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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. how exciting,"Please keep us up to detail on recovery God Bless, Cheryl
  2. "Happy Belated Birthday Mo" Birthday wishes of many more to come, You are an inspirtional lady to us all. I am proud to know you!!! Love, Cheryl
  3. Shellie, I am sorry honey.Prayers being offered to see you through this. I wish we could be there to relieve you and offer support. Cheryl
  4. "Happy Birthday Katie!!!" I hope you are feeling better from the ear infection. Cheryl
  5. -Cheryl-

    Bummed out

    Dear Joyce, Don't worry about bringing anyone down. I was well on my way, but not from your post my dear. I am home sick with a blasted cold, started my period, and don't get me started about the cancer. Everyone is entitled to feeling "Bumbed" sometimes. I went outsde to read, and just broke down in tears. My husband left and came back with the largest three musketers candy bar I have ever seen! Only I don't think chocholate will fix this. Sure would be nice if chocholate were given to cancer patients instead of chemo- heck it is probably just as effective. Ha! Anyway, I just wanted to say that sometimes medical professionals will exaggerate a situation when dealing with insurances and medicaid to get the treatment or scans we need because they are not deemed medically necessary. Joyce, I think just about everyone with a cancer diagnosis is considered terminal? Especially, with only a 13% survival rate for stage 3 and up! Lets prove them wrong, o.k.! I am praing for you and your children. Cheryl
  6. I am just an old country boy, but here's what I'd do if asked to put on a Convention. No I wouldn't need yer marble laced Marriott Hotel to have it in... costs too ded gum much and us folks that are sick, well, we can't hardly afford it. We are willin' to go wherever else though, even a pasture if neccessary. We just want to hear the information we are coming to git... Instead of havin' the thermostat set at 60 degrees and virtually runnin' the patients undergoin' chemo out of there, We'd open the winders and let the air in! Yeah we would have a little different take on thangs... No stuffy speakers and high dollar suits... We'd have someone interestin' and inspirin' like 9 year LC survivor Connie Bercham. She would get up and entertain us with real life stories.... why I bet she don't even know what a percentage even looks like! Yeah, we wouldn't be a tryin'to sell books to our sick either...especially if the one puttin' on the event was a sellin' her own book. We look upon that as being "too thin". We wouldn't take a kindly to arrogant doctors... WE have our own remedies fer those types. Drug companies would not be alowwed to set up booths... I knowed we could make a lot of money doing it, but that bothers and confuses we that are ill. Ya see, we just come to git the information on how we can make ourselves better. No, we wouldn't run you like cattle in a sandwhich line either for lunch while the Drs. ate in the fancy restraunt downstairs... We'd all brang a sack lunch and eat together....saves a little money and gives the Dr. more time to speak to the patients who have a lot of questions. Yeah, we'd keep her simple...just the facts m'am! No glitz and glamour...that's not what we are here fer. we just want to git well. In closing, we'd all say a prayer... Ya see, that's how we'd do it. But then again, I'm just an old country boy. -Farmer Jack-
  7. !200 complaints to the Cure sponsors would probably ruin her day... I hate to work in that manner, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. -Jack-
  8. Dear Kathy LaTour, Do you recall the doctor telling you "Well, I am sorry Mrs. LaTour, but the results of the tests confirm you have cancer." Now imagine if you will, that diagnosis as not being breast cancer,but lung cancer, And the chances for survival aren't 80%, but less than 13% of living beyond two years. Then you have to deal with the stigma of "Did you smoke?" Do people ask women with cervical cancer,,,"did practice safe sex?" What about someone with liver cancer "Were you an alcholic?" Most doctors look at you as if you are dead already- no hope for you- you got lung cancer, we have no cures for that disease. Doctors avoid answering our questions , because the have no answers. Kathy I listened to your presentation and was inspired and moved. I went to this forum looking for answers, trying to find hope. after attending the breakout session on LC, I left scared and depressed. No answers were offered, no encouragement, no hope for a future at all. I felt doctors look beyond us, as if we weren't there, I am the face of lung cancer, do not look away. Know my fear and my sadness. Help us find a cure. Help us save our mother, fathers, brothers,wife's, children. This disease knows now boundaries. It is quit a diverse group of people. Please here our prayes an help us. Cheryl
