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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. David, I have been reading about this chemo. May you have great success with it, and I hope it's side effects are minimal. Enjoy life! I am so jealous about the party this weekend. I am sure you guys will do it up right. Give everyone by best! Cheryl
  2. Thinking of you TBone. I hope the pain is controlled and you get to come home. Cheryl
  3. Francie, What a triumph! You are as tough as they come my friend. Your will to survive is impressive. You continue to heal and may the pain be completely resolved!!! Cheryl
  4. -Cheryl-

    Senator responded

    Cat, So glad that the senator is checking into it. You on the other hand, I am concerned about. Go to the docs and check it out. Trust me. High blood pressure and the pains you describe, may be the sign of something more serious. Call your doctor! Cheryl
  5. Heather, I wish I were there to lend a hand. Good luck in your endevors! Cheryl
  6. Wow! Thanks for posting this. What an inspirational story! Cheryl
  7. Joyce, I am not familar with ascites, but wanted to let you know that you and Steve are in my prayers. Hope things improve soon. Cheryl
  8. Denise, It is very commnon to have a plueral effusion after surgery. Especially, if your husband had chemo and radiation. Think about it, the lungs go though such trauma due to treatment. The effusion went away on its own shortly after. It recently returned, and I had a peracardial efussion and plueral effusions. I had surgery to put in, what is called a peracardial window to drain the fluid surrounding the heart. Tubes were also inserted to drain both lungs. I was in the hospital for 11 days, and was recently released. The tubes were removed upon discharge, because I hadn't drained anything for a couple of days. The fluid build up in my case was probably due to the cancer. Hope your Mom's is quickly resolved. Cheryl
  9. Dear Friends, I just got back from Mary Crowley Medical Research Center in Dallas. It is located in Baylor, but not a part of the oncology department. The good news is, that all of my doctors have met with Dr. Nemunaitus and discussed my case. This doctor is the originator of GVAX. I was also looking at MD Anderson, into a trial being done with Avastin, Tarceva, and Taxotere. A three sleeve blind study. Dr. Nemunaitis said that he passed up this combination for CT-2103/Carboplatin, and PT100. I am not sure if I will meet all their criteria for this trial. If not, I would be given CT-2103 and Taxol. They would probably administer this for 20 weeks- maybe 2 rounds. If the cancer continued to grow I would be taken off of this trial immediately, and given something else they are testing. My oncologist could only offer me Taxotere, with only a 1% complete response! Dr. Nemunaitis told me that I should have no less than 50% response, and some have even had a complete reponse. If I become a candidate for GVAX, he will also keep that option open to me too. He also said that after the trial, he would do the new vaccine drug as a follow up. So, I have renewed hope!!!! I just pray that the cancer has not spread to my heart, and I am eligible for these options. I must also go through a battery of tests to see if I am able to do this trial. I am scared of having a brain MRI again. I think that is the worst test!!! Please my dear friends, keep me in your prayers for this trial. I am so thankful to all of your posts and prayers. I am praying for all of you as well. Cheryl
  10. Dear Friends, I am humbled by your support and information. I am trying to regain my fighting spirit and beat this beast into submission. I am not ready to die, and will give this disease all the resistance I can muster. I am still recovering from the effusions, and thought the recovery would be quicker. My chest aches so much. I have been taking my very pregnant mare out walking. She and I both move a bit slower! Ha! Exercise helps, as I struggle with depresson, but am slowly starting to see a ray of hope. I have been checking out clinical trials for the last two days and am trying to think positively. I thank you all for the information and will keep you all up to date on any treatment I decide on. I have had a plethora of watermelons grow in my garden. I broke one open tonight to feed to my mare. It was so sweet and juicy! My horse, Chula, was covered with watermelon- not good for Texas Black, Biting Flies! We enjoyed ourseves so much though. I heard from the guy breaking my other horse. He said he had been riding him all week. We will probably get him back in mid Aug.! These simple pleasures are the beauty and bounty of life. I thank God for them. I also thank you all for being there for me. I pray for us all. Cheryl
  11. Dave, So sorry for your recent patch. I too have had my share. I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and will say a prayer for you as well. Cheryl
  12. Elaine, I haven't seen the results yet on the sample of fluid drained from my lungs. My doctor seemed to think that malignancy was likely, due to the "enumerable number" of nodules. Peggy, every doctor I have tlaked to wanted to try a traditional, proven method before Iressa. I guess because I have only done Cisplatin/VP16. Plus, Iressa will eventually stop working I 've been told. However, now they have options similar to Iressa, which might be just slightly different enough to keep working. Andrea, Thanks for the encouragement. Cheryl
  13. Hello Friends, I avoided reading my CT report, only because it just made me even more depressed than I already was, which is .....the lowest point I have ever been. I am either not sleeping, or if I actually do fall to sleep, I do not want to get up. I finally ate a little yesterday, Jack got fajitas. I think once I have a game plan and am fighting this monster, I will be better. I am morning my life as if I were already dead. My report talks of "Inumerable pulmonary nodules, Metastatic diseaese to both kidneys, pleural effusions, and a large percardial effusion that may be malignant" just to name a few. It is frightening. TAnn please tell me about your effusions. Were they malignant? Anybody else have insight into this and kidney metastatic disease.? Please respond! I am so sad right now and feeling hopeless. Cheryl
  14. Thanks for the help and support! I was on the internet all day Fri. looking for options. I spoke to MD Anderson and they are supposed to call me back about the Avastin and Tarceva trial whch will begin in the near future. It is a Double Blind study though I think. Anyway, I will find out more on Mon. I hope. Cheryl
  15. David, I am so sorry, but you can do this my friend. You need to find some outlet to allow yourself to vent your frustrations. I use to like weight training. Due to my strength at present, art is a good one for me. Keep your fridge stocked with baby carrots, cauliflower, celery, and fruits. Walk if you can muster the energy. We love you and are pulling for you my friend. My best to Karen and baby girl too. Cheryl
  16. David, Keep the faith!, Have a good scream about it , maybe evevn shed some tears, then its on to fighting the basturds. I am here with you and will be your prayer warrior. Saying one for you now. God Heal this young man who has a young daugter and wife, which need this man to help take care of the household. He cannot serve you in the ground dear Father. We ask for a healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen Cheryl
  17. -Cheryl-


