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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Hello Everbody, I Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone June 1st-4th on a business trip to Austin. I wish I felt better, I still have a nasty cold. I can't hear and itis making my head feel disconnected from my body. I just hope it gets better. I am taking antibiotics, and sinus medicine too. I was so looking forward to this trip, learning more about the future of mental health treatment in the state of Texas. Mostly funding and budget cuts I am afraid. Hopefully there will be some postive changes too. Take care all, and I will talk to you Friday when I return. Cheryl
  2. Joe B.?.... Wow, good idea Cheryl... I'm just afraid some hollywood producer would snag him up invisioning the return of Magnum P.I...Ha! -Jack- P.S Very good suggestion Gina... everyone here has an oncologist and lord knows how many other drs... We ALL should leave contact numbers for the site at their offices.
  3. The thing is, that everybody knows of somebody who had/ has lung cancer. After all, it is the most widely diagnosed cancer. Most people think, "Well I don't smoke so, I don't have to worry about getting lung caner." I believed that only smokers got lung cancer too. However, this board and its members have enlightened me. Now I want people to know that cigs are the major cause of lung cancer and I educate kids on the dangers of smoking. We really have to catch them before they start smoking with proactive education. Yet, who gives a flip about someone old enough to know better. We need to use our Ryan Whites of this disease to encourage smypathy and support. People also need to know that this disease is non-discriminative, and at an increasingly alarming rate. More and more people who have never smoked are becoming aflicted with lung cancer....could it be ozone depeltion, polution, something in our water???? Who knows, but if healthy young people like Joe B, Heather, and Becky can get lung cancer we are all at risk! How many people could sit through a commercial showing Joe's beautiful wife and kids, and not feel empathy for this man as lung cancer threatens to rob his family of the life they worked so hard to build. If it could happen to this guy, guess what? It could happen to you too. Joe takes care of himself, eats right, exercises, and does not smoke. People will then care, "that guy could be me." He didn't do anything to cause his cancer. Not that smokers deserve this disease. but like Jack said "there is a stigma!" Now, again, I want to emphasize that tobacco does cause cancer and should not be minimized. However, isn't it funny that the Gov. will ban the use of ephedrine, because it killed a few people. Yet cigs contribute to over 260,000 smoking related deaths per year! Our gov. relies heavily on tobacco settlement funding for gov. salary raises, new roads, children's Health insurance, etc. Oh they're all good causes I am sure, but what about using the money on smoking related issues! Why isn't this money spent on research, lung cancer treatment for the indigent, smoking sesation etc. Smokers pay a heavy price for their addiction and I would imagine given the choice, they would want this money spent on helping people that are suffering from smoking related health problems. Hey, why can't they decide how the money is to be used, they're the ones spend close to $5 a pack in some places? WE should demand some of that money be given to us!!!! Cheryl
  4. Ellen, I avoided people and did not want people to know I was sick. I have always been a strong person, and I didn't want people to see me as being weak. I wanted to be treated as normal as possible. I wanted people to see me as a viable, competitive person, who still had something to give. I also hated the stigma of lung cancer. I got so angry when asked "Did you smoke? Is it bad? Are you going to make it?" Then there were the "I knew somebody, that knew somebody with lung cancer....they died, but that want happen to you- they were too far gone when first diagnosed." How about those well meaning family members totally in denial " You don't have lung cancer anymore, those growing nodules are just a fungus." Finally, as I grew more used to the notion of having this disease and came to accept it, others did too. Everybody in town was tlking about me it seemed. I hated that, I certainly didn't want pitty, or sympathy. Yet, I now realize that other people mean well, they are uncomfortable with cancer. Only, I didn't want the job of having to make them feel o.k with it. I think God has a plan for all of us. Nobody wants this disease, and it is not a choice even if you smoked!!! It is all about how you perceive this disease and see yourself with it. I refuse to be the victim. It helps me, by helping others. I Have become involved with tobacco awreness and teen smoking. I don't mind telling people I have this disease anymore. I am no longer ashamed. I don't deserve this disease, nor does anybody else. I will share my experience to help others, to spare others of what I have had to go through. Ellen, just give him time to make sense of it all. Set small goals daily. It is o.k. to push him a little too. If he is to survive this disease, don't let him give up. It is fine too feel sorry for yourself sometimes, but then move on. Plan activities to get him back amongst the living. Just keep encouraging him. And give yourself a break too! cheryl