  9. Jack is passionate about finding a cure for this disease. God Bless him and his intentions. I am proud that he speaks the truth and from his heart. How many of us stifle our true feelings just to be "politially correct?" All I have to say is "a squeaky wheel gets the grease!" Do you think "Cure" magazine would have signed on just to catch the "latest suggestion on ways to improve bowel movements without laxatives?" I am afraid not! Just an update....the editor, Kathy LaTour, wanted our address. I guess to mail us back our $100 from the Forum. We would like to donate the money to LCSC if that is the case! Lung cancer is the most widely diagnosed cancer in the world. There are too many of us. Be a pest, write some letters, make some calls, stir things up, step on some toes, do whatever it take to be heard. Just be heard! We are a force to reckon with. We need hope for the future. We need a cure for this disease.!!!! Cheryl
  10. John, My sentiments exactly! Gene therapy wasn't discussed at the Natl. Patient and Survivors forum and here we are for God's sake, right in Dallas where the bulk of research for GVAX is taking place. Targeted therapies??? They are all basically the same thing- knock offs of Iressa. Chemos haven't change much over twenty years. First line is still Cisplat! And finally, why the *#ll don't they do chemo sensitivity testing on everyone when they take sample of a tumor to determine a diagnosis? Instead, we waste people's time, money, and ultimately their lives!!!! Chemo is poison. Unfortunately, it is the best option for widespread cancer. But it doesn' stop lung cacer, it is not a cure. It will only buy time and perhaps shrink it. That is if it doesn't make you sick or, you die from an infection during the interim. Cheryl
  11. Mrs. LaTour, I find it interesting in your response that you were a "survivor"... I am happy you are a BREAST cancer survivor and only wish a magazine such as yours and the powers it has, would devote the deserved time and attention to LC as has been given to breast cancer research. You are reaping the benefits of the heavy lobbying for that disease... I am happy for you. Folks on this site don't have that luxury. Cure ought to be all over this disease and actually challenge the medical community, that is unless you have to already watch who's toes you are stepping on. There were some good things at the event. Your story was great and I enjoyed meeting Jerry VanDyke even though it was under bad circumstances. If you were familiar with the site, you would have noticed my wifes posting on your convention. She had several good things to say about it. I will certainly not doubt the credentials of your Dr. Belani... All I said was he was one of the rudest, impatient and arrogant individuals I have met in a long time. I'll stand by that... I was at the meeting, I witnessed it. I challenge you to get the list from the Baylor support group that was at that meeting. I guaranteee you will be hard pressed to find a happy customer there. I am sorry you can't take some constructive critisism about your convention.. especially when you weren't at that meeting. Yea, I could use that money for prescriptions, but you go ahead and keep it to help pay for your high dollar speakers that say nothing... PLease understand these are my views only and I speak for no one else.. -Jack-
  12. I e-mailed Cure Magazine this morning w/ my complaints and in that message I mentioned our website and gave the address. I aso mentioned how many members we have and how I notified everyone on this board of the outcome of the Seminar ... Now I noticed that they have since registered on our board. It's amazing how quick things happen when you try. I hope they are reading what really goes on in the lives of LC patients. Now, if they are smart, they will give LCSC some free attention in their publication. -Jack-
  13. Maybe the LCSC needs to contact Cure and suggest an Oncologist such as Andrea's to speak on LC at their conventions. People who have faith and hope want Drs. w/ the same. -Jack-
