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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Curtis, I think of you and Katie quite often. It is amazing how fast you sold your home and found another. Perhaps Becky is still there making decisions with you. Your loss is enormous, and I myself feel an ache in my heart to see her posts. She was quite a lady! Thinking of you both, Cheryl
  2. -Cheryl-

    In a peace now

    Berisa, You were and are such a "good daughter." Your Dad will never again knowl pain and suffering. He has joined his Father. In celebration of his life and passing into eternity, Cheryl
  3. Peggy, Glad it went well. Said a prayer for you and your family. Wish I was there to help do the dishes or something. Wishing you all the best. Cheryl
  4. Shelly, Holding you and your family in my prayers and thoughts. Cheryl
  5. Andrea, Olly Olly in come free! Miss you too. Cheryl
  6. Connie, Thank you for giving us all hope. May God Bless for a continued long and prosperious life. Much Love, Cheryl
  7. Billie, Rooting for you. Keep us posted on how things are going. Cheryl
  8. Mo, Glad your back. Sounds like you had a fun, full weekend. Your drive and spirit are amazing. I am sure God heard your prayers. Get some good rest and I will talk to you later. Cheryl
  9. Dave, I did vitamin IV therapy, Calcium Pushes, and Hydrogen Peroxide IVs. All were to boost my immune system. See Alt. and Comp Med Section this board. My energy definately improved. I also took various supplements and ate healthier to rid my body of candida and other toxins. I still follow this protocol, but am not as strict about the diet. I havent had an IV for about 1 1/2 months though. I was told that it can interfer with treatment, and was considering a vaccine trial. I just try to eat as healthy as I can, and cut back on the sugar. I eat a lot of whole foods. I never had any kind of reaction or side effects from any of these treatments.
  10. -Cheryl-


    Berisa, My Dad was given moraphine to comfort and ease his pain during his last days of lung cancer. We just followed the recommended schedule. My mother also died of cancer two weeks later, but refused pain meds. She slipped into a comma quickly and seemed to not have any pain. I wish I were more help, all I can say is take your cue from your Dad. It is sad to see our loved ones suffer. We feel so helpless. I remember feeling so quilty. I felt like I was over medicating my Dad. I felt guilty for wanting their suffering and mine to end. Please know that these feelings are normal should you have them. Just remember that Christ has prepared the way for your Dad to a life of imortality. Where he is going there will be no pain and suffering. You will see him again one day. Just trust in God. Cheryl
  11. Ginny, I don't think it is the meds, Earl has lost his passion in life. Most men define themselves by what they do in life for a living; whereas, ladies by their families. I myself became extremely depressed when not working because I wasn't contributing to anything, and I have no children. Talking to a therapist would help Earl to put things more into perspective, to figure out what is de-motivating him- albeit the diagnosis of cancer can really discourage anyone. What helped me was to set obtainable goals daily, exercise, support from others, plant a garden, make future plans, get out of the house, laugh together, work a couple of hours per day, atend church, get a pet, help others, just to name a few. Good Luck, Cheryl
  12. -Cheryl-

