carried a heavy cross through out all of this. Katie, you will survive and conquer!!! Both are in my prayers, Cheryl
  2. Carleen, I am thinking about you and Keith and praying that God hears your prayers. I am so heart sick about Keith's latest Trial and tribulatios. I am prayong that God watches over Keith and and cures him of this disease. Cheryl
  3. -Cheryl-


    Bruce, May God watch over you and keep you safe. I hope the suregery is routine and you will be up in no time, God Bless, Cheryl
  4. Cat, I would love to meet your daughter! Curtis, I lived in San Antonia for a few years. It is one happening city. What ever you guys want to do next year is o.k. by me! Cheryl
  5. O.k. you Michiangners we are invivting you guys to the party to show us how. You guys ar gona have to take a little road trip.! Ha! Hey Cat, nothing wrong in joinig us Texans for a little fun as well. Cheryl
  6. Hey, I sure wish that I could have met Ry, John, David A. Snowflake, Rachel, Cathy, all of you!!! This disease makes you feel very isolated. It would be nice to meet other people like myself. I hate that anyone should have to be stricken with this disease, but knowing that I am not alone really helps. I welcome anyone that wishes to meet others like themselves fighting this disease to come join us here in Texas for a gathering of Lung Cancer Survivors. Katie and Deb I may be calling on you guys for some help. I spoke to my sister today for some help. She is really good at organizing this kind of thing. She was planning it all out. She has several pravillions and can borrow cookers from the National Guard. I will also seek out possible donations to our worthy cause of LCSC. I guess first we need to pick a date though. Norme said she would be here the first week of Nov. attending a quilt show., What do you guys think about Nov.the 6th, which is the first Sat. in Nov.? It is still quite warm here in Nov.. We can have it here at my house; although, my potoon boat is a bit big for the pond, Ha! My yard is huge, or we could have it at Lake Hubbard if you guys prefer. The date gives me plenty of time to plan this thing. If I could get some kind of a tenative head count that would be great. I live 40 min. from Dallas in Greenville, Texas. Everyone is welcome! Cheryl
  7. TBone, Praying that you get better and get to go home. Hang in there TBone. I am also saying a few words for TBone's family. This imagine this is difficult for all of them as well. God Bless you all and heal TBone Dear Father. It is by his stripes that we are healed. Amen, Cheryl
  8. Peggy, Cancer does make your body temperature vary. When I was on chemo, I was so cold. I had tons of blankets on me in mid summer. Jack couldn't sleep with me cause I could stand to have the ceilng fan on and it is so hot in my room without it. I am with DeanCarl, a hot bath really does the trick for me when I am cold. Hope you find comfort soon! Ha! Cheryl
  9. Very interesting! I have Adeno with BAC features, a family hx of this disease, and now mets to the kidneys of all places?
  10. Dean Carl, I enjoy your posts so much. You always seem to find the beautiy in even the smallest things in life, that so many take for granted. You help to remind me of the small wonders of life! Cheryl
  11. Hey folks, Jack and I got a new pontoon boat, which we haven't even been out in yet (I had emergency surgery). We live close to Ray Hubbard Lake. We could have the bash where ever you guys like. Lake Hubbard would be nice. I guess it depends on the number interested in coming. I am with Ginny, I want details. I can't wait to see the pictures. Who all came? Hey Dave, any reward money involved? Maybe I should alert America's Most Wamted, or circulate fliers or something- Ha!!! So glad you all had the chance to meet one another and had a good time. Just remember Texas people know how to throw a serious party. All fugitives welcome- including David A. Cheryl
  12. Alisa, My nodules were there when I was first diagnosed, too small to light up on a pet scan. However, over a year later, they have increased in size and in number. I am about to undergo a trial, in hopes to reduce the nodules. The largest is only a little over 1 mm.. They are now inumerable though. They are now showing up in my kidneys. The worst is that she are in my pericardial tissue. I am praying for you that your nodules are nothing. I wouldn't worry about them unless they start grow. I just want to offer you support and encouragement. My prayers to you and your twins. Chery'
  13. Joyce, Good news on Steve! I just had a pericardial window put in and two plueral effusions drained. I immediately dropped close to 15 pounds! I was very tired and short of breath. I got on the scale and was shocked! I thought there was something wrong with my bathroom scale.The fluid was in my chest and upper abdomen. I went to see my doctor and he sent me immediately to the hospital. I was told that I needed surgery right away. It is not a weight loss method I recommend! Ha! So glad Steve is doing better. Cheryl