  14. I was going to post this in the "Activism" section but admittingly, I do not visit that forum often. As I glance at the forum, I also see very few hits and replies. I recently attended the 1st Annual National Cancer Survivor Seminar sponsored by "Cure Magazine" held in Dallas, Texas. My take on the whole thing was a little different. For instance..., I think the title of the seminar should have been, The 1st Annual National Cancer Survivor(Lung Cancer not included) Seminar. Yes, the lady that runs the mag is a breast cancer survivor and a lot was discussed about that. Cheryl and I kept waiting to hear about the progress in Lung Cancer. Well we waited and waited for naught. LC was touched on very breifly in the main meeting and we thought we would get more in he "breakdown" sessions... one was on LC and was being presented by the main speaker...Dr. Chandra Belani. This guy is from somehere in the Middle East and I was noticing his demeanor before the meeting. The tailor made suit and the "Rolex" caught my attention first off. His cocky swagger caught the eyes of most of the ladies. Yes, I was interested in what he had to say and was looking forward to the session. I mean, as confident as the guy appeared, he must have some great things to say about L.C. This doctor is an Onclogist at some hospital in Pittsburg and maybe some have heard of him...I certainly had not. At any rate, we attended the 2pm meeting where e saw a video on smoking to start things off. The stigma continues and right off the bat, I was not impressed. Then this arrogant SOB went into a 20 minute lightening round discussion on LC and touching on very little. All we heard were percentages... it seems these doctors intentionally try to deflate you so you won't have any hope. They don't want you asking the questions because they can't answer them and again, I got the sense he was just trying to hurry up and get the meeting over. In some of his answers to the attendees, he was actually rude and recommended Phase one trials. I kept raising my hand but was never called upon. My question was simple... how can you go to work knowing you are not going to accomplish what your whole career is about, and also get a big fat check to boot? Who in the hell do you think you are walking around this place like you are God. What is it that you are so proud about? You have done, and offer nothing to your patients but doom and gloom. Don't you realize the patient knows thats a possibility? We payed to come here to hear the knew things with LC not the old news...Wake up for the week... this guy barely even knew about GVAX and obviously didn't discuss it. He did recommend getting on the internet and search for information! Wow, this guy taught me so much and I certainly got my $100 worth! What this guy needs is his *ss kicked for looking down on his patients and not demanding answers from drug companies and researchers. If i was a mechanic and you brought your car into me and I say I cant fix it then I am not going to stay in business long, especially if you paid me, I was arrogant about it and I did not fix it. I am tired of being blown off by these jerks and treated like we are a pain. If they think we are a pain, then we ought to give them a real reason to think we are a pain. I hope all 1100 of the members on the board read this about Belani and tell 1100 more people about him. I will be sending this to him for him to observe. I want him to know that he is not welcome around my house. Got any more asses for Drs. out there?... Let us all know who they are so we can spread the word... there is no sense in future patients having to go thru what others have had to. While we are at it, Shame on Cure Magazine for leaving out LC. You certainly took $50 a pop from these survivors so you could pay your damn doctors who attended but offered us nothing. Call, write or scream, but give them hell. We are a large volume of people that could make a lot of noise if we wanted to. Somebody did it with breast cancer and look at the results. We can either be nice about it all or we can raise hell. If this offends anybody then I suggest you "get over it! Please dont ask what I am doing about it, I am already a step ahead of you...What are you doing? -Jack- P.S. On the way home from the Seminar, Cheryl was brought to tears from diappointment...That pisses me off!
  15. Jim, Good Luck Tue. Praying the trial is working for you. I love the pic of "you and your shadow." Cheryl
  16. Bobby, The surgeon makes a flap out of the breast muscle to close the incision after the surgery when removing lobes of the lung. Did your mom have this procedure done? Many have pain and numbness following surgery for some time. Cheryl