  5. Welcome Home Don and Lucie, Glad to have you home safely. I want the details of the trip too! Jack and I are plannng on taking a trip there soon ourselves. Cheryl
  6. Hi Mo, Don't forget Texas! We are in the storm watch too. You guys have been getting hit hard the last two weeks. I love the firework show God puts on, especially the beautiful rainbows over the house at the end. I always find that that they give me hope and show me how awsome our God really is. Tornados are a differnt story though. Take shelter and be safe. Cheryl
  7. Will they do wet and dry microscopies and blood panel? I saw a MD for this and attended a group nutritional class. I got various infusions intraveneously as my signature states, to treat the deficiencies within my body and boost my immune system. I found it really made me feel better. I am taking a break now, but will go back in the near future. I am waiting to see what my onc wants me to do in July after my CT results. Keep us posted about your doctor visit. Cheryl
  8. The average persons thinking is that cigarette smoking is the cause of Lung Cancer. Yes, we know it is a contributing factor to LC... we are going thru it and have educated ourselves to know that people that don't smoke can get lung cancer too...and many on this board are victims. I would venture to say that out of 100 people I have talked to concerning my wifes cancer... 99 of them have inquired if she smoked. There is no question that the stigma is there and this is obviously something most of us on this board are aware of. However, feeling the guilt for being a smoker is not the only detriment that is associated with this stigma...but of course, it's bad enough. The thinking of the average Joe.. "It's a shame there is no cure for LC, but gosh, simply don't smoke and you won't have to worry about it. How convenient that is for doctors to use as well. In most cases, they know your chances are poor and it makes it easier for them to explain away there miserable failings with smoking...kinda taking away the blame for not being able basically to save your life. Doctors know that many other people get LC, and don't smoke. On the other hand, how many of you know someone who has smoked for 60 years and never got LC? I can name a bunch. I am by no means condoning smoking, but i am trying to understand why #1) some do get LC that do smoke, #2) Why some don't get LC that do smoke, and #3) Why some do get LC that don't smoke? These are three very important questions. You cant' answer question #1 because of question #2. These questions really advocate that cigarettes, though very harmful, shouldn't take the brunt of blame for LC. I am a believer that the word has to get out about the stigmas... The general publics opinion is that you made your bed, now lay in it. This attitude is deeply engrained and it directly reflects how much funding and in what direction the cure for LC is being taken. These people that actually decide the dollar amounts are the "average Joes"...The stigma continues. The numbers game come into play here. I have petitioned Cure Magazine to get more involved w/ LC and to publish contacting information for this site, LCSC, in all of their publications. This should increase our numbers and make us a stronger force. In additon, I have produced a :30 Public Service Anouncement to be broadcasted on our locaL radio staion. It starts off... "I have Lung Cancer and I never smoked." This spot gives the web-site address as to increase our numbers. To go National, I actually think contacting the tobacco companies is the direction to be taken... They have the monkey on their back and would love to releive some pressure. Solicit them to run a National add in the name of this site... One that starts off with pictures of people on this board that never smoked and died of LC.(ie.. our own Becky G),the audio starting with, "I died of lung cancer and never smoked. A 30 second TV spot would be ideal, nationwide! On it would be the contact of the site. This would produce huge numbers and increase our lobby tremendously. Now you are getting the word out that people are not immune to getting LC and that by not smoking, you are not excluded from risk. It does many things...it takes away the guilt for the patient...it takes away the easy excuse for the doctor and it opens folks eyes to put demands on more funding and a smarter way of thinking than what has been done in the past history of LC. If we are to survive this disease, then we have to get on these keyboards and lobby... people spend hours on this site chatting about LC, and that is great... that is what this board is all about. At some point though, you are going to have to stand on the front line and be heard. No, it's not a pleasurable thing to do,... nothing about LC is good. It's something you HAVE to do. I'm trying every way I can to think of ways to ensure my wifes survival... I need your help. -Jack-
