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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Riley's Mom, Yes, I think most of us have been there. While recieving reatment you are atleast fighting this disease. Doing nothing makes you feel helpless. You psyc yourself up to fight it. Don't worry, soon you will realize that a break is just what you need to reorganize. Now you can pursue complimentary and alternative treatments to continue the fight, which are not always advisable while doing traditional treatments due to their interactions. For example, mega doses of vitamin supplements render chemo less effective. Have fun while on your summer break! Cheryl
  2. Fay, Jack and I just got this home- my dream home, then I was diagnosed a year and half later. May I join the pitty party? There is always the fear of losing it. I am working, but I pray I can keep this demon at bay to continue living her. Jack was layed off then had his heart attack. He only works here and there doing radio sportsbroadcasting. We can manage fine on my salary, just pray I can continue working. The good news is...my husband has time to do all of those home improvements now. He put in wood floors, a pipe fence, and painted the interior! I keep reminding him he had a heart attack but he ignores me. You asked for suggestions on your demolition work- I have a husband you can borrow. Jack is one demolition man!!! One day I was going to class during college, and I saw him in a hard hat directing all of these huge dump trucks. He put in a bid to demolish a burned out dwelling. He had no capital- I mean nada!!! He paid them all with the money he charged to tear it down with. He cleared a couple a grand on the job. I had no idea he did this, truth be told, neither did he!ha!. He only got the job that morning. He has never done this type of work again either.!Ha He truely is a Jack of all trades. Anyway, Good Luck. Cheryl
  3. TAnn, Congratulations! Work that hair girl!!!!! Cheryl
  4. Don, Lucy, and Daughter, Be safe and Bon voyage'!!! I wish I were going to!!! Cheryl
  5. Katie, It is a shame that we aren't able to have a booth. If you want me to hand out flyers about the site, I will be happy to. Just pm me and I will send you the Fax number. At 4:30 p.m. there will be a meeting for those interested in the Formation of the Association for Cancer Patient Education. It might be something you want to attend to give out information, since most attending are in the medical profession and can relay information about the site to their patients. Cheryl
  6. Heather, In what area is this degeneration? Is it in the area in which you were radiated? I don't see how one could undergo radiation, and not receive some damage. And like was mentioned by Joe, just the natural process of aging causes degeneration. Cheryl
  7. Katie, I am glad LCSC will be there. It should be very informative. If you need someone to fill in for you a bit,I will be there with Jack
  8. Heather, So happy for you. May God continue to Bless you cancer free my friend. Cheryl
  9. Hey Group, Anyone here going to the Patient and Survivor Forum this weekend in Los Collinas (Dallas), Texas? If so, let me know and maybe we can meet. Cheryl and Jack
  10. -Cheryl-

    One year ago today

    Fay, It is so hard to lose our loved ones. You will see your beloved Mom one day again in Heaven. It is hard to believe that it does get easier with each passing year. What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. God Bless you. Much Love, Cheryl
  11. Peg, Unfortunately, there is no book that tells us "there is one right way to grieve." It is different for each and every one of us. However, there are some things that will help you through this process. Seek support, whether it be from a friend, group, or counselor. Talk about your grief to process your feelings. Do things to help you say Good-bye: such a letter writting, make a charitable donation, plant a tree or garden, light a candle of love, make a scrapbook, etc. I know these things are trivial, but they do help. It helps to maintain your regular routine, take care of your self, seeking out spiritual guidance can also help. I am so sorry you are hurting. No one can take that pain away. It is something everyone experiences when they have a loss of someone they love. I hope the suggestions help just a little though. Much Love, Cheryl
  12. Jane, Thanks for the update on Allen. Praying for him and our family. Cheryl
  13. Dave, As you can see from the bottom of my profile, I have tried vitiman IV's, H202 IV's, Calcium/chelation pushes, and a diflucan IV. Also, Artemisinin pills. There is a lot of information on the net, debunking these treatments- but just as much info in support. I had no side effects what so ever from these treatments. Modern medicine is quick to refute any claims that are alternative and complementary in nature, cause look at the billions of dollars spent on chemo research. Chemo as we all know, does not cure lung cancer- merely hold it at bay or reduce tumors in size. There are some interesting treatments coming down the pipeline using immunological therapy......that is why I feel this kind of treatment could be beneficial. Cheryl
  14. Dave, That was well worth the wait! Ha! I think Dave enjoyed that just a little to much. I enjoyed the pics, especially the last one with the rose in the mouth. Cheryl
  15. -Cheryl-