    Happy Day

    Gail, Congratulations! Celebrate life! Have a great time!! Cheryl
  13. Hi Mo, If you talk to God tell him I said "Hello." Also, tell him about the great people here on this web site and that a cure is desperately needed for LC! Have fun and hurry back! Hugs, Cheryl
  14. Yikes Fay! Glad you feel better. Cheryl
  15. Don, Never heard of aredia, but I hope that Lucie gets great results with it. Cheryl
  16. Lisa, When I was first diagnosed, three solid tumors were seen on my ovaries and uterus. They lit up on a Pet scan. However, benign growths will light up on a PET scan too. I then had a ultrasound, and my gyno thought they were solid benign cysts. Oddly, they they went away went after chemo (Cisplat/VP16.) Interestinhly, after chemo I had a CT scan, and they were gone! My sister had the same thing, and at first they thought it was ovarian cancer. Her ca-125 was elevated. The PA scared her to death, telling her that it was "more than likely cancer." It wasn't, and just as the Pet scan lit up, the ca-125 will show an elevation for benign growths too. So try not to worry. On a funny note, a couple of years ago, I told a male friend at work who was scheduled to have a physical to "be sure and ask for a ca-125. He did as I suggested, and the doctor told him "Tim, that is one cancer you don't have to worry about." He was so mad at me when he found out it was to check for ovarian cancer. I really did not know that, only that it was a blood test to detect cancer Ha!!! Cheryl
  17. Shellie, What advice would you give to a dear friend? Yes, you would have them seek help. Please do not think that seeking help means that you are weak or defected in anyway. Look in your telephone book for a local crisis hotline. Write that number down so you will have access to it in a crisis situation. Seek services through your local area mental health agency if you have one. Most will provide services to even those without insurance, or on a sliding scale. Talk to a friend or join a support group. I know you don't have much time, but you must make time for yourself. The life is being sucked out of you. Everbody is taking from you and leaving you with nothing for yourself. Don't feel guilty about taking time for yourself and giving yourself a much needed break. You are not super woman, nor can you fix everything. I doubt you would ever treat any one the way you treat yourself. Quit beating yourself up. If I can help, PM me. I may not have the answers for you, but am a pretty good listener! Cheryl
  18. Oh Carlton, Please don't let this nurse discourage you. Today is no different from yesterday, and tomorrow no different from today. If you didn't know this news, you would continue to live life and plan for tomorrow. It is a state of mind set. The majority of us have already been told we are terminal, and that there is no cure for this disease. Yet we continue on, somehow we get through it. Remember, nobody but God knows when our last breath will be. There are people on this board that were told they needed to get their live's in order, because they only had weeks to live and they are still here. Please don't lose your hope, that is what Satan wants. God will carry you through this my friend, just give this to him. I am holding you safe in my prayers. Cheryl
  19. God Bless you TAnn. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this much pain. I do hope the meds offer you some relief, and that the lung seals as well. Cheryl
  20. Hey Yaw! The lingo wears off on you ha! Tiny, Jack lived in Bossier La. most of his life. Whereabouts are you from in La.? I love that cajun food! Jack and I met in college at La. Tech in Ruston. Connie, I don't think I realized just how old I was getting till I saw everyone back home. I haven't any kids, so I am not reminded as much I think- I avoid mirrors these days anyways! Becky, you are absolutely right about "why more relatives make it to funerals, instead of reunions." I got time off for the funeral, which didn't cut into my vacation or sick time. Karen I look forward to talking to you soon. As for the rest of you, Mo, Bruce, Don, and Frank, et al. You guys really know how to cheer a girl up. Thanks, Cheryl
  21. Hip Hip Hurray!!!! So glad for you both. Give Lucy a big Hug for me! Congratulations!!!!! Cheryl
  22. -Cheryl-

    Back from Va.

    Hello Everyone, I got in late last night from my trip home for my Papaw's funeral. I am trying to get caught up on everyone's posts. It was a long trip to the south-western part of Va., in the Appalachian mountains. The trip took 32 hours of driving in the car round trip! My sister and I traded off driving. My whole body aches! I saw many relatives that I haven't seen in years. They looked so old, then I realized I too have aged! Ha! The wake and funeral service was "Old Time Baptist." I remember going to church with my Mamaw, it was pretty frightening as a child. I asked her what was wrong with the man beside us holding his ears who was speaking in tongues. She said, "Oh honey, he is just getting happy!" They sing when they preach, and work themselves up to a frenzy. They also sang old blue-grass gospel songs without musical instruments, they don't believe in having musical instruments in the church. It was an era that few will witness today, because it is dying out. Just as the language and culture are dwindling too. I am proud to have come from that hertitage. Thank you all for your responses. Prayers for you all. Cheryl
  23. Just wanted to let you know that I will be out of pocket till probably Mon.. My beloved Papaw died of black lung form years of working in the coal mines. He suffered greatly, until last night when his weary lungs just gave out. My family said that he lapsed into a coma and died peacefully, for that I am greatful. He was a kind and generous man. He gave away everything to his kids before he died some twenty years ago. My mother died of cancer, so he gave my siblings and I her portion of his land, which we leased to a coal company at his suggestion. It helped me to pay for graduate school. I am forever grateful to him and his generosity. I will miss him tremendously. Thanks for listening, Cheryl
  24. I work with an indigent population and have had a scare or two. My doctor thought I might have had TB when first being diagnosed with LC, but it turned out adeno-BAC after the bronchoscopy and biopsy. I have since learned that BAC is a virus!!! The patient I saw was a carrier and not active herself. The other time my client had a wound on his neck with TB, but forrtunaely not contagious. The wound was covered with a bandage. TB is usually an airborn disease and highly contagious. I sure hope you wee not exposed! Cheryl
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