  9. Janis, Yes, the surgery is tough. I won't minimize the pain. I had a small 1cm nodule located in my r. mid lobe. My surgeon took my r. mid lobe and part of a section of my upper lobe as a pre-cautionary measure. My surgeon did not have to sprad my ribs much for such a small nodule. I doubt you will have any trouble getting it out either. In my case, all margins looked clear, but cancer was found in my mediastinal area and treated prior to surgery. I had a mediastinoscopy when first diagnosed which found swollen lymph glands there. Your doctor will take numerous lymph gands to test for cancer during the surgery. Most start out doing a mediastinoscopy, and if clear, proceed with a lobectomy. It is hard to lie flat after surgery. I found the chest tubes the most painful for me personally, but those were removed after 4 days. I was back at work in 3 1/2 weeks, and rode my horse at about 8 weeks. She is fast- a Tennessee Walker, but a smooth ride. Her cantor still hurt tough. Any jarring caused pain. I slept upright for quite a while. Best of luck on your surgery. P.M. me if you need any advice. Cheryl
  10. Cat, You may want to check out one of our alumni members Terrie, who was diagnosed with neuroendicrine carcinoma. She was first misdiagnosed with sqaumous cell. Mabe you can e-mail her for information. Prayers, Cheryl
  11. I apologize for being so insensitive. Sorry Snowflake -Jack-
  12. Jerrye, I am so sorry about the pancreatic stent. Just relieved that the obstruction is not pancreatic cancer. You made me laugh about the Krispy Kreme Donuts. I wish I had some words of wisdom to offer you, but don't. I would like to offer you my support though. Jerrye, if you need anything at all I am just down the road. I won't bring you the plague that I currently have right now though. I have a fierce head cold. I went to the doctors today to get some antibotics, just in case it drops into my chest. I have been scared to death I have brain met by the pressure and pain in my head. I wish a simple ache or pain could be just that.... I have missed a few days of work, which normally wouldn't be so bad, but one of the kids I counsel had a trial today. Usually, I counsel the victim, but in this case he was the perpetrator. I did not get a subpena on the case, so I guess that I am not in contempt of court....that is I wasn't at work to receive it. OOPPPS! Anyways, Keep us posted on how you are. I also hope the blood levels return to normal too. God watch over you, Cheryl
  13. In answering Ricks question about how Cure can help LCSC... and my last nickle on the subject... Since there is really no strong lobby for LC, and with 1200 members registered( basically by word of mouth), I see this as a super start to be heard. Instead of 1200 members, how bout 12,000 members. In a politicians eyes and as a rule of thumb, for every letter they receive, they equate that 60 fold. This means they look at it as if 60 people feel the same way. If they receive 12,000 letters,.... well you do the math. "Cure" could offer an eight of a page in all of their publications, heck, a business card, or even a sixteenth of a page to inform LC patients all over that they can come hear for down to earth support. Are there really any other forums out there doing that? Hopefully there are, but I haven't found any. How hard would that be for Cure to do? This would give the board the exposure to get the numbers in order to be heard... Yes, I think "Cure" and the LSCS can establish a good relationship ,but the ball is in their hands. If I am out of line and this sounds proposterous, then I'll surely shut up. I may be way off base here, I don't know. -Jack-
  14. Thanks ALCASE- I can appreciate an organization that is truely working toward the same goal, awareness and support for those with LC!!!! I am impressed. Cheryl
  15. Real dog, real cigarette with smoke coming out of his nose. The message is.... You will be treated like a dog if you get LC. -Jack-
  16. Karen, I had that very same question after I had my surgery. My surgeon told me there was no such thing as down staging? Yet, I have heard different on this board. I too would like to know the answer to this question? Cheryl