    Francine, I am asking God now to heal you of this disease and and wrap his loving arms around you. Please give your fear to him Francine, and he will take care of it all. You are an incredible lady, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Cheryl
  18. Faye, I am searching myself, and will keep you informed. I met with DR. Nemenitus and Dr. Senzer- head over GVAX trial, among many that they are doing here at Mary Crowleys Medical Resaearch Center # (214) 370-1870. I am investigating trials and treatments myself. Good Luck! Cheryl
  19. Becky, I am probably in no shape to be giving anyone advice, ha! Your post really spoke to me though. I think we can all relate to the "melt down." For me, my cancer diagnosis has been like "holding my breath" or "waiting for the other shoe to drop." As positive as I have tried to be, there is always a little voice inside my head saying "you can't get rid of me, I am lung cancer, and only 13 % survive!" I hate saying that outloud, because I don't want it to be true. Cancer is all encompassing. We want to live our regular lives, as wives, mothers, employees, and friends. We aren't "normal" though, and that is o.k.. We learn how to live with this disease. It teaches us many things, but you have to be open to it. I am readng an excellent Book. "The Purpose Driven Life." (Just started it) I am sorry, I haven't figured it out all out yet- Ha! I will let you all know when I do. I just know that, you can't pretend this disease does not exist. Yes, live live as normally as possible. Be scared at times, and not afraid to admit it. When you feel overwhelmed, let everyone know. Do not feel guilty for taking time for yourself. We all cope the best way that we can, but giving yourself permission to be human is really important. Good Luck, and I am here whenever you need me. Cheryl
  20. David, Yea! the first one is over!!!! I did Cisplatin and Etopiside. I too had hot flashes during and after taking chemo. Only nausea in the end, but I did radiation too. I had ringing in my ears and tingling and numbness in my extremeties. The worse, was the exhaustion and chemo brain. I must remind you that I did two chemos and a radiation at the same time too. So, my symptoms were probably from all that combined. David, I am praying for you my friend. Your baby girl is just delightful, as is Karen. I feel as if you guys are family. I love your recent pictures. David you fight this disease for them! Love you guys, Cheryl
  21. Jane, You will always miss your brother, but it does get easier. I am glad that you can recount the good times. Hang on to those thoughts and don't let the sad memories of his passing interfere with the good memories that you had. I am thinking about you and your family. Cheryl
  22. Dear Ginny, How heart-wrenching it is to hear of the Duke's failing health and weekness. I hope that you are holding up through the stress of it all. We are praying for you and you are always in our thoughts. Cheryl and Jack
  23. Karen 335, Nina, Jane, karen, TAnn, Ray, Don, Curtis, Heather Ginny, and John. Thank you so much for the insight. I will be studying these sites listed and am grateful for the first hand experiences from survivors and care takers. I spent a couple of hours crying for people who have lost their battle, and feeling sorry for myself too. D*#@n it! I am not ready to die yet. So, I have decided to fght this blasted demon. Thank you my friends, I do feel your love and compassion through the computer. Connie B. You are so encouraging, you too Ginny. I thank you for the cards! I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS!!! Cheryl
  24. Hey All, Any information on experiences with Taxotere would be greatly appreciated. I really do not want to do chemo again, but am considering my options. I am especially interested in Avastin and Tarceva combo. Does anyone know of where this trial may be going on? I read where it is really effective with mets to the kidneys and lung cancer. I want to be very proactive with my treatment. I don't trust doctors much anymore. They offer you what treatments they are paid to promote basically. All comments will be appreciated and considered! Thanks, Cheryl
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