  14. Nell, I hope the MRI goes well. I hope that Bob is relieved of his pain. What a great frind you are to him. My best to you all. Cheryl
  15. Valerie, I hope the pain subsides with the treatment. I don't have bone mets, but remember how bad my father suffered with the pain of them in his shoulder and spine. The moraphine seemed to help, but really knocked him out at times. I hope that you can find something to offer you relief. Cheryl
  16. Don, I don't check all the topics daily,and I just saw this post. I see that Lucie has begun her new chemo cycle. I tell you, Lucie is tough. I admire her tremendously. She motivates me, as I am set to begin my own chemo Wed.. I am glad that the nausea lightened up and she was able to eat a good supper. Does Lucie have a port? Thanks for the update, as always she is in my prayers. Cheryl
  17. Hey TAnn, didn't mean to leave you or any of our southern friends out. Debie, you are so funny! Yeah, 20 pizzas to Ry's house, but the bill to David A.!!!! Ha!!! Cheryl
  18. Don, tell Randy "hello" for me. It was really nice to meet you guys last fall. TAnn, it is the sac around the heart. My surgeon cut the top of my heart lining to create what is called "a window", to drain the excess fluid. So, I should never have the build up fluid again. I haven't met with my surgeon for a follow up yet, and he had an associate meet with me in the hospital, because he went on vacation. So, I don't know much about the procedure or even the cancer. I hate to think the worst and am trying to stay optomistic, but I have known two people whose cancer spread to their heart. It killed them. I don't like to think about it.
  19. Nancy, You bet your welcome! Dallas is one awsome City to vist!!! Lots to do and see here!!! Don, you tell Lucie to rest up, I can't wait to meet her!!! Cheryl
  20. Heather, This is phase-two trial. This chemo, CT-2103, is a chemically modified form of pacitaxel. About 60 participants are being accepted for the trial. I went through numerous tests to qaulify for this first-line study. Second line would be CT-2103 and taxol. I am not sure really what the benefit carboplatin is over taxol? Thank you peggy and Fay, and Heather for the encouragement. Cheryl
  21. Fay, Late fall in Texas is Heaven! It is still warm, but not as bad as the summer heat. It would be intolerable in the summer for those with cancer. What do you guys think? Cheryl
  22. Hello Fellow Survivors, I start CT2103 and Carboplatin Wed. at 10:00 am. I will post more on it Wed. The delivery of this chemo is supposed to go more into the cancer and less into the healthy cells. They are somehow able to give a higher dose since it won't damage healthy cells as much. I will get 10 min. of pre-meds, and the actual chemo takes about half a hour to infuse every three weeks. The side effects are suppose to be minimal compared to traditional chemo. We will see. They still warn of hair loss, nausea, numbness in the limbs, possible hearing loss, just to name a few of the more pleasant ones. Two people have aleady startd the trial and seem to be doing o.k.. My biopsy report came back about the fluid they drained while I was in the hospital. NO CANCER WAS FOUND IN THE FLUID!!!!! However, the pericardial tissue had malignant cancer cells in it. My biggest fear is that it will invade my heart. I pray this chemo works. Please God help us all to find a cure for this disease. Cheryl
  23. Hey all you Michigan people, I bet you guys are really wooping in up about now!!! Thats o.k., we folk here in Texas know how to do a shin dig too. Unfortunately, there aren't many of us around these parts. Thanks Katie, you ran off to join the Michigan bunch! Traitor!!! Texas is one huge state, and we got people.....like Don and Lucie!!! Oh, and lets not forget the nearby Oklahoma people too....like O.K.Debie. Anyone interested in in doing a little bit of partying???? P.S. you Michiganers are invited I guess too. Let's get something organized. I am great at seeking out donations. We could have fun and maybe raise some cash in the process for LCSC. Cheryl
  24. Sharon, Since your Dad had very little growth of his cancer, I think Iressa is a great idea! Chemo's side effects can be brutal on the body, especially the immune system. Irresa is not without its own negative side effects. Some get really bad diarrhea and skin rash. Don Wood's wife got Pnemonia due to it. However, when it works it really works. Some fortunate people have had complete and toatal response with it and their cancer dsappeared! I hope that it works as well for your Daddy. Cheryl
  25. -Cheryl-

    Keith is home

    Carleen, I hope keith finds some relief for the pain. He has endured much, but is quite a fighter. I hate this disease, and am so sorry that you both are going through this. I have you guys in my prayers. Cheryl
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