  17. Thanks again Halee... Glad she is watching the board... hope we meet her expectations, what ever that could possibly be. Thanks for taking the time to voice your opinon. -Jack-
  18. Kathy. I do hope that you are following this thread. If you sense a bit of hostiity from members of this board, please don't take it personally. What I like about you is that you took the time to respond to our board and seem to care. The hostility you sense is frustration, as we wait around each and every day watching our loved ones die from this disease. More poeple are diagnosed with this cancer than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined. Yet we are way underfunded, and the options for treatment don't give us much hope. I attended the forum last Sat., and Dr. Belani started off his presentation about the perils of smoking. He even had a cute lassie looking dog smoking a cigarette. I for one did not find it too funny. You see, that is the stigma, not everybody who gets lung cancer smokes. Why didn't he start off with something like "You don't have to smoke to get lung cancer....it could happen to you too!" The sad realty is, I wish that I were diagnosed with breast cancer. People would think,"How brave she is." Perhaps even have empathy for me, instead of "Did you smoke?" I am ashamed of this disease. Yet why is that? Nobody desreves any kind of cancer, yet society looks at me as if you got what you desreve. I am the fourth generation to now be diagnosed with lung cancer in my family. I have Adenocarcinoma with primarily BAC features, considered to be a rare form of lung cancer. Am I any less deserving of this disease? No. We just want awareness Kathy. We want more money and more attention brought to our cause. I accidentally wandered down to Sammon's breat cancer treatment area at Baylor Hospital. You work there. Now mosey on down the hall where the rest of us get treated and tell me that breast cancer is fairly treated like all the other cancers???? We want a future with hope. A diagnosis of lung cancer these days is pretty much a death sentence. I will fight this disease like many of my friedns here on this board, but we need help to fight it. Dr. Belani, was supposedly an expert in the field of lung cancer. Yet, he didn't talk about anything that he was not reseraching.- A little biased, hopefully not unimformed as an expert. There was little to no time for questions, and Dr. Belani made me feel insignificant and hopeless. I left in tears. I surely don't rest a cure totaly on Dr. Belani, but his presentation was very discouraging. Kathy, you are in the posistion to help us fight this disease with Cure Magazine. Please do not be offended by misguided anger. WE as a group are angry, but not necessarily at you. We just want for Cure Magazine to help us in this fight. Is a magazine for all Cancers- right? We need more exposure, more poeple to care and get involved. Won't you help us please. Sincerely, Cheryl
  19. Dave, I love you tenacity!! You inspire and motivate all of us. You life life on your terms. Keep it up! Cheryl
  20. Thanks for sharing that...Welcome aboard! -Jack-
  21. I am sending this open letter directly to Cure since (as K.LaTour stated, she doesn't want to carry on a dialogue with the Board)....BIG MISTAKE!! In her response she pitches the idea for everyone to come to next years convention...not a word about what she could do to help out this Board. That alone speaks volumes. -Jack-
  22. Thanks a bunch Haylee. We need more like you! -Jack-
  23. Sounds like some go-getters chalkin' up... Cheryl's an ole Va. girl... mabye we could even make it up! -Jack-
  24. Great responses from all you City folks... Mary Ann hit the nail on the head when she stated that "we are preaching to the choir"... How right you are and it gets old preaching to the choir and hering that one singer out of key... I've read the term of the WWWs on here somewhere before..., "Waiting, Watching and Wondering. I'd like to add another W to that and add Weak. Wait meets idle.. idle means as is. Wait is no good. Watch means observe and not be included.. which is not doing, and, that's not good. Wondering is helpless. You are letting others determine the outcome. That's scary. All together these Ws together create WEAK. This is the approach people have taken for the last 50 years with this disease and it's not working.. This is where we are at now. Don't wait..GO! Don't watch ..DO.. Don't wonder.. BE DETERMINED TO KNOW! I posted the E-mail address for Cure Magazine in my last post, but here it is again. This is not a witch hunt as I have been accused of by one... This is a starting point, period. My letter has already been recieved. KathyL@CURETODAY.com KathyL@BaylorHealth.EDU -Jack-
  25. KATHY LaTOUR: KathyL@CURETODAY.com KathyL@BaylorHealth.edu
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