    Dreaded scan time

    Heather, I am sure your scans will be clear. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers none the less. God less you, Cheryl
  16. Dave, I have experimented with alternative treatments as you may know, and have posted about my experiences. I must say that member's reactions have been indifferent. Some are curious and want more information, while others were both skeptical and highly critical. I certainly was not endorsing the practice of these treatments. I was only trying to share my experience....after all, isn't that what this section is all about? - "Alternative and Complimentary Medicine?" My goal was precisely to boost my immune system, and that mission was acomplished. No single magic bullet was found, but an arsenol of weapons including supplements, exercise, relaxation, humor, diet, infussions, and lots of prayer. I have now included message. My favorite! It really works circulation of blood flow and the lymphatic system. It reduces my stress, and it losens up the scar tissue from surgery, which has improved my range of motion. Again, the views expressed in this post are my own. I can only attest to what has worked for me. Karen, I enjoyed your post. I recall the research you referenced by Seligman on "Learned Helplessness." You are right. I also think so many of the previous generations never questioned their doctors. I am flabergasted at how manyy people in the waiting room don't even know what type of cancer they have, let alone the stage. Most people diagnosed with cancer are in their mid 50's to 70's. Many do not know how to search the net for information about their paticular disease. The don't know what questions to ask. I have noticed that it is the caregiver seeking out information, if at all. Again....just my opinion! Ha! Take care, Cheryl
  17. Becky, The mold is called stachybotrys. It was in the building that I use to work in, including asbestos. The building burned down due to some ungrounded wires, thank God no one was in it. We are in an old hospital now, and asbestos abatement was done back in Sept.. I am pretty sure it irritated my lungs. I have bad allergies to mold and fungus. I have had a headache, itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing all day. I don't have a cough now, but after surgery and as a result of radiation. This all gave me a small plueral efussion, which eventually went away. Just think of all the trauma that your poor lungs go through during treatment! Cheryl
  18. Elaine, My surgeon did a mediastinoscopy and closed me back up, because cancer was found in my mediastinal nodes lymph nodes. Most doctors will not perform surgery if the risk of death is higher from surgery than the increase of survival from having the surgery. Mine found a study showing a significant increase of survival from surgery with stage 3A. He conferred with all of my doctors, and e-mailed them a copy of the study. He told me he would be aggressive and do the surgery, only if I could shrink the tumor and nodes from treatment. Also, only within 1 month after treatment. All went well as hoped. He also told me that no surgery if there were mets outside of the chest due to no benefit of increase in survival rates. There are some unethical doctors out there willing to do surgery, but research the risks and benefits yourself first! Also, some people have had surgery if they rid theselves of the cancer, or if their life is jepordized such as a collapsed lung or blocked airway from the tumor. Cheryl
  19. Larry, I would be hyper and couldnt sleep right after chemo due to the steroid given with it. Make sure your wife takes the nausea meds befor she feels nauseated. Once it begins it is hard to stop. That causes drowsiness. I would get tired a few days later really bad, and take to the bed. I slept most of the day. My hair fell out at three weeks, but not completely. My hair thined severly to where my scalp was visable. I was freezing! I had heavy blankets on me all summer. I got chills, and a low grade fevor (Don't let it get past 100 degress, which indicates an infection.) DRINK!!! Dehydration is easy on this paticular chemo combo. My ears would ring, I now cannot hear high pitches at all!!! Eye sight became blurry. I still have occassions in which my eyes do not adjust to light properly and get this strob effect for a few min.. I also got chemo fog brain, I felt a sense of unrealness- kind of an out of body like experience! Ha! I didn't get this, but some have blisters in their mouths bad: although, I remember waking up and stickimg my tongue out in the mirror and running my teeth across my tongue, all my taste buds just fell off! I also had some tingling in my extremities. I hope this helps. Chemo sucks!!!!! Tell your wife to hang in there, it will be over soon. Also to remind herself that these symptoms are just a reminder that the chemo is working and doing it's job, SCLC responds well to chemo! Cheryl
  20. Hi Jean, Welcome aboard LCSC. Tell your husband to break a leg tomorrow. My husband is also in broadcasting- sports broadcasting. Last week was his first time back on the air since his heart attack. He did great, as I know your husband will do awsome himself tomorrow too!!! Cheryl
  21. Ginny, The Duke is a strong man. He has weathered a storm or two before. I remember someone on this board saying that their doctor was not as concerned about brain mets, as he ws other mets. And that they could be delt with. I am glad that the Duke's liver seems stable. However, no mets are good. Give the Duke my best and let him know that I will kep him in my prayers. Cherl
  22. Ray, I knew it wasn't you after checking back posts. I just love RAZZING YA!!!! Eileen it took a lot of courage to out yourself! Ha We won't tal about the nipple incident Jammie et al, I could never figure out which scans were what either. Becky and phylis, they make me get naked? Nah, I wear a gown. I remember once when I was waiting for radiation, they told this little senior citizen to change into one of those gowns.....well he did so, right there in the waiting area! Another lady was told to put on a gown and take everything underneath off. Her gown came to her navel! She was so cute with her little high heels on. I went and got her a longer gown. Nobody tells you crap, you are just expected to know these things and do as they say. Patients just do as they are told. Jack my better half, will have none of it!!! He makes sure my treatment isn't sub par! You got to laugh though. Cheryl
  23. Thank you for the aniversary wishes. I am nobody special. Just don't much like the alternative, Ha! I would like to wish us all many, many more aniversaries. God Please find a cure for this disease! Bless all of my new found family. Love you guys, Cheryl
  24. Andre, May tomorrow be successful. Praying for clear skies and that you make lots of money for the Cause!!!!! Much Love, Cheryl
  25. Shirley, Hurray! Congratulations on your successful fundraising endevor! Ouch for you! Hope the surgery goes well! Cheryl
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