  17. ANdrea, You just like saying the word "balls." Hee, hee, heee!!!
  18. Hey Becky, If I must volunteer for a worthy cause, I want to do the prostate exams! Ha! I wonder if that would get me arrested Andrea....Since I am not a medical professional. Hey, anything that goes on between two legally consenting adults is ethical! Ha! Cheryl
  19. Fay, This story was so inspring. I got a grant to educate kids on tobacco awareness. I will promote it to the schools in my county. I am hoping to follow Barbs foot steps in a small way locally. thanks for the article. How are my fellow horse enthusists doing? I hope your Dad and girls are riding a lot. I am planning on getting another horse, because my mare is getting too pregnant to ride. She will foal, then not want to trail ride without her baby for a while. My stallion's days are numbered. Our vet was in a car accident, but will be well enough to come out to geld him by the end of this month. This other man is coming to pick him up to train him following. I don't think I will get on him though. I am too much of a novice. Jack can have at him. Ha! Cheryl
  20. Ginny and Donna, You are right that this disease is greedy, ad it robs one of their time and energy whether you are a patient or a caregiver. However, anything one can do is helpful. Just think, if everybody did something, whatever they could do, what a force we would be to reckon with! It is empowering to become active in the fight of this disease, especially when cancer leaves one feeling so helpless. I know I can do more. Just some ideas- Who are among the richest and strongest lobbyst in the world? Drug Companies! The makers of cancer treatments need to give back to us!!!!! We need to coherse them into digging deep in their pockets and supporting LCSC. I mean, Iressa is atleast $1500 per person per month!!! We should get them to sponsor us, pay for our brochures, and our promotional items (pens, hats, shirts ect...) We need more volunters to attend events to promote awareness of this disease and this board, creae fund raising events. Tobacco companies would probably get involved to appear as if they care. We cannot put the responsibility off on Katie, Rick, and a handful of people. Common guys, we are 1100 strong!!!! Cheryl
  21. Hey Folks, I attended the 1st National Patient and Survivor Forum today sponsored by Cure magazine. I thought I would share my experience with you. I was hoping to meet some LCSC board members at the forum. Unfortunately, I did not meet narry a one. Did anybody go? I know, I live here in the Dallas area. Your point? Ha! Yes, it was closer for me, but hey I got up this morning at the crack of dawn...and on a Sat. no less. It was worth it though. It was a pretty good conference! I attended a breakout session on Lung & Head/ Neck/ Throat Cancer with Dr. Chandra Belani, and Dr. Barry Levinson presenting. I was least impressed by this paticular presentation though, mainly because the progress offered thus far in lung cancer research is pitiful!!! WE have got to do more as a group to change this. The progress in Lung cancer treatment over the last 100 years has barely changed- the survival rates are not much different!!! It makes me angry!!! It is not acceptable. Anyway- ( Couldn't help the outburst), there was little time allowed for the question answer portion of the presentation, probably because they have no definitive answer for a lung cancer cure. This web site is more up to date on cutting edge treatments, thanks to the plethora of information shared by it's members. I will, however, pass along advances in clinical trials for you to ask your doctors about, or to do a web search on if interested. Targeted Therapies-(Specifically kills tumor cells while preserving normal cells.) *VEGF-Avastin * Iressa *Tarceva *Erbitux *ABX-EGF * Note: I think all of these drugs are like Iressa, they are the new competition for Iressa. They work the same way, so if one doesn't work, nor will the others. Other trials going on in various hospitals: Xyotax, Targretin, Sarasar, and Alimta. No immunological therapies were mentioned until I asked about them. They skirted my question on whether or not the trial will be opening up to include others with tumors only in the lung- like people who have BAC? Dr. Belani is a Lung Cancer Specialist from Penn. I believe, and didn't have much knowledge on GVAX and other gene therapies. However, Dr. Levinson hails from Baylor Hospital, right here in Dallas. There were cancer surivors from all over the world there. Jack talked for a good half an hour with Jerry VanDyke (movie actor), whose wife has ovarian cancer. There were lots of interesting presentations on numerous topics from humor to pain management. I met lots of lung cancer patients and survivors. I printed up LCSC flyers and handed them all out! I actually ran out of them!!! There was a good turn out for the forum- I beieve between 450-500 people! Kathy Latour, the Senior Editor for the Cure magazine, was both delightful and entertaining. All in all, it was uplifting to be amongst that many cancer survivors in one room. Cheryl
  22. Cat, I hope your pain subsides. You know, after being diagnosed with cancer,every ache and pain becomes possible cancer. As my dear friend Don Wood says "Don't borrow trouble." It very wel could be just stress. I will pray for you none the less my dear. Praying for good results, Cheryl
  23. Dave and Tiny I am belly laughing Scan time is so scarey and serious- it is great o find humor in them when you can. Cheryl
  24. Dean, So glad that you can find joy in the simple things in life, like watching flowers bloom. If we pay attention, we will see all of God's little miracles! Cheryl
  25. Angie, Prayers being sent for your Dear Dad. Carbo/ Taxol can definately cause neuropathy in the extremities. Cheryl
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